Большая книга судоку

  Большая книга судоку  Рипол Классик.   Судоку.   В России появилась уникальная игра-головоломка, не имеющая равных по увлекательности и пользе для ума. Судоку - сегодня самая популярная в мире игра, число поклонников которой растет не по дням, а по часам. Это веселая, динамичная, совершенно нескучная гимнастика для ума, позволяющая развить логическое мышление, приучающая мыслить ярко, творчески, нестандартно. Правила игры довольно просты: игрок должен заполнить свободные поля в таблице размером 9 на 9 цифрами от 1 до 9. Есть, однако, главное условие: ни в одном ряду или колонке, а также ни в одном из Рипол Классик. Судоку. В России появилась уникальная игра-головоломка, не имеющая равных по увлекательности и пользе для ума. Судоку - сегодня самая популярная в мире игра, число поклонников которой растет не по дням, а по часам. Это веселая, динамичная, совершенно нескучная гимнастика для ума, позволяющая развить логическое мышление, приучающая мыслить ярко, творчески, нестандартно. Правила игры довольно просты: игрок должен заполнить свободные поля в таблице размером 9 на 9 цифрами от 1 до 9. Есть, однако, главное условие: ни в одном ряду или колонке, а также ни в одном из "мини-квадратов" - группе полей размером 3 на 3, на которые поделено главное поле,- цифры не должны повторяться. В этой книге вы найдете триста вариантов судоку. Здесь есть как простые головоломки для начинающих, так и более сложные - для опытных игроков. С помощью "Большой книги судоку" вы сможете сначала овладеть базовыми навыками игры, а потом подняться на самый высокий уровень мастерства....

Entrepreneurial Financial Management

Jeffrey R. Cornwall

  Entrepreneurial Financial Management  Jeffrey R. Cornwall  Book DescriptionThe first book on the market to approach this topic from a comprehensive perspective, Entrepreneurial Financial Management offers an applied, realistic view of finance for today's entrepreneurs. This book emphasizes that entrepreneurial finance is not just about raising money and creating financial statements: it explains that management is the key to success for any new business venture. It provides an integrated set of concepts and applications that draw from entrepreneurship, finance, and accounting, and will prepare users for the world they will face as they start their new businesses. Proper attention is paid to venture capital and public offerings, but these are put in their proper perspective, as less than 1 percent of new ventures should even consider these financing vehicles. Based on practical experience and informed by theory, this book will prove useful for accountants, finance professionals, and entrepreneurs.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe first book on the market to approach this topic from a comprehensive perspective, Entrepreneurial Financial Management offers an applied, realistic view of finance for today's entrepreneurs. This book emphasizes that entrepreneurial finance is not just about raising money and creating financial statements: it explains that management is the key to success for any new business venture. It provides an integrated set of concepts and applications that draw from entrepreneurship, finance, and accounting, and will prepare users for the world they will face as they start their new businesses. Proper attention is paid to venture capital and public offerings, but these are put in their proper perspective, as less than 1 percent of new ventures should even consider these financing vehicles. Based on practical experience and informed by theory, this book will prove useful for accountants, finance professionals, and entrepreneurs....

Trouble on the Inca Trail : Participant's Workbook (Pfeiffer Essential Resources for Training and HR Professiona)

Lorraine L. Ukens

  Trouble on the Inca Trail : Participant's Workbook (Pfeiffer Essential Resources for Training and HR Professiona)  Lorraine L. Ukens  Book Description Trouble on the Inca Trail presents you with numerous challenging situations that require you to choose from a set of possible actions that offer the best chance for survival. To begin, you embark on the simulated adventure alone, determining your own choices, and then you take the journey as a team member making the decisions by group consensus. Afterward, compare your choices with what the group selects and determine whether the group performs better than any one individual alone. Trouble on the Inca Trail tests your knowledge and survival skills. Through this challenging and fun-filled simulated activity, you will learn how to work with others to solve problems and hone your team synergy and action-planning skills.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Trouble on the Inca Trail presents you with numerous challenging situations that require you to choose from a set of possible actions that offer the best chance for survival. To begin, you embark on the simulated adventure alone, determining your own choices, and then you take the journey as a team member making the decisions by group consensus. Afterward, compare your choices with what the group selects and determine whether the group performs better than any one individual alone. Trouble on the Inca Trail tests your knowledge and survival skills. Through this challenging and fun-filled simulated activity, you will learn how to work with others to solve problems and hone your team synergy and action-planning skills....

Persuasion in Advertising

John O'Shaughnessy

  Persuasion in Advertising  John O'Shaughnessy  Book DescriptionPersuasion in Advertising seeks to explain how advertising works and sets out the strategies for advertizers to adopt for persuasion. Persuasion is often the core of the marketing task and effective advertizing is always persuasive advertizing; however, not all advertizing seeks to persuade. Drawing on empirical research, concepts and case examples from both the US and Europe, this book illustrates how theory is put into practice, offering readers a practical and in-depth guide to the artof advertizing persuasion.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionPersuasion in Advertising seeks to explain how advertising works and sets out the strategies for advertizers to adopt for persuasion. Persuasion is often the core of the marketing task and effective advertizing is always persuasive advertizing; however, not all advertizing seeks to persuade. Drawing on empirical research, concepts and case examples from both the US and Europe, this book illustrates how theory is put into practice, offering readers a practical and in-depth guide to the artof advertizing persuasion....

Sprint to the Finish

David Eisenstein

  Sprint to the Finish  David Eisenstein  Book DescriptionHusband and wife authors David Eisenstein, attorney, and Penny Eisenstein, Certified Financial Planner ? and CCIM, co-hosts of the ?Money Matters with the Eisensteins? weekly radio broadcast and live streaming internet shows on their website, www.KMNE.com (known as K-MONEY), bring over twenty years experience counseling their clients in estate and financial matters. Retirement is closing in for many people who aren?t financially or emotionally prepared. In sometimes creative and sometimes conventional ways, David and Penny point out proven and practical actions for amassing assets so that even late starters can retire in the lifestyle they choose, when they choose. Sprint to the Finish offers topics such as: Taking actions which create immediate results. Accumulating assets and income with little effort or investment. Learning the four major steps to take prior to investing. Avoiding the major...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHusband and wife authors David Eisenstein, attorney, and Penny Eisenstein, Certified Financial Planner ? and CCIM, co-hosts of the ?Money Matters with the Eisensteins? weekly radio broadcast and live streaming internet shows on their website, www.KMNE.com (known as K-MONEY), bring over twenty years experience counseling their clients in estate and financial matters. Retirement is closing in for many people who aren?t financially or emotionally prepared. In sometimes creative and sometimes conventional ways, David and Penny point out proven and practical actions for amassing assets so that even late starters can retire in the lifestyle they choose, when they choose. Sprint to the Finish offers topics such as: Taking actions which create immediate results. Accumulating assets and income with little effort or investment. Learning the four major steps to take prior to investing. Avoiding the major......

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