Bay Ridge (Then and Now)

Peter Scarpa, Lawrence Stelter, Bay Ridge Historical Society

  Bay Ridge (Then and Now)  Peter Scarpa, Lawrence Stelter, Bay Ridge Historical Society  A community overlooking the New York Bay, Bay Ridge began to change in the 1900s and has since continued to evolve. Rapid population growth in the 20th century caused the community to shift from an agrarian society to a prime urban center of stores, houses of worship, homes, and mass transportation.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A community overlooking the New York Bay, Bay Ridge began to change in the 1900s and has since continued to evolve. Rapid population growth in the 20th century caused the community to shift from an agrarian society to a prime urban center of stores, houses of worship, homes, and mass transportation....

Port Cities in Asia and Europe (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)

Arndt Graf

  Port Cities in Asia and Europe (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)  Arndt Graf  With the demise of European socialist economies and the marketization of Asian communist countries, a new global capitalism has reshaped the configuration of the world economy, with speed a determining factor to all transactions of information, finance, goods and services and people. Sea-ports that were significant for a slower but no less global economy have been undergoing transformation to stay economically and culturally relevant. Some manage to reinvent themselves as tourist cities, some face decline if they do not manage to transform.This volume looks at a number of port cities in Asia and Europe that face this pressure. With contributions considering history, contemporary developments, contacts between ports, the representation of ports and the relations between port cities and their hinterlands. This comparative study identifies many parallels between local histories and developments in the Asian and European port cities, as well as new opportunities for sharing experiences...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With the demise of European socialist economies and the marketization of Asian communist countries, a new global capitalism has reshaped the configuration of the world economy, with speed a determining factor to all transactions of information, finance, goods and services and people. Sea-ports that were significant for a slower but no less global economy have been undergoing transformation to stay economically and culturally relevant. Some manage to reinvent themselves as tourist cities, some face decline if they do not manage to transform.This volume looks at a number of port cities in Asia and Europe that face this pressure. With contributions considering history, contemporary developments, contacts between ports, the representation of ports and the relations between port cities and their hinterlands. This comparative study identifies many parallels between local histories and developments in the Asian and European port cities, as well as new opportunities for sharing experiences......

Николай Дмитриевич Артамонов - военный геодезист и картограф

В. В. Глушков

  Николай Дмитриевич Артамонов - военный геодезист и картограф  В. В. Глушков  Наука.   Книга посвящена генералу от инфантерии Николаю Дмитриевичу Артамонову - выдающемуся военному геодезисту и картографу, ученому и педагогу. В течение 60 лет службы Отечеству он занимался астрономо-геодезическими работами и картографированием различных территорий, участвовал в Русско-турецкой войне 1877 - 1878 гг., воспитывал и обучал офицеров Николаевской академии Генерального штаба, был начальником Военно-топографического училища, Военно-топографического отдела (управления) Главного штаба и Корпуса военных топографов, занимался организацией топографического обеспечения войск Маньчжурских армий в ходе Русско-японской войны 1904 - 1905 гг., писал учебники и научные труды. Для студентов, аспирантов, научных работников, а также интересующихся военной историей, историей географии и картографии.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Наука. Книга посвящена генералу от инфантерии Николаю Дмитриевичу Артамонову - выдающемуся военному геодезисту и картографу, ученому и педагогу. В течение 60 лет службы Отечеству он занимался астрономо-геодезическими работами и картографированием различных территорий, участвовал в Русско-турецкой войне 1877 - 1878 гг., воспитывал и обучал офицеров Николаевской академии Генерального штаба, был начальником Военно-топографического училища, Военно-топографического отдела (управления) Главного штаба и Корпуса военных топографов, занимался организацией топографического обеспечения войск Маньчжурских армий в ходе Русско-японской войны 1904 - 1905 гг., писал учебники и научные труды. Для студентов, аспирантов, научных работников, а также интересующихся военной историей, историей географии и картографии....

Learning: Microsoft Office Accounting 2008 (2nd Edition)

Terri Brunsdon

  Learning: Microsoft Office Accounting 2008 (2nd Edition)  Terri Brunsdon  KEY BENEFIT: From set up to start up, this book switches on student learning by teaching how Computerized Accounting works behind the keys. QuickBooks basics, general journal transactions and reports, customer and vendor activities for a service based business, payroll activities, closing the accounting periods, and customer and vendor activities for a merchandise based business. For professionals who are seeking to use and understand QuickBooks 2008.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин KEY BENEFIT: From set up to start up, this book switches on student learning by teaching how Computerized Accounting works behind the keys. QuickBooks basics, general journal transactions and reports, customer and vendor activities for a service based business, payroll activities, closing the accounting periods, and customer and vendor activities for a merchandise based business. For professionals who are seeking to use and understand QuickBooks 2008....

CompTIA Security+ Certification Kit

Emmett Dulaney, James Michael Stewart, David R. Miller, Michael Gregg

  CompTIA Security+ Certification Kit  Emmett Dulaney, James Michael Stewart, David R. Miller, Michael Gregg  CompTIA is revising the popular Security+ exam for the first time since it launched in 2002. This kit includes the key Sybex titles for the new CompTIA Security+ exam: CompTIA Security+ Study Guide, Fourth Edition; CompTIA Security+ Review Guide; and Security Administrator Street Smarts, Second Edition. With this complete guide, you’ll get 100 percent coverage of the Security+ exam objectives and clear, concise information on critical security topics. Plus, you’ll learn step by step how to perform the most common or the most challenging tasks that a security professional faces.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин CompTIA is revising the popular Security+ exam for the first time since it launched in 2002. This kit includes the key Sybex titles for the new CompTIA Security+ exam: CompTIA Security+ Study Guide, Fourth Edition; CompTIA Security+ Review Guide; and Security Administrator Street Smarts, Second Edition. With this complete guide, you’ll get 100 percent coverage of the Security+ exam objectives and clear, concise information on critical security topics. Plus, you’ll learn step by step how to perform the most common or the most challenging tasks that a security professional faces....

<<<  Innovation Corrupted: The Origins and Legacy of Enron's Collapse. Malcolm S. ...             International Income Taxation: Code and Regulations--Selected ... >>>

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Bay Ridge (Then and Now). Peter Scarpa, Lawrence Stelter, Bay Ridge Historical Society . Книги.

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