Los animales crecen y cambian (Introduccion a Los Seres Vivos)

  Los animales crecen y cambian (Introduccion a Los Seres Vivos)  Bobbie Kalman  Bobbie Kalman  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Bobbie Kalman...

2009 ICD-9-CM, Volumes 1, 2, and 3 Standard Edition with 2008 HCPCS Level II Package

Carol J. Buck

  2009 ICD-9-CM, Volumes 1, 2, and 3 Standard Edition with 2008 HCPCS Level II Package  Carol J. Buck  This money-saving package includes 2009 ICD-9-CM, Volumes 1, 2, and 3 Standard Edition and 2008 HCPCS Level II.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This money-saving package includes 2009 ICD-9-CM, Volumes 1, 2, and 3 Standard Edition and 2008 HCPCS Level II....

Quantization and Arithmetic (Pseudo-Differential Operators)

Andre Unterberger

  Quantization and Arithmetic (Pseudo-Differential Operators)  Andre Unterberger  The primary aim of this book is to create situations in which the zeta function, or other L-functions, will appear in spectral-theoretic questions. A secondary aim is to connect pseudo-differential analysis, or quantization theory, to analytic number theory. Both are attained through the analysis of operators on functions on the line by means of their diagonal matrix elements against families of arithmetic coherent states: these are families of discretely supported measures on the line, transforming in specific ways under the part of the metaplectic representation or, more generally, representations from the discrete series of SL(2,R), lying above an arithmetic group such as SL(2,Z).  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The primary aim of this book is to create situations in which the zeta function, or other L-functions, will appear in spectral-theoretic questions. A secondary aim is to connect pseudo-differential analysis, or quantization theory, to analytic number theory. Both are attained through the analysis of operators on functions on the line by means of their diagonal matrix elements against families of arithmetic coherent states: these are families of discretely supported measures on the line, transforming in specific ways under the part of the metaplectic representation or, more generally, representations from the discrete series of SL(2,R), lying above an arithmetic group such as SL(2,Z)....

Winnie and Wolf

A.N. Wilson

  Winnie and Wolf  A.N. Wilson  Arrow Books.   Arrow Books. "Winnie and Wolf" is the story of the extraordinary relationship between Winifred Wagner and Adolf Hitler that took place during the years 1925-40, as seen through the eyes of the secretary at the Wagner house in Bayreuth. Winifred, an English girl, brought up in an orphanage in East Grinstead, married at the age of eighteen to the son of Germany's most controversial genius, is a passionate Germanophile, a Wagnerian dreamer, a Teutonic patriot. In the debacle of the post-Versailles world, the Wagner family hope for the coming, not of a warrior, a fearless Siegfried, but of a Parsifal, a mystic idealist, a redeemer-figure. In 1925, they meet their Parsifal - a wild-eyed Viennese opera-fanatic in a trilby hat, a mac and a badly fitting suit. Hitler has already made a name for himself in some sections of German society through rabble-rousing and street corner speeches. It is Winifred, though, who believes she can really see his poetry. Almost at once they drop formalities......

Махабхарата. Мистические истории

Амала Бхакта дас

  Махабхарата. Мистические истории  Амала Бхакта дас  Философская Книга.   Философская Книга. "Махабхарата" является величайшей духовной поэмой древней Индии. В данный сборник вошли двадцать историй, полных приключений, любовных историй, интриг и, главное, неподвластных времени уроков мудрости и добродетели. Эти необычайные рассказы вдохновляют, заставляют задуматься и побуждают нас жить в соответствии с высшими идеалами и ценностями. Они дают возможность проникнуть в трансцендентное знание, которое ведет нас к вечному счастью....

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Los animales crecen y cambian (Introduccion a Los Seres Vivos). Bobbie Kalman . Книги.

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