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All-in Pete Hautman
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing. "You know how they say you can't climb out of a hole till you hit bottom?" "Yeah?" "I'm trying to find the bottom". At seventeen, Denn Doyle isn't old enough to gamble legally, but thanks to his talent for reading tells, he's made a fortune -- and along the way, he's upset some of the most notorious Texas holdem players in Las Vegas, including Artie Kingston, who had already lost his nightclub to Denn. But now Denn's luck has run out and he's just about broke. His only chance is a million-dollar, winner-take-all tournament at Artie's new casino, but Denn can't play unless he comes up with the $10,000 entry fee. Denn's future all comes down to one hand of poker. National Book Award-winning author Pete Hautman introduced Denn Doyle in No Limit, of which School Library Journal said, "Fast paced and powerfully delivered...as taut and suspenseful as a high-stakes game". Here he deals another hand of love, luck, and greed in the high-stakes world of poker....
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Grudgelore: The ultimate book of dwarfs Nick Kyme and Gavin Thorpe
Games Workshop. -...
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Дорожные работы Стивен Кинг
АСТ, АСТ Москва, Харвест. В обычном маленьком городке живет обычный человек, медленно, но верно погружающийся в пучину черной ненависти к себе и окружающим. Нужен всего лишь повод, чтобы ненависть выплеснулась на волю потоком хлещущей крови. И когда повод находится, обычного человека, ставшего убийцей, уже не остановить......
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An Ideal Husband
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When God Made The Dakotas Timothy Kessler
"Oh, Great Spirit, the Dakotas would like a land of great stone mountains whose jagged peaks are topped with the snow of many winters, mountains where flashing trout spawn in fast rushing streams . . ." Wakantanka opened his bag and peered inside. He set the bag down slowly, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Old Friend," he said quietly. "I have no mountains left to give. Ask for something else." Before he creates the Dakotas, the Great Spirit, Wakantanka, asks Woksape, the Dakota medicine man, about his dreams for the land. Woksape soon learns that many of the things he imagined ? verdant forests, vast lakes, towering mountains, and desert canyons ? have already been given away. When Woksape allows the Great Spirit to fashion the Dakotas in his own way, however, he finds that the Dakota lands far exceed his expectations. Tim Kessler's creation story, framed as a Native American legend, reminds readers to find beauty and joy in what surrounds them. Paul......
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All-in. Pete Hautman . Книги.
Железнодорожный, Ярославль, Томск, Иркутск, Братск, Кызыл, Казань, Назрань, Первоуральск, Владимир, Калуга, Копейск, Липецк, Стерлитамак, Ярославль, Братск, Южно-Сахалинск, Петрозаводск, Назрань, Хабаровск, Новый Уренгой,
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