Debt: Bankruptcy, Article 9 and Related Laws Modern Cases and Materials (American Casebooks (Hardcover))

David G. Epstein

  Debt: Bankruptcy, Article 9 and Related Laws Modern Cases and Materials (American Casebooks (Hardcover))  David G. Epstein  Provides material so students can Provides material so students can "answer" problems (to the extent the problems have answers). Materials on traditional state collection remedies are reduced, while materials on Chapter 11 are expanded. New chapters deal with single-asset real estate bankruptcy cases, compare workouts with Chapter 11, survey the liability of third parties, such as sureties, insiders, and issuers of letters of credit, and examine the liability of lenders to the debtor to other lenders and to the government under a varietyof theories ranging from breach of participations agreements to environmental accountability....


Н. Бажанов

  Танеев  Н. Бажанов  Молодая гвардия.   Н. Бажанов. Танеев.   В процессе создания книги автором использованы архивные материалы: Рукописные воспоминания современников композитора Ю.Л. Давыдова, С.В. Евсеева и Э.К. Розанова, исследования Вл. Протопопова, В. Иванова-Корсунского, профессора Козьмина, В.А. Жданова (из архивов Дома-музея П.И. Чайковского в Клину), профессора П.В. Танеева; Воспоминания А. Карцева и В.А. Булычева (из архивов Мемориального музея Тенеева, Чехова и Левитана в селе Дюдькове Звенигородского района Московской области); Переписка С.И. Танеева: с М.И. Чайковским, с семьей Масловых, с О. и Ф. Гартман, с В.Е. Маковским и М.К. Бенуа, а также дневники С. Танеева за 1895, 1899, 1902, 1903 и 1905 годы (из фондов Дома-музея П.И. Чайковского.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Молодая гвардия. Н. Бажанов. Танеев. В процессе создания книги автором использованы архивные материалы: Рукописные воспоминания современников композитора Ю.Л. Давыдова, С.В. Евсеева и Э.К. Розанова, исследования Вл. Протопопова, В. Иванова-Корсунского, профессора Козьмина, В.А. Жданова (из архивов Дома-музея П.И. Чайковского в Клину), профессора П.В. Танеева; Воспоминания А. Карцева и В.А. Булычева (из архивов Мемориального музея Тенеева, Чехова и Левитана в селе Дюдькове Звенигородского района Московской области); Переписка С.И. Танеева: с М.И. Чайковским, с семьей Масловых, с О. и Ф. Гартман, с В.Е. Маковским и М.К. Бенуа, а также дневники С. Танеева за 1895, 1899, 1902, 1903 и 1905 годы (из фондов Дома-музея П.И. Чайковского....

Thinking with Diagrams

Alan F. Blackwell

  Thinking with Diagrams  Alan F. Blackwell  Kluwer Academic Publishers.   This book provides an introductory overview of the rapid growth in interdisciplinary research into Thinking with Diagrams. Diagrammatic representations are becoming more common in everyday human experience, yet they offer unique challenges to cognitive science research. Neither linguistic nor perceptual theories are sufficient to completely explain their advantages and applications. These research challenges may be part of the reason why so many diagrams are badly designed or badly used. This is ironic when the user interfaces of computer software and the worldwide web are becoming so completely dominated by graphical and diagrammatic representations. This book includes chapters commissioned from leading researchers in the major disciplines involved in diagrams research. They review the philosophical status of diagrams, the cognitive processes involved in their application, and a range of specialist fields in which diagrams are central, including education, architectural design and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kluwer Academic Publishers. This book provides an introductory overview of the rapid growth in interdisciplinary research into Thinking with Diagrams. Diagrammatic representations are becoming more common in everyday human experience, yet they offer unique challenges to cognitive science research. Neither linguistic nor perceptual theories are sufficient to completely explain their advantages and applications. These research challenges may be part of the reason why so many diagrams are badly designed or badly used. This is ironic when the user interfaces of computer software and the worldwide web are becoming so completely dominated by graphical and diagrammatic representations. This book includes chapters commissioned from leading researchers in the major disciplines involved in diagrams research. They review the philosophical status of diagrams, the cognitive processes involved in their application, and a range of specialist fields in which diagrams are central, including education, architectural design and......

Cryptography: Diffusing the Confusion (Communications Systems, Techniques and Applications Series)

Simon Shepherd

  Cryptography: Diffusing the Confusion (Communications Systems, Techniques and Applications Series)  Simon Shepherd  Thirty years ago, cryptography was the almost exclusive preserve of the Government and Military. Today it is the key technology underlying the Internet revolution and is of critical commercial and academic importance. The broadband technology necessary to make Internet commerce a reality is already with us, but the best networks in the world are effectively useless if no one will trust them with their sensitive commercial, financial, medical or military data. Most books on cryptography are written by mathematicians for mathematicians and assume more background than many are likely to possess. This book readdresses this balance with self-contained tutorial-styled chapters along with worked examples. Looking to the future, completion of the sequencing of the Human Genome has opened new doors in the treatment of disease. This book suggests it will be cryptographers not medics who will make critical advances.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Thirty years ago, cryptography was the almost exclusive preserve of the Government and Military. Today it is the key technology underlying the Internet revolution and is of critical commercial and academic importance. The broadband technology necessary to make Internet commerce a reality is already with us, but the best networks in the world are effectively useless if no one will trust them with their sensitive commercial, financial, medical or military data. Most books on cryptography are written by mathematicians for mathematicians and assume more background than many are likely to possess. This book readdresses this balance with self-contained tutorial-styled chapters along with worked examples. Looking to the future, completion of the sequencing of the Human Genome has opened new doors in the treatment of disease. This book suggests it will be cryptographers not medics who will make critical advances....

Adobe PageMaker 7.0 Classroom in a Book

Adobe Creative Team, Adobe Creative Team

  Adobe PageMaker 7.0 Classroom in a Book  Adobe Creative Team, Adobe Creative Team  You've added Adobe PageMaker7.0 to your digital studio (or plan to). Now pick up the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to master the award-winning page-layout program--Adobe PageMaker 7.0 Classroom in a Book. This bestselling, hands-on workbook and CD package delivers something no other guide can: Adobe?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин You've added Adobe PageMaker7.0 to your digital studio (or plan to). Now pick up the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to master the award-winning page-layout program--Adobe PageMaker 7.0 Classroom in a Book. This bestselling, hands-on workbook and CD package delivers something no other guide can: Adobe?...

<<<  The Guide to the Federal Budget: Fiscal 2000. Stan Collender, Stanley E. ...             International Income Taxation: Code and Regulations--Selected ... >>>

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Debt: Bankruptcy, Article 9 and Related Laws Modern Cases and Materials (American Casebooks (Hardcover)). David G. Epstein . Книги.

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