Athletic Fitness for Kids

Scott Lancaster, Radu Teodorescu

  Athletic Fitness for Kids  Scott Lancaster, Radu Teodorescu  Human Kinetics Publishers.   Finally, here is a conditioning program designed to fully develop a young athlete's physical skills without dropout, injury, or burnout. Human Kinetics Publishers. Finally, here is a conditioning program designed to fully develop a young athlete's physical skills without dropout, injury, or burnout. "Athletic Fitness for Kids" enhances athletic skills for young athletes using a fun, self-directed, and self-tested system. Gamelike activities help young athletes develop seven key sport skills: Flexibility; Coordination; Balance; Stamina; Strength; Speed; Agility. "Athletic Fitness for Kids" includes drills, games, and exercises that cross over with popular sports such as baseball, basketball, football, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, and tennis. Sport-specific drill suggestions are also included. Developed by Scott Lancaster, founder and CEO of Youth Evolution Sports, and Radu Teodorescu, fitness adviser, "Athletic Fitness for Kids" will maximize athletic potential and open doors to a lifetime of fitness and sport participation....

Trauma and Human Existence: Autobiographical, Psychoanalytic, and Philosophical Reflections

Robert D. Stolorow

  Trauma and Human Existence: Autobiographical, Psychoanalytic, and Philosophical Reflections  Robert D. Stolorow  The Analytic Press.   Trauma and Human Existence effectively interweaves two themes central to emotional trauma—the first of which pertains to the contextuality of emotional life in general, and of the experience of emotional trauma in particular, and the second of which pertains to the recognition that the possibility of emotional trauma is built into the basic constitution of human existence. The volume traces how both themes interconnect, largely as they crystallize in the author’s personal experience of traumatic loss. As discussed in the book’s final chapter, whether or not this constitutive possibility will be brought lastingly into the foreground of our experiential world depends on the relational contexts in which we live. Taken as a whole, Trauma and Human Existence exhibits the unity of the deeply personal, the theoretical, and the philosophical in the understanding of emotional trauma and the place it occupies in human existence.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Analytic Press. Trauma and Human Existence effectively interweaves two themes central to emotional trauma—the first of which pertains to the contextuality of emotional life in general, and of the experience of emotional trauma in particular, and the second of which pertains to the recognition that the possibility of emotional trauma is built into the basic constitution of human existence. The volume traces how both themes interconnect, largely as they crystallize in the author’s personal experience of traumatic loss. As discussed in the book’s final chapter, whether or not this constitutive possibility will be brought lastingly into the foreground of our experiential world depends on the relational contexts in which we live. Taken as a whole, Trauma and Human Existence exhibits the unity of the deeply personal, the theoretical, and the philosophical in the understanding of emotional trauma and the place it occupies in human existence....

Becoming a God Magnet (Study Guide): Study and Discussion Guide (Becoming a God Magnet)

  Becoming a God Magnet (Study Guide): Study and Discussion Guide (Becoming a God Magnet)  Harvey Katz  Harvey Katz  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Harvey Katz...

Gaining a New Attitude on Life (Max on Life)

  Gaining a New Attitude on Life (Max on Life)  Max Lucado  Max Lucado  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Max Lucado...

Within This Circle (A Vow to Cherish Series #2) (Steeple Hill Women's Fiction #52)

  Within This Circle (A Vow to Cherish Series #2) (Steeple Hill Women's Fiction #52)  Deborah Raney  Deborah Raney  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Deborah Raney...

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Athletic Fitness for Kids. Scott Lancaster, Radu Teodorescu . Книги.

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