The Art of Talking to Anyone: Essential People Skills for Success in Any Situation

Rosalie Maggio

  The Art of Talking to Anyone: Essential People Skills for Success in Any Situation  Rosalie Maggio  From the author of How to Say It , the million-copies-sold bestseller If you want to improve your conversational skills--and achieve greater levels of personal and professional success-- The Art of Talking to Anyone is the ultimate book. Rosalie Maggio has built a career on teaching people how to say the right thing at the right time--and she's made her techniques available to you. This essential communication handbook includes: Sample dialogues, topics, and responses Quick-reference dos and don'ts Tips for handling special situations Confidence-building advice and quotations Key words that get to the business at hand Whether it's small talk or big, social or work-related, The Art of Talking to Anyone gives you all the tools you need to speak up with confidence, to charm and persuade, and to talk your way through any situation--successfully.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From the author of How to Say It , the million-copies-sold bestseller If you want to improve your conversational skills--and achieve greater levels of personal and professional success-- The Art of Talking to Anyone is the ultimate book. Rosalie Maggio has built a career on teaching people how to say the right thing at the right time--and she's made her techniques available to you. This essential communication handbook includes: Sample dialogues, topics, and responses Quick-reference dos and don'ts Tips for handling special situations Confidence-building advice and quotations Key words that get to the business at hand Whether it's small talk or big, social or work-related, The Art of Talking to Anyone gives you all the tools you need to speak up with confidence, to charm and persuade, and to talk your way through any situation--successfully....

Трудовой кодекс Российской Федерации. С изменениями и дополнениями на 15 октября 2007 года

  Трудовой кодекс Российской Федерации. С изменениями и дополнениями на 15 октября 2007 года  Эксмо.   Проверено. ГАРАНТ.   Настоящее издание содержит текст Трудового кодекса Российской Федерации с изменениями и дополнениями на 15 октября 2007 года, дополненный комментариями юристов компании Эксмо. Проверено. ГАРАНТ. Настоящее издание содержит текст Трудового кодекса Российской Федерации с изменениями и дополнениями на 15 октября 2007 года, дополненный комментариями юристов компании "Гарант". Издание предназначено для широкого круга читателей, работодателей и работников, специалистов кадровых служб, бухгалтеров, юристов-практиков, студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей юридических и экономических вузов и колледжей, а также всех, интересующихся вопросами трудового законодательства. Книга подготовлена к печати с использованием справочной правовой системы Гарант....

Perfect Phrases for Business Letters

Ken O'Quinn

  Perfect Phrases for Business Letters  Ken O'Quinn  McGraw-Hill.   Perfect Phrases.   Whether it's writing a proposal, motivating employees, or reaching out to customers, the Perfect Phrases series has the tools you need for precise, effective communication. Distilling complex ideas into specific phrases that diplomatically and honestly depict the concepts at hand, this invaluable series provides: The best techniques to communicate messages and goals in business letters and proposals. Tips for bringing out the best in every employee in every business. Dialogues and scripts to practice interactions with customers or employees - tailorable to any industry or company culture. Phrases for each step of the sales process. Издание на английском языке.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин McGraw-Hill. Perfect Phrases. Whether it's writing a proposal, motivating employees, or reaching out to customers, the Perfect Phrases series has the tools you need for precise, effective communication. Distilling complex ideas into specific phrases that diplomatically and honestly depict the concepts at hand, this invaluable series provides: The best techniques to communicate messages and goals in business letters and proposals. Tips for bringing out the best in every employee in every business. Dialogues and scripts to practice interactions with customers or employees - tailorable to any industry or company culture. Phrases for each step of the sales process. Издание на английском языке....

Предела нет

Леонид Платов

  Предела нет  Леонид Платов  Воениздат, Панас.   Библиотека детектива и военных приключений.   Книгу составляют три повести о подвигах советских военных моряков в годы Великой Отечественной войны: Воениздат, Панас. Библиотека детектива и военных приключений. Книгу составляют три повести о подвигах советских военных моряков в годы Великой Отечественной войны: "Бухта Потаенная", "Когти тигра", "Предела нет". Чтобы рельефнее подчеркнуть романтику ратного труда своих героев, автор показывает их в остродинамичных ситуациях. Книга рассчитана па массового читателя....

Black Like You: Blackface, Whiteface, Insult & Imitation in American Popular Culture

John Strausbaugh

  Black Like You: Blackface, Whiteface, Insult & Imitation in American Popular Culture  John Strausbaugh  A refreshingly clearheaded and taboo-breaking look at race in America reveals our culture as neither Black nor White nor Other, but a mix-a mongrel. Black Like You is an erudite and entertaining exploration of race relations in American popular culture. Particularly compelling is the author's ability to tackle blackface--a strange, often scandalous, and now taboo entertainment. Although blackface performance came to be denounced as purely racist mockery, and shamefacedly erased from most modern accounts of American cultural history, Strausbaugh shows that, nevertheless, its impact has been deep and longlasting. The influence of blackface can be seen in rock and roll and hip-hop; in vaudeville, Broadway, and drag performances; in Mark Twain and A refreshingly clearheaded and taboo-breaking look at race in America reveals our culture as neither Black nor White nor Other, but a mix-a mongrel. Black Like You is an erudite and entertaining exploration of race relations in American popular culture. Particularly compelling is the author's ability to tackle blackface--a strange, often scandalous, and now taboo entertainment. Although blackface performance came to be denounced as purely racist mockery, and shamefacedly erased from most modern accounts of American cultural history, Strausbaugh shows that, nevertheless, its impact has been deep and longlasting. The influence of blackface can be seen in rock and roll and hip-hop; in vaudeville, Broadway, and drag performances; in Mark Twain and "gangsta lit"; in the earliest filmstrips and Hollywood's 2004 White Chicks ; on radio and television; in advertising and product marketing; and even in the way Americans speak. With remarkable common sense and......

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The Art of Talking to Anyone: Essential People Skills for Success in Any Situation. Rosalie Maggio . Книги.

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