Marilou Awiakta

  SELU  Marilou Awiakta  In the life-giving story of the Corn-Mother, Selu, Awiakta offers us spiritual tools for facing the important issues of our times.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In the life-giving story of the Corn-Mother, Selu, Awiakta offers us spiritual tools for facing the important issues of our times....

Differential Models

Alexander Solodov, Valery Ochkov

  Differential Models  Alexander Solodov, Valery Ochkov  Differential equations are often used in mathematical models for technological processes or devices. However, the design of a differential mathematical model isA crucial andA difficult in engineering. As a hands-on approach to learn how to pose a differential mathematical modelA the authors have selected 9 examples with important practical application and treat them as following: - Problem-setting and physical model formulation - Designing the differential mathematical model - Integration of the differential equations - Visualization of results Each step of the development ofA a differential model isA enriched by respective Mathcad 11A commands, todays necessary linkage of engineering significance and high computing complexity. To support readers of the book with respect to changes that might occur in future versions of Mathcad (Mathcad 12 for example), updates of examples, codes etc. can be downloaded from the following web page  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Differential equations are often used in mathematical models for technological processes or devices. However, the design of a differential mathematical model isA crucial andA difficult in engineering. As a hands-on approach to learn how to pose a differential mathematical modelA the authors have selected 9 examples with important practical application and treat them as following: - Problem-setting and physical model formulation - Designing the differential mathematical model - Integration of the differential equations - Visualization of results Each step of the development ofA a differential model isA enriched by respective Mathcad 11A commands, todays necessary linkage of engineering significance and high computing complexity. To support readers of the book with respect to changes that might occur in future versions of Mathcad (Mathcad 12 for example), updates of examples, codes etc. can be downloaded from the following web page

Play Between Worlds: Exploring Online Game Culture

T. L. Taylor

  Play Between Worlds: Exploring Online Game Culture  T. L. Taylor  In Play Between Worlds , T. L. Taylor examines multiplayer gaming life as it is lived on the borders, in the gaps--as players slip in and out of complex social networks that cross online and offline space. Taylor questions the common assumption that playing computer games is an isolating and alienating activity indulged in by solitary teenage boys. Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), in which thousands of players participate in a virtual game world in real time, are in fact actively designed for sociability. Games like the popular Everquest , she argues, are fundamentally social spaces. Taylor's detailed look at Everquest offers a snapshot of multiplayer culture. Drawing on her own experience as an Everquest player (as a female Gnome Necromancer)--including her attendance at an Everquest Fan Faire, with its blurring of online-and offline life--and extensive research, Taylor not only shows us something about games but raises...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In Play Between Worlds , T. L. Taylor examines multiplayer gaming life as it is lived on the borders, in the gaps--as players slip in and out of complex social networks that cross online and offline space. Taylor questions the common assumption that playing computer games is an isolating and alienating activity indulged in by solitary teenage boys. Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), in which thousands of players participate in a virtual game world in real time, are in fact actively designed for sociability. Games like the popular Everquest , she argues, are fundamentally social spaces. Taylor's detailed look at Everquest offers a snapshot of multiplayer culture. Drawing on her own experience as an Everquest player (as a female Gnome Necromancer)--including her attendance at an Everquest Fan Faire, with its blurring of online-and offline life--and extensive research, Taylor not only shows us something about games but raises......

Silent Alarm: A Parable of Hope for Busy Professionals

  Silent Alarm: A Parable of Hope for Busy Professionals  John G. Blumberg  John G. Blumberg  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин John G. Blumberg...

Principles of Classroom Management: A Professional Decision-Making Model (5th Edition)

James Levin, James Nolan

  Principles of Classroom Management: A Professional Decision-Making Model (5th Edition)  James Levin, James Nolan  *T8862-9, 0-205-28862-6, Levin, James (Pennsylvania State University), Nolan, James F. (Pennsylvania State University), PRINCIPLES OF CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: A Professional Decision-Making Model, Third Edition, Previous Edition ISBN: 0-205-16615-6, 6 x 9, paperbound, 256 pp., $27.00 K, HE07 * / This book provides a theoretically-based but practical system for helping Each chapter carefully lays out a set of management principles to allow teachers to acquire a valuable array of non-coercive strategies to prevent, cope with, and solving classroom management problems. Real-life case studies appear throughout the book and provide concrete illustrations of actual classroom issues and problems and examples of the types of decisions teachers may make to enhance the opportunities for their students to learn. A programmatic presentation of decision-making steps shows teachers how to approach each particular classroom management situation and choose from a range of options how best to handle a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин *T8862-9, 0-205-28862-6, Levin, James (Pennsylvania State University), Nolan, James F. (Pennsylvania State University), PRINCIPLES OF CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: A Professional Decision-Making Model, Third Edition, Previous Edition ISBN: 0-205-16615-6, 6 x 9, paperbound, 256 pp., $27.00 K, HE07 * / This book provides a theoretically-based but practical system for helping Each chapter carefully lays out a set of management principles to allow teachers to acquire a valuable array of non-coercive strategies to prevent, cope with, and solving classroom management problems. Real-life case studies appear throughout the book and provide concrete illustrations of actual classroom issues and problems and examples of the types of decisions teachers may make to enhance the opportunities for their students to learn. A programmatic presentation of decision-making steps shows teachers how to approach each particular classroom management situation and choose from a range of options how best to handle a......

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SELU. Marilou Awiakta . Книги.

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