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A Handbook of Tropical Soil Biology: Sampling and Characterization of Below-Ground Biodiversity
This practical handbook describes sampling and laboratory assessment methods for the biodiversity of a number of key functional groups of soil organisms, including insects, earthworms, nematodes, fungi and bacteria. The methods have been assembled and the protocols drafted by a number of scientists associated with the UNEP-GEF funded Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity project, executed by the Tropical Soil Biodiversity and Fertility (TSBF) institute of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). The methods provide a standardized basis for characterizing soil biodiversity occurring in terrestrial natural and agro-ecosystems in the tropics and current land uses in forest and forest margin areas. The aim is to assess soil biodiversity against current and historic land use practices both at plot and landscape scales and further to identify opportunities for improved sustainable land management through the introduction and/or management of......
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Общая экономическая теория (политическая экономия) Н. Д. Елецкий
. Высшее образование. В учебном пособии дана системная характеристика современных проблем политической экономии, рассмотрены актуальные вопросы хозяйственной практики и обшей экономической теории, их дискуссионные аспекты. Анализ производственных отношений осуществляется в разрезе основного вопроса политической экономии - о собственности, выступающего в качестве системообразующего фактора понятийного аппарата науки и учебной дисциплины. Пособие предназначается для аспирантов, преподавателей, а также для студентов, занимающихся научной работой....
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Philip's Concise Atlas of the World Keith Lye
Philip's. This authoritative atlas presents the world in cartography of exceptional quality. The 128 pages of physical and political maps - fully revised and updated for 2008 - have been selected to provide balanced coverage of the continents, while giving prominence to densely populated and economically or strategically important areas. Projections and scales have been chosen to maximize legibility and minimize distortion over the largest regions. Acclaimed by geographers everywhere, Philip's physical maps combine relief shading with layer-coloured contours to give a stunning visual impression of the Earth's surface, while charting physical features, settlements and communications with meticulous accuracy. The extensive alpha-numeric index of over 58,000 names includes geographical features such as mountains, rivers, lakes and deserts, as well as provinces, towns and cities. Included also is a superb 48-page introductory section - The Earth in Space. Beautifully illustrated with......
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Electronic Health Records: An Audit and Internal Control Guide Rebecca S. Busch
Electronic Health Records: An Audit and Internal Control Guide describes the infrastructure of electronic health records and the impact that the government's new criteria will have on the private and public marketplace. Understand what to look for in a health care record management system and find tips and helpful guidance for implementation. If you are trying to facilitate an audit of a health record management system, you can apply the example described in the model, which will serve as a timely model and invaluable resource....
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Russia Business Law Handbook Ibp Usa, USA International Business Publications
Russia Business Law Handbook...
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A Handbook of Tropical Soil Biology: Sampling and Characterization of Below-Ground Biodiversity. . Книги.
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