Investment Analysis for Appraisers

Jeffrey D. Fisher, Robert S. Martin

  Investment Analysis for Appraisers  Jeffrey D. Fisher, Robert S. Martin  Dearborn Real Estate Education.   Designed to develop skills that are essential for analysis or real estate income property investments. Contains numerous examples to illustrate the techniques used by investors and appraisers. Appraisers, real estate brokers, property managers, consultants and others can benifit from the use of this book to improve their understanding of the nature of income property investments.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Dearborn Real Estate Education. Designed to develop skills that are essential for analysis or real estate income property investments. Contains numerous examples to illustrate the techniques used by investors and appraisers. Appraisers, real estate brokers, property managers, consultants and others can benifit from the use of this book to improve their understanding of the nature of income property investments....

The Official Guide to New Home Buying

Lynda Michaels

  The Official Guide to New Home Buying  Lynda Michaels  This is a book you will use as a tool to assist you in new home buying. You will learn that buying a new home is not as complex as it might appear. By having an understanding of the process of new home buying, your experience will be one of knowledge not of ignorance. Lynda Michaels answers questions and more in this accessible and practical book. She explains and guides you through the new homebuying process and teaches you to communicate effectively with your realtor, sales person, contractor and builder. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing the need to understand why and where to buy a home and how to prevent buyers remorse. Throughout the book she draws upon her personal experience and provides information thatis most often requested by new home buyers, especially first time home owners. This book is a valuable tool for anyone looking for a new or used home, because the information provided can be used by any one looking for...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is a book you will use as a tool to assist you in new home buying. You will learn that buying a new home is not as complex as it might appear. By having an understanding of the process of new home buying, your experience will be one of knowledge not of ignorance. Lynda Michaels answers questions and more in this accessible and practical book. She explains and guides you through the new homebuying process and teaches you to communicate effectively with your realtor, sales person, contractor and builder. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing the need to understand why and where to buy a home and how to prevent buyers remorse. Throughout the book she draws upon her personal experience and provides information thatis most often requested by new home buyers, especially first time home owners. This book is a valuable tool for anyone looking for a new or used home, because the information provided can be used by any one looking for......

Waltzing With Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects

Tom Demarco, Timothy Lister

  Waltzing With Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects  Tom Demarco, Timothy Lister  Any software project that's worth starting will be vulnerable to risk. Since greater risks bring greater rewards, a company that runs away from risk will soon find itself lagging behind its more adventurous competition. By ignoring the threat of negative outcomes?in the name of positive thinking or a Can-Do attitude?software managers drive their organizations into the ground. In Waltzing with Bears, Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister?the best-selling authors of Peopleware?show readers how to identify and embrace worthwhile risks. Developers are then set free to push the limits. You'll find that risk management * makes aggressive risk-taking possible * protects management from getting blindsided * provides minimum-cost downside protection * reveals invisible transfers of responsibility * isolates the failure of a subproject. Readers are taught to identify the most common risks faced by software projects: * schedule flaws ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Any software project that's worth starting will be vulnerable to risk. Since greater risks bring greater rewards, a company that runs away from risk will soon find itself lagging behind its more adventurous competition. By ignoring the threat of negative outcomes?in the name of positive thinking or a Can-Do attitude?software managers drive their organizations into the ground. In Waltzing with Bears, Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister?the best-selling authors of Peopleware?show readers how to identify and embrace worthwhile risks. Developers are then set free to push the limits. You'll find that risk management * makes aggressive risk-taking possible * protects management from getting blindsided * provides minimum-cost downside protection * reveals invisible transfers of responsibility * isolates the failure of a subproject. Readers are taught to identify the most common risks faced by software projects: * schedule flaws ......

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic

Massimo Foti, Angela C. Buraglia, Daniel Short, Kim Cavanaugh, Danilo Celic, Kevin French, Brad Halstead, Joel Martinez, Stephanie Sullivan, Murray Summers

  Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic  Massimo Foti, Angela C. Buraglia, Daniel Short, Kim Cavanaugh, Danilo Celic, Kevin French, Brad Halstead, Joel Martinez, Stephanie Sullivan, Murray Summers  As a serious Web designer or developer, you'll want to do one thing and one thing only when you lay your hands on the latest version of Dreamweaver: Start tinkering with all its new features. Problem is that's hard to do on someone else's dime. With Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic, you don't have to! In these pages, Dreamweaver wizards Mossimo Foti, Angela C. Buraglia, and Daniel Short and several other experts draw on their own professional experience to offer 12 real-world projects that let you explore Dreamweaver MX 2004 at your leisure. With a focus on areas that can be troublesome for professional users-whether because they present thorny issues or because they draw on completely new features-each lesson provides need-to-know tips, proventechniques, and best practices. By working through the step-by-step tutorials (whose project files and code you'll find on the accompanying CD), you soon will be finding your way around all of Dreamweaver MX 2004's new features:...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин As a serious Web designer or developer, you'll want to do one thing and one thing only when you lay your hands on the latest version of Dreamweaver: Start tinkering with all its new features. Problem is that's hard to do on someone else's dime. With Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic, you don't have to! In these pages, Dreamweaver wizards Mossimo Foti, Angela C. Buraglia, and Daniel Short and several other experts draw on their own professional experience to offer 12 real-world projects that let you explore Dreamweaver MX 2004 at your leisure. With a focus on areas that can be troublesome for professional users-whether because they present thorny issues or because they draw on completely new features-each lesson provides need-to-know tips, proventechniques, and best practices. By working through the step-by-step tutorials (whose project files and code you'll find on the accompanying CD), you soon will be finding your way around all of Dreamweaver MX 2004's new features:......

Photoshop 7 Type Effects

Dong-mi Kim

  Photoshop 7 Type Effects  Dong-mi Kim  Through 20 stunning, full-color artistic projects and clear step-by-step explanations of how to complete them, this book teaches the professional designer the advanced type effect techniques of Photoshop 7. Readers learn how to use Photoshop to apply a variety of different effects to text such as swirl style, water drop type and 3-D blocks as well as how to use text effects in various mediums, including Web images and posters. All original artwork and source files are included on the accompanying CD-ROM.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Through 20 stunning, full-color artistic projects and clear step-by-step explanations of how to complete them, this book teaches the professional designer the advanced type effect techniques of Photoshop 7. Readers learn how to use Photoshop to apply a variety of different effects to text such as swirl style, water drop type and 3-D blocks as well as how to use text effects in various mediums, including Web images and posters. All original artwork and source files are included on the accompanying CD-ROM....

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Investment Analysis for Appraisers. Jeffrey D. Fisher, Robert S. Martin . Книги.

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