Мы пестрые бабочки, детка!

Эльфрида Елинек

  Мы пестрые бабочки, детка!  Эльфрида Елинек  Амфора.   Роман Амфора. Роман "Мы пестрые бабочки, детка!" (1970) - первенец Эльфриды Елинек. Именно с ним она вошла в австрийскую, а затем и в мировую литературу. Русскоязычному читателю нобелевский лауреат Э.Елинек уже знакома по романам "Пианистка", "Алчность", "Дети мертвых" и другим....

Probate and Settle an Estate in California, 3E (How to Probate and Settle An Estate in California)

John Talamo, Douglas Godbe

  Probate and Settle an Estate in California, 3E (How to Probate and Settle An Estate in California)  John Talamo, Douglas Godbe  While probate is a complicated court process, Probate and Settle an Estate in California can help you understand, prepare for, and work through the steps necessary to handle both property that is subject to probate and property that is not subject to probate in the state of California. Written in an easy-to-understand manner, this book will give you confidence as you navigate the probate court system. From dealing with creditorsi claims and changing property ownership to transferring assets and handling estate taxes, Probate and Settle an Estate in California covers the essentials you need to close an estate.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин While probate is a complicated court process, Probate and Settle an Estate in California can help you understand, prepare for, and work through the steps necessary to handle both property that is subject to probate and property that is not subject to probate in the state of California. Written in an easy-to-understand manner, this book will give you confidence as you navigate the probate court system. From dealing with creditorsi claims and changing property ownership to transferring assets and handling estate taxes, Probate and Settle an Estate in California covers the essentials you need to close an estate....

America's Best Newspaper Writing: A Collection of ASNE Prizewinners

  America's Best Newspaper Writing: A Collection of ASNE Prizewinners  Roy Peter Clark, Christopher Scanlan  Roy Peter Clark, Christopher Scanlan  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Roy Peter Clark, Christopher Scanlan...

Lemuria & Atlantis: Studying the Past to Survive the Future

Shirley Andrews

  Lemuria & Atlantis: Studying the Past to Survive the Future  Shirley Andrews  {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\sb100\sa100\f0\fs24 The mysterious civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis become reality as Shirley Andrews, the author of \i Atlantis: Insights From a Lost Civilization\i0 combines details from scholars, scientists and the respected psychic Edgar Cayce. Her sober portrayal of disturbing parallels between the spiritual decay of Atlantis and our modern world, and her reasonable explanations for the vivid dreams and past life memories recounted by numerous people about life on the lost lands enhance this fascinating book. \par \par \pard\f1\fs17 \par }  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\sb100\sa100\f0\fs24 The mysterious civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis become reality as Shirley Andrews, the author of \i Atlantis: Insights From a Lost Civilization\i0 combines details from scholars, scientists and the respected psychic Edgar Cayce. Her sober portrayal of disturbing parallels between the spiritual decay of Atlantis and our modern world, and her reasonable explanations for the vivid dreams and past life memories recounted by numerous people about life on the lost lands enhance this fascinating book. \par \par \pard\f1\fs17 \par }...

NFL Head Coach: Prima Official Game Guide (Prima Official Game Guides)

Jim Boyd

  NFL Head Coach: Prima Official Game Guide (Prima Official Game Guides)  Jim Boyd  NFL Head Coach A· Draft scouting and depth charts for every team. A· Complete team analysis. A· Analysis of every team's personnel needs and draft recommendations for each. A· Details on the offensive and defensive Money Plays for each franchise. A· Don't know a 3-4 from a 4-3? The Football 101 section will make sure you're a coach who knows the game inside and out. A· Learn the day-to-day tasks you need to complete to earn your players' and coaches' trust, impress the owner, and keep your job.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин NFL Head Coach A· Draft scouting and depth charts for every team. A· Complete team analysis. A· Analysis of every team's personnel needs and draft recommendations for each. A· Details on the offensive and defensive Money Plays for each franchise. A· Don't know a 3-4 from a 4-3? The Football 101 section will make sure you're a coach who knows the game inside and out. A· Learn the day-to-day tasks you need to complete to earn your players' and coaches' trust, impress the owner, and keep your job....

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