Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing

Adam Greenfield

  Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing  Adam Greenfield  Ubiquitous computing--almost imperceptible, but everywhere around us--is rapidly becoming a reality. How will it change us? how can we shape its emergence? Smart buildings, smart furniture, smart clothing... even smart bathtubs. networked street signs and self-describing soda cans. Gestural interfaces like those seen in Minority Report . The RFID tags now embedded in everything from credit cards to the family pet. All of these are facets of the ubiquitous computing author Adam Greenfield calls Ubiquitous computing--almost imperceptible, but everywhere around us--is rapidly becoming a reality. How will it change us? how can we shape its emergence? Smart buildings, smart furniture, smart clothing... even smart bathtubs. networked street signs and self-describing soda cans. Gestural interfaces like those seen in Minority Report . The RFID tags now embedded in everything from credit cards to the family pet. All of these are facets of the ubiquitous computing author Adam Greenfield calls "everyware." In a series of brief, thoughtful meditations, Greenfield explains how everyware is already reshaping our lives, transforming our understanding of the cities we live in, the communities we belong to--and the way we see ourselves. What are people saying about the book? "Adam Greenfield is intense, engaged, intelligent and caring. I pay attention to him. I counsel you to do the same." -- HOWARD RHEINGOLD , AUTHOR, SMART......

Elementary Statistics Using Excel (3rd Edition)

Mario F. Triola

  Elementary Statistics Using Excel (3rd Edition)  Mario F. Triola  Elementary Statistics Using Excel A is a complete introduction to basic statistics, with a strong emphasis on understanding statistics concepts and the inclusion of Excel spreadsheet technology for the analysis of data. Statistics topics are presented with illustrative examples, many which use real data; identification of required assumptions; and underlying theory. Extensive Excel instructions are provided along with typical displays of results, as well as information about Excel's limitations and alternative approaches. DDXL (Version 2.0), a software add-in that enhances and expands the capability of Excel, and Appendix B data sets in the form of Excel workbooks are featured on the CD-ROM included with each copy of the book.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Elementary Statistics Using Excel A is a complete introduction to basic statistics, with a strong emphasis on understanding statistics concepts and the inclusion of Excel spreadsheet technology for the analysis of data. Statistics topics are presented with illustrative examples, many which use real data; identification of required assumptions; and underlying theory. Extensive Excel instructions are provided along with typical displays of results, as well as information about Excel's limitations and alternative approaches. DDXL (Version 2.0), a software add-in that enhances and expands the capability of Excel, and Appendix B data sets in the form of Excel workbooks are featured on the CD-ROM included with each copy of the book....

A Cut Above: How the Man Who Gave the World the Afro Made $$ Millions!

  A Cut Above: How the Man Who Gave the World the Afro Made $$ Millions!  Cornell McBride  Cornell McBride  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cornell McBride...

Hell in a Handbasket

Tom Tomorrow

  Hell in a Handbasket  Tom Tomorrow  A chronicle of the worst years of our lives as seen through the eyes of cartoonist Tom Tomorrow. For years, Tom Tomorrow's acerbic and hilarious political cartoon, This Modern World , has been among the most recognizable and widely read in alternative press. In his first full-color compilation, Tom looks unflinchingly at what America has become in the years since 9/11 - and where it is likely headed. His cartoons give us a way to laugh instead of cry was we head toward Hell in a Handbasket . This anthology of more than 140 cartoons provides a starkly revealing snapshot of America's political culture at the dawn of the twenty-first century.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A chronicle of the worst years of our lives as seen through the eyes of cartoonist Tom Tomorrow. For years, Tom Tomorrow's acerbic and hilarious political cartoon, This Modern World , has been among the most recognizable and widely read in alternative press. In his first full-color compilation, Tom looks unflinchingly at what America has become in the years since 9/11 - and where it is likely headed. His cartoons give us a way to laugh instead of cry was we head toward Hell in a Handbasket . This anthology of more than 140 cartoons provides a starkly revealing snapshot of America's political culture at the dawn of the twenty-first century....

The Cutting Edge: Fashion from Japan

  The Cutting Edge: Fashion from Japan  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

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Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing. Adam Greenfield . Книги.

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