Заступник Отечества

А. Дегтярев

  Заступник Отечества  А. Дегтярев  Художественная литература. Ленинградское отделение.   Книга посвящена 750-летию битвы на Неве и ее главному участнику новгородскому князю Александру Ярославичу (Невскому).  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Художественная литература. Ленинградское отделение. Книга посвящена 750-летию битвы на Неве и ее главному участнику новгородскому князю Александру Ярославичу (Невскому)....

El Misterio del Priorato de Sion (Rocaeditorial Misterio)

Jean Michel Thibaux

  El Misterio del Priorato de Sion (Rocaeditorial Misterio)  Jean Michel Thibaux  La historia original del tesoro del Priorato de SiA?n en la que se basa El cA?digo Da Vinci.1885. El abad Bernard SauniA?re asume se cargo en Rennes le Chateau, una parroquia pobre en el Alto Languedoc. No sabe aA?n que debe su nombramiento al misterioso Priorato de SiA?n, que planea encomendarle una misiA?n secreta: encontrar el tesoro fabuloso de los reyes visigodos. Sustentada en hehcos reales, esta novela evidencia un profundo conocimiento de las sociedades esotA©ricas y nos arrastra hasta el fondo de los arcanos del Priorato de SiA?n, revisando ciertos aspectos que estA?n presentes en El cA?digo Da Vinci.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин La historia original del tesoro del Priorato de SiA?n en la que se basa El cA?digo Da Vinci.1885. El abad Bernard SauniA?re asume se cargo en Rennes le Chateau, una parroquia pobre en el Alto Languedoc. No sabe aA?n que debe su nombramiento al misterioso Priorato de SiA?n, que planea encomendarle una misiA?n secreta: encontrar el tesoro fabuloso de los reyes visigodos. Sustentada en hehcos reales, esta novela evidencia un profundo conocimiento de las sociedades esotA©ricas y nos arrastra hasta el fondo de los arcanos del Priorato de SiA?n, revisando ciertos aspectos que estA?n presentes en El cA?digo Da Vinci....

Information Communication Technologies And Emerging Business Strategies

Shenja Van Der Graaf, Yuichi Washida

  Information Communication Technologies And Emerging Business Strategies  Shenja Van Der Graaf, Yuichi Washida  In the information communication technologies (ICT) field, there is a vacuum among disciplines, as well as between business research and academic studies, due to the rapid development of new technologies. Information Communication Technologies and Emerging Business Strategies fills this void by following an interdisciplinary approach to emerging markets, information and communication technologies. Information Communication Technologies and Emerging Business Strategies creates awareness of changes in cultures of lifestyle consumption, which is both theoretically and empirically explored across multiple nations. This yields insight into the relationships between emerging businesses utilizing cutting-edge technologies and cultural perspectives, from the viewpoint of consumers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In the information communication technologies (ICT) field, there is a vacuum among disciplines, as well as between business research and academic studies, due to the rapid development of new technologies. Information Communication Technologies and Emerging Business Strategies fills this void by following an interdisciplinary approach to emerging markets, information and communication technologies. Information Communication Technologies and Emerging Business Strategies creates awareness of changes in cultures of lifestyle consumption, which is both theoretically and empirically explored across multiple nations. This yields insight into the relationships between emerging businesses utilizing cutting-edge technologies and cultural perspectives, from the viewpoint of consumers....

Enterprise Service Bus: Theory in Practice

David Chappell

  Enterprise Service Bus: Theory in Practice  David Chappell  Large IT organizations increasingly face the challenge of integrating various web services, applications, and other technologies into a single network. The solution to finding a meaningful large-scale architecture that is capable of spanning a global entrprise appears to have been met in ESB, or Enterprise Service Bus. Rather than conform to the hub-and-spoke architecture of traditional enterprise application integration products, ESB provides a highly distributed approach to integration, with unique caabilities that allow individual departments or business units to build out their integration projects in incremental, digestible chunks, maintaining their own local control and autonomy, while still being able to connect together each integration project nto a larger, more global integration fabric, or grid. Enterprise Service Bus offers a thorough introduction and overview for systems architects, system integrators, technical project leads, and CTO/CIO level managers who...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Large IT organizations increasingly face the challenge of integrating various web services, applications, and other technologies into a single network. The solution to finding a meaningful large-scale architecture that is capable of spanning a global entrprise appears to have been met in ESB, or Enterprise Service Bus. Rather than conform to the hub-and-spoke architecture of traditional enterprise application integration products, ESB provides a highly distributed approach to integration, with unique caabilities that allow individual departments or business units to build out their integration projects in incremental, digestible chunks, maintaining their own local control and autonomy, while still being able to connect together each integration project nto a larger, more global integration fabric, or grid. Enterprise Service Bus offers a thorough introduction and overview for systems architects, system integrators, technical project leads, and CTO/CIO level managers who......

Core Web Application Development with PHP and MySQL (Core)

  Core Web Application Development with PHP and MySQL (Core)  Marc Wandschneider  Marc Wandschneider  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Marc Wandschneider...

<<<  Lonely Planet Germany. Andrea Schulte-Peevers, Jeremy ...             Distributed and Parallel Systems: From Cluster to Grid Computing. ... >>>

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Заступник Отечества. А. Дегтярев . Книги.

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