Сказка о лисичке-сестричке и волке

  Сказка о лисичке-сестричке и волке  Гознак.   Иллюстрации Э. Лисснера воспроизведены с авторских оригиналов, хранящихся в Гознаке.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Гознак. Иллюстрации Э. Лисснера воспроизведены с авторских оригиналов, хранящихся в Гознаке....

Таможенное дело в России X - начало XX вв.

  Таможенное дело в России X - начало XX вв.  ПИК.   Исторический очерк сборника освещает важнейшие этапы истории таможенного дела в России с древнейших времен до начала XX века. Главное внимание сосредоточено на сюжетах XVII - XVIII веков, когда были приняты первые таможенные тарифы и уставы, активно шло становление национальной таможенной службы. В разделе ПИК. Исторический очерк сборника освещает важнейшие этапы истории таможенного дела в России с древнейших времен до начала XX века. Главное внимание сосредоточено на сюжетах XVII - XVIII веков, когда были приняты первые таможенные тарифы и уставы, активно шло становление национальной таможенной службы. В разделе "Документы. Материалы" представлен свод основных актов таможенного законодательства XVII - XVIII веков. Книга может быть рекомендована студентам и преподавателям вузов, сотрудникам таможенных органов и всем, интересующимся прошлым своего Отечества....

Trade For Development (Un Millennium Project)

Ernesto Zedillo

  Trade For Development (Un Millennium Project)  Ernesto Zedillo  Book DescriptionThe current international trading system is stacked against developing countries, a situation that severely hampers development and ongoing attempts to eradicate poverty. This Millennium Project Task Force Report presents the framework necessary to correct this imbalance and give developing countries greater economic growth potential and a more effective capacity to defeat poverty.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe current international trading system is stacked against developing countries, a situation that severely hampers development and ongoing attempts to eradicate poverty. This Millennium Project Task Force Report presents the framework necessary to correct this imbalance and give developing countries greater economic growth potential and a more effective capacity to defeat poverty....

The Regulation of Investment in Utilities: Concepts and Applications (World Bank Working Papers) (World Bank Working Papers)

Ian Alexander

  The Regulation of Investment in Utilities: Concepts and Applications (World Bank Working Papers) (World Bank Working Papers)  Ian Alexander  Book DescriptionRegulatory institutions and the regimes that they establish have a significant impact on the environment for new investment in utility and infrastructure industries. This is especially true when the investment is provided by the private sector. Although some aspects of the regulation of infrastructure utilities have been well covered relatively little has been written on techniques developed by regulators over the past decade to deal with how investment issues have been factored into regulatory price controls. The Regulation of Investment in Utilities examines the common approaches that have been adopted by regulators over the last 10 to 15 years and finds that the different techniques that were developed have had varying levels of success, and were often only developed to respond to a particular situation?large investments with uncertain timing, an uncertain volume of smaller investments, etc. This paper provides assessments of the various approaches...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionRegulatory institutions and the regimes that they establish have a significant impact on the environment for new investment in utility and infrastructure industries. This is especially true when the investment is provided by the private sector. Although some aspects of the regulation of infrastructure utilities have been well covered relatively little has been written on techniques developed by regulators over the past decade to deal with how investment issues have been factored into regulatory price controls. The Regulation of Investment in Utilities examines the common approaches that have been adopted by regulators over the last 10 to 15 years and finds that the different techniques that were developed have had varying levels of success, and were often only developed to respond to a particular situation?large investments with uncertain timing, an uncertain volume of smaller investments, etc. This paper provides assessments of the various approaches......

Managing Human Resources in Africa (Global Hrm)

Yaw Debrah

  Managing Human Resources in Africa (Global Hrm)  Yaw Debrah  Book DescriptionThis volume addresses the shortage of knowledge about the nature, diversity and context of HRM in Africa and highlights the important trends and patterns that have been emerging on the continent.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis volume addresses the shortage of knowledge about the nature, diversity and context of HRM in Africa and highlights the important trends and patterns that have been emerging on the continent....

<<<  Свидание со смертью. Элизабет Ленхард             Distributed and Parallel Systems: From Cluster to Grid Computing. ... >>>

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Сказка о лисичке-сестричке и волке. . Книги.

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