Bob Hope : My Life in Jokes

Bob Hope

  Bob Hope : My Life in Jokes  Bob Hope  Book Description Now in paperback -- one of America's greatest entertainers shares his favorite jokes and memories. Bob Hope died at the age of 100 in July '03. His legendary career spanned the entire 20th century, from impersonating Charlie Chaplin in front of the firehouse in Cleveland in 1909 to celebrating an unprecedented 60 years with NBC in 1996. He entertained millions worldwide with his performances in vaudeville and on Broadway, on his top-rated weekly radio show, in beloved movies such as his Road pictures with Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour, and, most notably, in the countless television appearances that made him a superstar and a welcome guest in every living room in the country. With My Life in Jokes , readers canenjoy the very best of his humor and, in the process, learn about the amazing life and career of a true national treasure. On the early years: Book Description Now in paperback -- one of America's greatest entertainers shares his favorite jokes and memories. Bob Hope died at the age of 100 in July '03. His legendary career spanned the entire 20th century, from impersonating Charlie Chaplin in front of the firehouse in Cleveland in 1909 to celebrating an unprecedented 60 years with NBC in 1996. He entertained millions worldwide with his performances in vaudeville and on Broadway, on his top-rated weekly radio show, in beloved movies such as his Road pictures with Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour, and, most notably, in the countless television appearances that made him a superstar and a welcome guest in every living room in the country. With My Life in Jokes , readers canenjoy the very best of his humor and, in the process, learn about the amazing life and career of a true national treasure. On the early years: "I wouldn't have had anything to eat if it wasn't for the stuff the......

Listening to Music (with CD)

Craig Wright

  Listening to Music (with CD)  Craig Wright  Book Description This chronological text, which covers all the major periods in music history, offers instructors and students particular help in developing listening skills in three ways: First, a free Book Description This chronological text, which covers all the major periods in music history, offers instructors and students particular help in developing listening skills in three ways: First, a free "Introduction to Listening" CD comes packaged with each student copy of the text. This CD plays all of the music discussed in the music fundamentals chapters of the text and provides an audio guide called "Instruments of the Orchestra." The guide presents the instruments and then tests students' ability to recognize them by themselves and in various combinations. Second, every chapter in Wright's text offers unique listening exercises. It is the only music appreciation book to have listening exercises built into and fully integrated with the text. Third, interactive listening guides and listening quizzes for all of the music in the text are available free via download from the Schirmer website. More than any other music appreciation text, LISTENING TO MUSIC challenges students to......

Cross-Platform .NET Development: Using Mono, Portable.NET, and Microsoft .NET

M.J. Easton

  Cross-Platform .NET Development: Using Mono, Portable.NET, and Microsoft .NET  M.J. Easton  Book Description Well, I came home today to a pleasant surprise ( Cross-Platform .NET Development: Using Mono, Portable.NET, and Microsoft .NET ). So I can start freestyling, cross-platform style. — Bill Ryan, Bill's House O Insomnia An enthusiastically recommended resource especially for anyone pursuing, building, or studying for a career in the field. — Midwest Book Review, Internet Bookwatch .NET is not just for Windows anymore! And thisunprecedented book examines the advantages of building portable, cross-platform.NET code. Even if you are only vaguely familiar with .NET, with the aid of this book, you'll quickly learn how to run .NET code on different platforms. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Well, I came home today to a pleasant surprise ( Cross-Platform .NET Development: Using Mono, Portable.NET, and Microsoft .NET ). So I can start freestyling, cross-platform style. — Bill Ryan, Bill's House O Insomnia An enthusiastically recommended resource especially for anyone pursuing, building, or studying for a career in the field. — Midwest Book Review, Internet Bookwatch .NET is not just for Windows anymore! And thisunprecedented book examines the advantages of building portable, cross-platform.NET code. Even if you are only vaguely familiar with .NET, with the aid of this book, you'll quickly learn how to run .NET code on different platforms. ......

Film Noir Reader 4 : The Crucial Films and Themes (Film Noir Reader)

Alain Silver

  Film Noir Reader 4 : The Crucial Films and Themes (Film Noir Reader)  Alain Silver  Book DescriptionThe earlier Film Noir Readers, which now boast a combined sale of well over 30,000 copies, have all quite deliberately conveyed a sweeping overview of the classic period, demonstrating how broad and inclusive noir movies are. Film Noir Reader 4 moves in a different direction. Its purpose is to identify the key films and motifs of noir and to analyze in depth the prototypical pictures that, while vivid examples of certain cinematic themes, bend and break their molds to find new ways to enthrall and frighten us. Like its predecessors, Film Noir Reader 4 is generously illustrated and features essays by such respected film critics and scholars as Robin Wood, J.P. Telotte, R. Barton Palmer, and Robert Porfirio. All have as their purpose to explain why and how these classic films work; the way screenplay, direction, acting, cinematography, editing and all the other filmmaking crafts blended together to produce work that exemplifies both a particular movement in film history...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe earlier Film Noir Readers, which now boast a combined sale of well over 30,000 copies, have all quite deliberately conveyed a sweeping overview of the classic period, demonstrating how broad and inclusive noir movies are. Film Noir Reader 4 moves in a different direction. Its purpose is to identify the key films and motifs of noir and to analyze in depth the prototypical pictures that, while vivid examples of certain cinematic themes, bend and break their molds to find new ways to enthrall and frighten us. Like its predecessors, Film Noir Reader 4 is generously illustrated and features essays by such respected film critics and scholars as Robin Wood, J.P. Telotte, R. Barton Palmer, and Robert Porfirio. All have as their purpose to explain why and how these classic films work; the way screenplay, direction, acting, cinematography, editing and all the other filmmaking crafts blended together to produce work that exemplifies both a particular movement in film history......

Corporate Software Project Management (Charles River Media Computer Engineering) (Charles River Media Computer Engineering (Paperback))

Guy W. Lecky-Thompson

  Corporate Software Project Management (Charles River Media Computer Engineering) (Charles River Media Computer Engineering (Paperback))  Guy W. Lecky-Thompson  Book Description It has long been accepted in the software industry that projects will be late, over budget, and lacking in agreed upon features due to technical or time limitations. As more companies become involved with the development and deployment of large-scale software projects, it is necessary to define ways to ensure that quality products are produced. Corporate Software Project Management focuses on the three main areas for efficient software development: management, quality, and client relations. It provides a series of globally applicable methods that can enhance productivity and reduce costs within software teams, without sacrificing quality. In addition to the management aspects, the book also deals with the technical side of software engineering. This section of the book illustrates the decisions that need to be made when planning the implementation phase of the project. Examples of how software can be designed to maximize code for future projects are also included....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description It has long been accepted in the software industry that projects will be late, over budget, and lacking in agreed upon features due to technical or time limitations. As more companies become involved with the development and deployment of large-scale software projects, it is necessary to define ways to ensure that quality products are produced. Corporate Software Project Management focuses on the three main areas for efficient software development: management, quality, and client relations. It provides a series of globally applicable methods that can enhance productivity and reduce costs within software teams, without sacrificing quality. In addition to the management aspects, the book also deals with the technical side of software engineering. This section of the book illustrates the decisions that need to be made when planning the implementation phase of the project. Examples of how software can be designed to maximize code for future projects are also included.......

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Bob Hope : My Life in Jokes. Bob Hope . Книги.

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