Ecotopia: The Second Icp Triennial of Photography And Video

Brian Wallis, Edward Earle, Christopher Phillips, Carol Squiers

  Ecotopia: The Second Icp Triennial of Photography And Video  Brian Wallis, Edward Earle, Christopher Phillips, Carol Squiers  When the International Center of Photography launched Strangers, its first Triennial, in 2003, its curators wrote that their goal was When the International Center of Photography launched Strangers, its first Triennial, in 2003, its curators wrote that their goal was "to demonstrate photography's incomparable richness as a visual medium--in the form of still photographs, video, sculptural objects, and installation pieces. The result is a dynamic coherence that results as much from a dialogue between individual works as from curatorial intention." This second time out, in a period of rampant natural disasters and concerns about global environmental change, they have shifted their attention from strangers, from our relationships with one another, to home, to our relationships with the earth. Ecotopia, brings readers the natural world through the eyes and lenses of some of the most interesting and engaging photographers working today. These 30 international artists shatter stereotypes of landscape and nature imagery to examine new concepts of the natural sphere occasioned by twenty-first-century......

Подсадная невеста для фальшивого жениха

Валентина Седлова

  Подсадная невеста для фальшивого жениха  Валентина Седлова  АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель.   Миром правит любовь!.   Новое реалити-шоу, в котором герою и героине предстоит прожить месяц в роскошном загородном особняке и вступить в брак. О высоких чувствах и речи нет. Жених Саша - приглашенный актер, бойкие сценаристы вовсю придумывают каверзы для АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель. Миром правит любовь!. Новое реалити-шоу, в котором герою и героине предстоит прожить месяц в роскошном загородном особняке и вступить в брак. О высоких чувствах и речи нет. Жених Саша - приглашенный актер, бойкие сценаристы вовсю придумывают каверзы для "наивной невесты" по имени Женя. А кто она? Она - обычная девушка, измученная деспотичной матерью и вечным безденежьем. И одновременно - "засланный казачок"! На это шоу она попала далеко не случайно, и ей еще предстоит расплатиться за составленную ей протекцию. Конечно, трудно поверить, что отношения под прицелом камер могут превратиться в настоящую любовь... Но - иногда случаются чудеса! Возможно, такое чудо озарит жизнь Жени и Саши?!...

Лучшие шутки. Комеди Клаб

Гарик Мартиросян, Вадик "Рэмбо" Галыгин, Дмитрия "Люсек" Сорокин, Тимур "Каштан" Батрутдинов, Гарик "Бульдог" Харламов, сестры Зайцевы, Таир

  Лучшие шутки. Комеди Клаб  Гарик Мартиросян, Вадик АСТ, Астрель-СПб. Комеди Клаб. Если ты не глуп. Если у тебя все в порядке с чувством юмора. Если тебе не нравится фильм "Бой с тенью". Если у тебя на мобильнике не звучит "Бумер". Если тебе не нравится группа "Рефлекс" - то эта книга для тебя....

Audrey Hepburn: A Life in Pictures

  Audrey Hepburn: A Life in Pictures  Pavilion Books, Limited.   From her captivating debut in Roman Holiday in 1953, Audrey Hepburn redefined notions of Hollywood elegance and sophistication. This lavishly illustrated book celebrates Audrey's popularity as an enduring icon, providing a unique insight into her career, personality and trademark style that still fascinate and captivates today. A detailed biography is accompanied by over 160 photographs, many reproduced for the first time and taken by some of the world's top photographers. Famous quotes on and from Audrey Hepburn complement the impressive iconographic research, which includes numerous family pictures as well as information from private collections, press agencies and newspapers. From her enchanting appearances on the big screen to her charity work for UNICEF and fascinating family life, this book is a highly individual portrait of a much-loved movie and fashion legend. With a foreword by Hubert de Givenchy, who dressed Audrey for her films and who became a close...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Pavilion Books, Limited. From her captivating debut in Roman Holiday in 1953, Audrey Hepburn redefined notions of Hollywood elegance and sophistication. This lavishly illustrated book celebrates Audrey's popularity as an enduring icon, providing a unique insight into her career, personality and trademark style that still fascinate and captivates today. A detailed biography is accompanied by over 160 photographs, many reproduced for the first time and taken by some of the world's top photographers. Famous quotes on and from Audrey Hepburn complement the impressive iconographic research, which includes numerous family pictures as well as information from private collections, press agencies and newspapers. From her enchanting appearances on the big screen to her charity work for UNICEF and fascinating family life, this book is a highly individual portrait of a much-loved movie and fashion legend. With a foreword by Hubert de Givenchy, who dressed Audrey for her films and who became a close......

SAT Writing Workbook

  SAT Writing Workbook  Kaplan.   This comprehensive workbook includes: 3 realistic Writing tests with detailed answer explanations. Techniques for mastering the qualities SAT graders look for in a high-scoring essay. Hundreds of practice questions, drills, and quizzes to help you sharpen your skills Strategies for avoiding common language pitfalls. Издание на английском языке.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kaplan. This comprehensive workbook includes: 3 realistic Writing tests with detailed answer explanations. Techniques for mastering the qualities SAT graders look for in a high-scoring essay. Hundreds of practice questions, drills, and quizzes to help you sharpen your skills Strategies for avoiding common language pitfalls. Издание на английском языке....

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Ecotopia: The Second Icp Triennial of Photography And Video. Brian Wallis, Edward Earle, Christopher Phillips, Carol Squiers . Книги.

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