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Теория вероятностей Ю. Н. Тюрин, А. А. Макаров, Г. И. Симонова
МЦНМО. Настоящий учебник предназначен для студентов социально-экономических, управленческих и гуманитарных специальностей. В нем подробно без лишнего математического формализма, изложены основы теории вероятностей, приведены примеры их использования на практике: в статистике, экономике, социологии, менеджменте, психологии и т. д. Для лучшего усвоения материала книга снабжена простыми упражнениями и компьютерным практиком в Excel....
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Terra Explorer Volume 1 William James Davis
This first volume of the Terra Explorer series offers a compelling new approach for experiencing the natural world. Naturalists of all persuasions will enjoy this book, as it delivers valuable insights into the lives of birds. The author's intent is to create a handbook for aspiring nature video journalists. The well researched material is uniquely organized to inspire ideas for video-annotated stories to share with other enthusiasts on the Terra Naturalist website. Personal exploration is an exciting way to connect with nature, especially when your discoveries are captured on video....
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The Curator's Egg: The Evolution of the Museum Concept from the French Revolution to the Present Day Karsten Schubert
Art dealer, publisher, and writer Karsten Schubert traces the concept of the museum from the opening of the Louvre, through to the mid-20th century shift from heralding ancient work to supporting living artists, to the current popularity of buildings by ''starchitects.'' This landmark third edition adds a provocative essay, ''Democracy of Spectacle,'' discussing the recent trend of museums adopting a populist and income-based business model. Schubert includes an engrossing history of the Metropolitan Museum and MoMA from 1930-1950, and of the unprecedented success of museums in the 1980s and 1990s in Europe and the United States. This unique volume will completely change the way you look at museums....
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Thomas Nozkowski Marc Mayer, Robert Storr
A critically acclaimed abstract painter, Nozkowski creates work that is characterized by innovative color and composition based on close observation of his surroundings and resulting in unexpected arrangements which can be jarring or beautiful but always strikingly original. This survey exhibition brings together some 50 works produced over the past 20 years and documents the largest exhibition to date devoted to his work. Thomas Nozkowski has exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington....
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Darwin, Then and Now: The Most Amazing Story in the History of Science Richard William Nelson
Darwin, Then and Now is a journey through the most amazing story in the history of science; encapsulating who Darwin was, what he said and what scientists have discovered since the publication of The Origin of Species in 1859. While recognized as one of the most influential individuals of the twentieth century, little is widely known about his personal life, interests, and motivations. This book explores Darwin's driving passion using Darwin's own words from The Origin of Species, Autobiography, Voyage of the Beagle and letters. In retracing the roots of evolution from the Greeks, Darwin, Then and Now journeys through the dynamics of the eighteenth century that lead to the publication of The Origin of Species and the succeeding role of key players in the emerging evolution revolution. Darwin, Then and Now examines Darwin's theory with more than three-hundred quotations from The Origin of Species, spotlighting what Darwin said concerning the origin of species and natural selection......
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Теория вероятностей. Ю. Н. Тюрин, А. А. Макаров, Г. И. Симонова . Книги.
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