Запад в поисках Востока

Дэвид Понд

  Запад в поисках Востока  Дэвид Понд  ФАИР-ПРЕСС.   Книга знакомит с философскими аспектами буддизма, индуизма, даосизма и тантры и предлагает различные практики и техники применения этих древних учений в современной жизни. Вы научитесь узнавать потребности своей души, понимать смысл сигналов подсознания, достигать умиротворения и духовного вдохновения. Для широкого круга читателей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ФАИР-ПРЕСС. Книга знакомит с философскими аспектами буддизма, индуизма, даосизма и тантры и предлагает различные практики и техники применения этих древних учений в современной жизни. Вы научитесь узнавать потребности своей души, понимать смысл сигналов подсознания, достигать умиротворения и духовного вдохновения. Для широкого круга читателей....

Collection and Recollections: Economic Papers and Their Provenance

Ian Malcolm David Little, I. M. D. Little

  Collection and Recollections: Economic Papers and Their Provenance  Ian Malcolm David Little, I. M. D. Little  Ian Little has been one of the most significant British contributors to economics in the post-war era. His contributions to Welfare Economics and Development Economics have been highly influential and well-regarded throughout the world. This book is a fascinating insight into the personal and intellectual development of Professor Little, containing both the most important articles of his working life and autobiographical chapters.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ian Little has been one of the most significant British contributors to economics in the post-war era. His contributions to Welfare Economics and Development Economics have been highly influential and well-regarded throughout the world. This book is a fascinating insight into the personal and intellectual development of Professor Little, containing both the most important articles of his working life and autobiographical chapters....

Co-Operative Structures in Global Business : A New Approach to Networks, Technology Transfer Agreements, Strategic Alliances and Agency Relationships (Routledge International Studies in Business History)

Gordon Boyce, Gordon H. Boyce

  Co-Operative Structures in Global Business : A New Approach to Networks, Technology Transfer Agreements, Strategic Alliances and Agency Relationships (Routledge International Studies in Business History)  Gordon Boyce, Gordon H. Boyce  This volume explores how firms operating in industries as diverse as filmmaking, shipping, engineering, mining, bottling, and advertising have collaborated to develop innovative services, technologies, and products to reach new markets.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume explores how firms operating in industries as diverse as filmmaking, shipping, engineering, mining, bottling, and advertising have collaborated to develop innovative services, technologies, and products to reach new markets....

Basic Training For New Managers

Lloyd Merritt Smigel

  Basic Training For New Managers  Lloyd Merritt Smigel  Written by a management consultant with more than thirty years' experience, this is a down-to-earth primer for first-time managers facing the new challenges of hiring, promoting, firing, resolving conflicts, and negotiating the corporate grapevine. Through case studies and personal experiences, and often in his own humorous way, author Lloyd Merritt Smigel illustrates how important it is to use integrity, honesty, and caring when dealing with the people you supervise. If you are a first-time manager, Basic Training for New Managers will show you how to tackle your new responsibilities with skill and confidence.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Written by a management consultant with more than thirty years' experience, this is a down-to-earth primer for first-time managers facing the new challenges of hiring, promoting, firing, resolving conflicts, and negotiating the corporate grapevine. Through case studies and personal experiences, and often in his own humorous way, author Lloyd Merritt Smigel illustrates how important it is to use integrity, honesty, and caring when dealing with the people you supervise. If you are a first-time manager, Basic Training for New Managers will show you how to tackle your new responsibilities with skill and confidence....

Quantum Organizations: A New Paradigm for Achieving Organizational Success and Personal Meaning

Ralph H. Kilmann

  Quantum Organizations: A New Paradigm for Achieving Organizational Success and Personal Meaning  Ralph H. Kilmann  Today's executives and managers face an unprecedented challenge. They must find innovative ways to meet the demands of the complex and interrelated problems posed by new technology, globalization, rapid change, and intensifying competition. Empowerment, reengineering, organizational learning, and other change initiatives have attempted to offer practical solutions to this challenge. But what has been lacking is a completely integrated approach for leading, managing, and organizing for the new millennium. QUANTUM ORGANIZATIONS presents a new paradigm that can help today's executives see, think, and act in new ways that enhance organizational success and personal meaning. Management expert and top-selling author Ralph Kilmann brings together more than three decades of research and consulting experience in this groundbreaking book to provide a practical guide to achieving the essential transformational changes the new realities require. Writing with a masterful command of the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Today's executives and managers face an unprecedented challenge. They must find innovative ways to meet the demands of the complex and interrelated problems posed by new technology, globalization, rapid change, and intensifying competition. Empowerment, reengineering, organizational learning, and other change initiatives have attempted to offer practical solutions to this challenge. But what has been lacking is a completely integrated approach for leading, managing, and organizing for the new millennium. QUANTUM ORGANIZATIONS presents a new paradigm that can help today's executives see, think, and act in new ways that enhance organizational success and personal meaning. Management expert and top-selling author Ralph Kilmann brings together more than three decades of research and consulting experience in this groundbreaking book to provide a practical guide to achieving the essential transformational changes the new realities require. Writing with a masterful command of the......

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Запад в поисках Востока. Дэвид Понд . Книги.

Новомосковск, Москва ,
Сборники зарубежных мультфильмов| Естествознание| Наука. Техника| Киноарт, фестивали и награды| Молодым родителям. Ваш малыш| Исторические фильмы| Французский язык| Психологические триллеры| Специальные и отраслевые экономики| Воспитание и педагогика| Инвестиции| Индийские приключения| История| 3D MAX, Maya, Bryce... Трехмерная графика, анимация и дизайн| Педиатрия| Сборники мультфильмов| Молодым родителям. Ваш малыш| Ужасы| Оригами (Бумага для поделок)| Симуляторы (Simulators)| Журналы для детей и о детях| Социология| Теннис| История. Исторические науки| Древний мир (до XV века)| Предпринимательство| Космос, техника, транспорт| Тесты, ПДД| Современные мелодрамы| Этнография (этнология, народоведение)| Афоризмы, цитаты, притчи|
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