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Illustrated Guide to the 2006 International Plumbing and Sewage Codes (Illustrated Guide to the International Plumbing & Sewage Code) Terry Patterson
A unique visual approach to interpreting and applying the 2006 International Plumbing and Sewage Code While other plumbing code books are annotated guides filled with almost as much legalese as the code itself, this is the only book to use illustrations as the basis for explanation, a bulleted format for text, and real-world case studies to explain how to apply and interpret the 2006 International Plumbing and Sewage Code....
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The Young Duke: The Early Life of John Wayne Chris Enss, Howard Kazanjian
The Young Duke, undertaken with the assistance of the Wayne family, offers an unflinching look at this icon's early years. This book includes unpublished family photographs and many personal reminisences....
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A Photographer's Life: 1990-2005
Random House. Portraits of well-known figures - Johnny Cash, Nicole Kidman, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Keith Richards, Michael Jordan, Joan Didion, R2-D2, Patti Smith, Nelson Mandela, Jack Nicholson, William Burroughs, George W. Bush with members of his Cabinet-appear alongside pictures of Leibovitz's family and friends, reportage from the siege of Sarajevo in the early Nineties, and landscapes made even more indelible through Leibovitz's discerning eye. The images form a narrative rich in contrasts and continuities: The photographer has a long relationship that ends with illness and death. She chronicles the celebrations and heartbreaks of her large and robust family. She has children of her own. All the while she is working, and the public work resonates with the themes of her life....
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The Destruction of Lower Manhattan Danny Lyon
"I came to see the buildings as fossils of a time past. These buildings were used during the Civil War. The men were all dead, but the buildings were still here, left behind as the city grew around them....The passing of the buildings was for me a great event. It didn't matter so much whether they were of architectural importance. What mattered to me was that they were about to be destroyed. Whole blocks would disappear. An entire neighborhood. Its few last loft-occupying tenants were being evicted, and no place like it would ever be built again. The streets involved were among the oldest in New York and when sections of some were closed by the barriers of the demolition men, it meant they would never be opened again." (Danny Lyon). In 1967, Danny Lyon returned to New York City, having just finished The Bikeriders (Macmillan, 1968). He was twenty-five. Living in a loft on the corner of Beekman and Williams Streets in Downtown Manhattan, Lyon saw that half the buildings on Beekman......
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Коммуникативные технологии в школе
Учитель. В помощь администрации школы. Современная система образования дает возможность выбирать и организовывать педагогический и воспитательный процесс, используя различные инструменты и элементы информационных и коммуникативных технологий. Одной из таких эффективных технологий является Public Relations (PR). В книге дается понятие и обосновываются преимущества такой системы. Подача материала ориентирована на педагогов без специальной подготовки, стремящихся научиться оперировать общественными связями и информацией и творчески решать проблемы общения субъектов образовательного процесса в рыночных условиях. Книга предназначена заместителям директора и методистам по воспитательной работе, а также педагогам средних общеобразовательных и специализированных образовательных учреждений как технологам - участникам и субъектам учебно-воспитательного процесса....
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Illustrated Guide to the 2006 International Plumbing and Sewage Codes (Illustrated Guide to the International Plumbing & Sewage Code). Terry Patterson . Книги.
Салават, Нижневартовск, Энгельс, Якутск, Омск, Таганрог, Серпухов, Улан-Удэ, Северск, Самара, Северск, Сыктывкар, Липецк, Омск, Иваново, Батайск, Москва , Находка, Серпухов, Балаково, Нефтеюганск,
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