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Planning Better Board Meetings (CarverGuide, Vol. 5) John Carver
Jossey-Bass. Examines how to restrict crowded agendas, scattered focuses of discussion, and all the familiar weaknesses of group discipline--and use board energy efficiently and effectively. Tells how to select subject matter for meetings, how to plan use of board time, control the agenda, and discusses how long a board meeting should be in order to fulfill its task of governing....
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The Indispensable Health Care Manager : Success Strategies for a Changing Environment (Jossey-Bass Health Series) Wendy Leebov, Gail Scott
In our competitive health care environment, managers need a variety of skills to excel in the diverse roles they are expected to perform. The Indispensable Health Care Manager offers managers the vital information and tools they need to succeed intoday's tumultuous workplace environment. Based on Wendy Leebov and Gail Scott's extensive experience working with health care managers in a wide variety of settings, the book is filled with real-life situations and illustrative examples. The Indispensable Health Care Manager contains ten mindset or role shifts that are key to management survival, self-assessment devices for helping a manager determine how he or she may benefit from a particular shift, and tools for making the shift. This essential resource includes more than a hundred tools managers can use to make the transition to indispensability....
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E-Business Applications Jorge Gass, Jorge Gasos, Klaus-Dieter Thoben
E-Business has become a fact for almost all companies. But what are the key technologies for economically successful e-commerce ? In this book readers will find all concepts that will coin tomorrow's e-business: virtual sales assistants (shopbots), personalized web pages, electronic market places, vendor managed inventory, virtual organizations, supply chain management. Both technical and economic issues of these concepts are discussed in detail. Leading-edge real world applications are presented that will shape e-business mid-term. This book is a must-read for managers or technical consultants as well as researchers, needing in-depth information for strategic business decisions....
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Advances in Agile Manufacturing: Integrating Technology, Organization and People (Advances in Design and Manufacturing, 4) P. T. Kidd, W. Karwowski, P.T. Kidd, Waldemar Karwowski, Paul T. Kidd
Contemporary manufacturing industry is undergoing a major shift away from mass production towards a newly emerging paradigm known as Agile Manufacturing. A key element in the reassesment is the shift of focus towards systematic examination of the organization and people issues in advanced manufacturing. The major part of the 160+ papers presented in this work is connected with the issue of developing multidisciplinary methods and tools to support TOP integration (technology, organization and people) and the implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Systems. The commercial concern to build agile enterprises by integrating technology, organization and people results in the need to achieve a competitive advantage through this process by means of concurrent engineering, team working, empowerment and other tools. The interest to master the process of designing and implementing advanced systems has special emphasis. Readers: professionals in computer integrated manufacturing, engineering,......
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Analyzing Complex Survey Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences) Eun Sul Lee, Ronald N. Forthofer, Ronald J. Lorimor
Social scientists are demanding more analytic studies of social survey data in order to examine a variety of emerging issues. Answering this need, Analyzing Complex Survey Data offers an effective means of examining and analyzing complex surveys -- and how to overcome problems that often arise. It includes discussions on the choices involved in variance estimates, simple random sampling without replacement, stratified random sampling and two-stage cluster sampling, and outlines the different computer programs that are currently available....
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Planning Better Board Meetings (CarverGuide, Vol. 5). John Carver . Книги.
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