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Career Opportunities in Law And the Legal Industry (Career Opportunities)
Susan Echaore-McDavid...
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Maya 8 at a Glance +CD George Maestri, Mick Larkins
The Visual Key to MayaA® One look and you'll see that this Maya book is different from all the others. It presents the core Maya features visually, using pages packed with striking graphics and loaded with concise explanations of the Maya interface. This expanded edition includes more tutorials; updated material on modeling, animation, rendering and dynamics; and new coverage of Toon Shaders, along with other exciting Maya tools. Engaging step-by-step lessons provide hands-on reinforcement as you learn. Start your adventures in Maya with this full-color, visual guide?the perfect introduction to Maya 8. Use Paint Effects to create images from scratch or add painterly qualities to existing images. Learn how Maya's MEL scripts can help with tasks, such as connecting a curve's CVs to joints to pre-visualize a skeleton. The enclosed CD includes the Maya Personal Learning Edition and all the files you need to complete the tutorials....
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The Stone-Age Company: Why the Companies We Work for Are Dying and How They Can Be Saved Sally Bibb
Hard hitting and focused in its attack, this warning shot of a book stands out with its message that those companies that refuse to change their basic, long-held operating strategies will not survive in the rapidly changing world of work. The business hierarchy that seeks to monitor and control workers' methods and output is outmoded, the text claims, and must be changed even at the risk of hurting those who have always benefited from hierarchical arrangements: the executives and managers. The book further argues that current managing techniques stifle the ability of people and organizations to grow. With innovation and creativity thus inhibited, the days of a company that will not change are numbered. There is a solution, however, and the chapters offer ways to keep talented employees, serve shareholders, and base business practices in growth rather than efficiency and control. A detailed case study puts a real-life spin on the theories and choices explained within the pages,......
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The Lean Office: Collected Practices & Cases (Insights on Implementation) Productivity Press
The Lean Office: Collected Practices and Cases is a compilation of articles previously published in our monthly newsletter, Lean Manufacturing Advisor. These articles discuss lean implementations in non-manufacturing operations, from design to processing invoices to customer service. Most articles are written in the form of case studies. Highlights include: Practical, in-depth description of lean implementation, written in a conversational, easy-to-read style A large quantity of case studies unavailable from any other single source Responds to your desire for real-world lean office information...
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The Job Hunter's Crystal Ball: Read the Minds of Employers And Influence Their Decisions
Stanley Wynett...
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Career Opportunities in Law And the Legal Industry (Career Opportunities). Susan Echaore-McDavid . Книги.
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