Latitude and the Magnetic Earth (Revolutions in Science)

Stephen Pumfrey

  Latitude and the Magnetic Earth (Revolutions in Science)  Stephen Pumfrey  Book DescriptionUnfolding the drama of Gilbert's discoveries, this book climaxes with an exploration of geomagnetism, via the story of the logitude schemes so crucial today's seafarers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionUnfolding the drama of Gilbert's discoveries, this book climaxes with an exploration of geomagnetism, via the story of the logitude schemes so crucial today's seafarers....

Wild Blessings: The Poetry of Lucille Clifton (Southern Literary Studies)

Hilary Holladay

  Wild Blessings: The Poetry of Lucille Clifton (Southern Literary Studies)  Hilary Holladay  Book DescriptionWidely acclaimed for her powerful explorations of race, womanhood, spirituality, and mortality, poet Lucille Clifton has published ten volumes of poems since 1969 and has received numerous accolades for her work, including the 2000 National Book Award for Blessing the Boats. Her verse is featured in almost every anthology of contemporary poetry, and her readings draw large and enthusiastic audiences. Although Clifton?s poetry is a pleasure to read, it is neither as simple nor as blithely celebratory as readers sometimes assume. The bursts of joy found in her polished, elegant lines are frequently set against a backdrop of regret and sorrow. Alternately consoling, stimulating, and emotionally devastating, Clifton?s poems are unforgettable. In Wild Blessings, Hilary Holladay offers the first full-length study of Clifton?s poetry, drawing on a broad knowledge of the American poetic tradition and African American poetry in particular. Holladay places...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWidely acclaimed for her powerful explorations of race, womanhood, spirituality, and mortality, poet Lucille Clifton has published ten volumes of poems since 1969 and has received numerous accolades for her work, including the 2000 National Book Award for Blessing the Boats. Her verse is featured in almost every anthology of contemporary poetry, and her readings draw large and enthusiastic audiences. Although Clifton?s poetry is a pleasure to read, it is neither as simple nor as blithely celebratory as readers sometimes assume. The bursts of joy found in her polished, elegant lines are frequently set against a backdrop of regret and sorrow. Alternately consoling, stimulating, and emotionally devastating, Clifton?s poems are unforgettable. In Wild Blessings, Hilary Holladay offers the first full-length study of Clifton?s poetry, drawing on a broad knowledge of the American poetic tradition and African American poetry in particular. Holladay places......

Nights in the Gardens of Brooklyn: The Collected Stories of Harvey Swados (New York Review Books Classics)

Harvey Swados

  Nights in the Gardens of Brooklyn: The Collected Stories of Harvey Swados (New York Review Books Classics)  Harvey Swados  Book DescriptionThese stories offer a clear-eyed reckoning with life's contradictions, losses, and consolations: a professor's wife loses her connection to her husband but rediscovers herself; a boy who idolizes his uncle learns about human fallibility; and in the celebrated title novella, a generation of post-war idealists in New York come to terms with a country increasingly divided against itself.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThese stories offer a clear-eyed reckoning with life's contradictions, losses, and consolations: a professor's wife loses her connection to her husband but rediscovers herself; a boy who idolizes his uncle learns about human fallibility; and in the celebrated title novella, a generation of post-war idealists in New York come to terms with a country increasingly divided against itself....

Sex Sells! Реклама, которая дает сверхприбыли

Анжелика Альпеншталь

  Sex Sells! Реклама, которая дает сверхприбыли  Анжелика Альпеншталь  НТ Пресс.   Нестандартный бизнес.   Эта книга о рекламе для тех, кто не боится экспериментировать с сознанием, бизнесом, деньгами и воображением. Прочитав ее, вы, может быть удивитесь, может быть, разозлитесь, может быть, местами будете смеяться или, наоборот, наплачете три озера слез. Но равнодушной она вас не оставит. Это я вам обещаю.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин НТ Пресс. Нестандартный бизнес. Эта книга о рекламе для тех, кто не боится экспериментировать с сознанием, бизнесом, деньгами и воображением. Прочитав ее, вы, может быть удивитесь, может быть, разозлитесь, может быть, местами будете смеяться или, наоборот, наплачете три озера слез. Но равнодушной она вас не оставит. Это я вам обещаю....

Битва железных канцлеров

Валентин Пикуль

  Битва железных канцлеров  Валентин Пикуль  ЛЕНИЗДАТ.   Кроме известного романа ЛЕНИЗДАТ. Кроме известного романа "Пером и шпагой" в книгу входит роман "Битва железных канцлеров", в центре которого дипломатическая дуэль между канцлерами А.М.Горчаковым и Бисмарком....

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Latitude and the Magnetic Earth (Revolutions in Science). Stephen Pumfrey . Книги.

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Драмы| Любовь и эротика| Парапсихология| Индийское кино| Оперетты| Обществознание| Театр. Сценическое искусство| Интернет-маркетинг. Интернет-реклама| Физико-математические науки| Организационный и производственный менеджмент| Воздушный транспорт. Космонавтика| Правоведение| На французском языке|
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