Очерки истории ленинградской организации КПСС. Том 1. 1883-1917

  Очерки истории ленинградской организации КПСС. Том 1. 1883-1917  ЛЕНИЗДАТ.   Очерки истории ленинградской организации КПСС. Том 1. 1883-1917.   Издание 1980 года. Сохранность хорошая. Издание подготовлено Институтом истории партии Ленинградского обкома КПСС. Ленинградская партийная организация играла важную роль на всех этапах истории КПСС-в период борьбы партии за победу диктатуры пролетариата, когда в Петербурге-Петрограде жил и работал В.И.Ленин; в период упрочения завоеваний Великого Октября; в годы социалистического строительства и Великой Отечественной войны. Видное место среди других крупных отрядов КПСС Ленинградская организация занимает и сейчас, в условиях развитого социализма и строительства коммунистического общества. Том I охватывает период 1883-1917 гг. Составитель З.С.Миронченкова.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ЛЕНИЗДАТ. Очерки истории ленинградской организации КПСС. Том 1. 1883-1917. Издание 1980 года. Сохранность хорошая. Издание подготовлено Институтом истории партии Ленинградского обкома КПСС. Ленинградская партийная организация играла важную роль на всех этапах истории КПСС-в период борьбы партии за победу диктатуры пролетариата, когда в Петербурге-Петрограде жил и работал В.И.Ленин; в период упрочения завоеваний Великого Октября; в годы социалистического строительства и Великой Отечественной войны. Видное место среди других крупных отрядов КПСС Ленинградская организация занимает и сейчас, в условиях развитого социализма и строительства коммунистического общества. Том I охватывает период 1883-1917 гг. Составитель З.С.Миронченкова....

Races of Stone (Dungeons & Dragons Supplement)

Jesse Decker, Michelle Lyons, David Noonan

  Races of Stone (Dungeons & Dragons Supplement)  Jesse Decker, Michelle Lyons, David Noonan  Wizards of the Coast.   A new D&D sourcebook detailing various mountain-dwelling races. Races of Ston e provides Dungeons & Dragons® players with an in-depth look at races that live on, under, or around mountains in the D&D world. There is extensive information on the classic races of gnomes and dwarves, including new rules, information for interaction, new spells, and new magic items attuned to each race. In addition, there are new races, over 20 new prestige classes, over 40 new feats, new equipment, and new magic items.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wizards of the Coast. A new D&D sourcebook detailing various mountain-dwelling races. Races of Ston e provides Dungeons & Dragons® players with an in-depth look at races that live on, under, or around mountains in the D&D world. There is extensive information on the classic races of gnomes and dwarves, including new rules, information for interaction, new spells, and new magic items attuned to each race. In addition, there are new races, over 20 new prestige classes, over 40 new feats, new equipment, and new magic items....

Principles of Financial Economics

Stephen F. Leroy, Jan Werner, Stephen A. Ross

  Principles of Financial Economics  Stephen F. Leroy, Jan Werner, Stephen A. Ross  This book introduces graduate students in economics to the subfield of financial economics. It stresses the link between financial economics and equilibrium theory, devoting less attention to purely financial topics such as valuation of derivatives. Since students often find this link hard to grasp, the treatment aims to make the connection explicit and clear in each stage of the exposition. Emphasis is placed on detailed study of two-date models, because almost all of the key ideas in financial economics can be developed in the two-date setting. The analysis is intended to be comparable in rigor to the best work in microeconomics; at the same time, the authors provide enough discussion and examples to make the ideas readily understandable.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book introduces graduate students in economics to the subfield of financial economics. It stresses the link between financial economics and equilibrium theory, devoting less attention to purely financial topics such as valuation of derivatives. Since students often find this link hard to grasp, the treatment aims to make the connection explicit and clear in each stage of the exposition. Emphasis is placed on detailed study of two-date models, because almost all of the key ideas in financial economics can be developed in the two-date setting. The analysis is intended to be comparable in rigor to the best work in microeconomics; at the same time, the authors provide enough discussion and examples to make the ideas readily understandable....

Innovative Cities

James Simmie

  Innovative Cities  James Simmie  Innovative Citiespresents a unique international comparison of innovation in Amsterdam, London, Milan, Paris and Stuttgart. Based on research funded by the ESRC program on Innovative Citiespresents a unique international comparison of innovation in Amsterdam, London, Milan, Paris and Stuttgart. Based on research funded by the ESRC program on "Cities: Competitiveness and Cohesion", it compares and contrasts the reasons why these sites are among the top ten innovative cities in Europe. The research reported here takes a careful and directly comparable look at what characteristics and conditions in the five cities have led to the flourishing of innovation in them. Researcherswith detailed local knowledge have applied the same analytical tools and survey techniques to investigating this question and the results present a unique international comparison of innovation in the five cities....

The European Competitiveness and Transition Report: Ratings of Accession Progress, Competitiveness, and Economic Restructuring of European and Transit

World Economic Forum, Andrew M. Warner, Peter K. Cornelius, Harvard University Center for International Development

  The European Competitiveness and Transition Report: Ratings of Accession Progress, Competitiveness, and Economic Restructuring of European and Transit  World Economic Forum, Andrew M. Warner, Peter K. Cornelius, Harvard University Center for International Development  For over a decade, central and eastern Europe has been at the center of one of the most profound economic and political transformation in history. At the start of the 1990's, the region embarked on an ambitious reform program to depart from central planning towards more market-based economies. A decade later, and amid significant difficulties, the region has achieved remarkable accomplishments, with several countries becoming increasingly integrated into the global economy. Political structures have been transformed and new institutions have emerged. Indeed, the progress in structural reforms achieved in the region has been so substantial that several countries are now at the threshold of European Union membership. Aware of the significance of the successful integration of central and eastern Europe into the global economy, the World Economic Forum and Harvard University are proud to introduce The European Competitiveness and Transition Report, a thorough review of the transition...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин For over a decade, central and eastern Europe has been at the center of one of the most profound economic and political transformation in history. At the start of the 1990's, the region embarked on an ambitious reform program to depart from central planning towards more market-based economies. A decade later, and amid significant difficulties, the region has achieved remarkable accomplishments, with several countries becoming increasingly integrated into the global economy. Political structures have been transformed and new institutions have emerged. Indeed, the progress in structural reforms achieved in the region has been so substantial that several countries are now at the threshold of European Union membership. Aware of the significance of the successful integration of central and eastern Europe into the global economy, the World Economic Forum and Harvard University are proud to introduce The European Competitiveness and Transition Report, a thorough review of the transition......

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Очерки истории ленинградской организации КПСС. Том 1. 1883-1917. . Книги.

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