The Reduced History of Tennis: The Story of the Genteel Racket and Ball Game Squeezed into 100 Smashes and Lobs

Richard Pendleton

  The Reduced History of Tennis: The Story of the Genteel Racket and Ball Game Squeezed into 100 Smashes and Lobs  Richard Pendleton  Andre Deutsch.   No one is safe in this top-spinning compilation of sports commentary and wacky reports. Readers will delight in the ridiculous remembrances of the gentlemen and the players, the ladies and the ball-boys, the coaches and the gurus, and the umpires and the line judges that have graced and disgraced the quintessential game of high summer. The clean aces, racket abuse, net cords, strawberries and cream, the on-court tantrums, and the little white dresses that got the crowd oohing and ahhing in the fruity manner of Dan Maskell are amusingly recalled.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Andre Deutsch. No one is safe in this top-spinning compilation of sports commentary and wacky reports. Readers will delight in the ridiculous remembrances of the gentlemen and the players, the ladies and the ball-boys, the coaches and the gurus, and the umpires and the line judges that have graced and disgraced the quintessential game of high summer. The clean aces, racket abuse, net cords, strawberries and cream, the on-court tantrums, and the little white dresses that got the crowd oohing and ahhing in the fruity manner of Dan Maskell are amusingly recalled....

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The Reduced History of Tennis: The Story of the Genteel Racket and Ball Game Squeezed into 100 Smashes and Lobs. Richard Pendleton . Книги.

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