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Taxation in a Global Economy Andreas Haufler
Cambridge University Press. The increasing international mobility of capital, firms and consumers affects tax policies in most OECD countries, playing a major role in reforming national tax systems. Haufler uses standard microeconomic analysis to consider the fundamental forces underlying this process. Topics include a variety of different international tax avoidance strategies--capital flight, profit shifting in multinational firms, and cross-border shopping. Haufler addresses the issue of coordination in different areas of tax policy, with emphasis on regional tax harmonization in the EU. Also included is a detailed introduction to recent theoretical literature....
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The Cost of Obtaining Money and on Some Effects of Private and Government Paper Money Nassau William Senior
Nassau William Senior (1790-1864) - economist, critical essayist and government adviser - was a highly original classical economist in the era between Ricardo's Principles of 1817 and Mill's Principles of 1848. He was the first Professor of Political Economy at Oxford, and in his published works he made original contributions to the theory of value, rent, population, money, and international trade. Senior was an active proponent of laissez-faire. Although Senior did not achieve the originality and influence of the leading economists of the classical school - Smith, Ricardo, and Malthus - he did make an enduring contribution on the development of economics. John Stuart Mill took much effort to respond to Senior....
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Corporate Reputation and Competitiveness Gary Davies, Rosa Chun, Rui Vinhas Da Silva, Stuart Roper
Routledge. This book presents the case for reputation as a strategic tool for organizations in the 21st century. As well as a review of current thinking on how reputation is managed, the text contains a unique approach to reputation measurement and management, the Reputation Chain. The authors' approach has been tried and tested in a number of organizations. The authors demonstrate how improving reputation, merely by learning more about what a company is already doing, has been proven to increase sales growth at five percent. US companies examined include Coke, IBM, Intel, McDonalds, Fortune and Enron....
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Last Minute Resumes (Last Minute) Brandon Toropov
In Last Minute Resumes and Last Minute Cover Letters takes readers step by step through the job-search process. It explains what they need to know to land that interview and get that long- awaited dream job. The author shows how to: do the necessary research; target the resume and cover letter to specific positions; create an effective letter matching the readers talents with those that are required on the job; send the package for maximum effect; and put it all together in a limited amount of time....
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Communication Basics for Human Service Professionals (SAGE HUMAN SERVICES GUIDES) Elam Nunnally, Caryl Moy
Over the past two decades, great strides have been made in the development of communication frameworks, information theory, communication skills and techniques for problem solving. This volume brings these developments to the attention of human service practitioners and students and provides a foundation in communication principles and skills. Focusing on the basic knowledge and skills necessary for effective interviewing, the authors cover such basic topics as awareness, self disclosure, giving and responding to feedback, listening, non-verbal messages, problem solving and conflict resolution....
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Taxation in a Global Economy. Andreas Haufler . Книги.
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