Главные правила для воспитанных малышей

  Главные правила для воспитанных малышей  Харвест.   Для самых маленьких.   Книжка содержит самые главные правила для воспитанных малышей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Харвест. Для самых маленьких. Книжка содержит самые главные правила для воспитанных малышей....

Круглый год. Стихи и загадки о временах года для чтения в детском саду

Татьяна Бокова

  Круглый год. Стихи и загадки о временах года для чтения в детском саду  Татьяна Бокова  АСТ, Астрель.   Планета детства.   Эта красочная книжка очень понравится вашему малышу. В ней собраны не только стихи, но и загадки о временах года.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Планета детства. Эта красочная книжка очень понравится вашему малышу. В ней собраны не только стихи, но и загадки о временах года....

Picture Yourself Drumming: Step-by-Step Instruction for Drum Kit Setup, Reading Music, Learning from the Pros, and More

Jonathan Peckman

  Picture Yourself Drumming: Step-by-Step Instruction for Drum Kit Setup, Reading Music, Learning from the Pros, and More  Jonathan Peckman  Imagine yourself onstage with your band. As the band plays, the crowd moves to the rhythm - your rhythm. The rhythm that you feel in your bones and set loose on the crowd. Drummers aren't front and center. They're not often the face of the band. Instead, they are its heart. It's the drummer who sets the pace and keeps the song on track. Picture Yourself Drumming is an easy-to-follow, visual guide that will help you tackle the basic skills you need to someday control that crowd with your own driving beat. If you have some natural rhythm, a set of sticks, and a desire to become a drummer, then this book was written for you. The accompanying DVD includes tips for a variety of drumming techniques as well as coaching sessions and step-by-step instructions for setting up each piece of your new drum kit.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Imagine yourself onstage with your band. As the band plays, the crowd moves to the rhythm - your rhythm. The rhythm that you feel in your bones and set loose on the crowd. Drummers aren't front and center. They're not often the face of the band. Instead, they are its heart. It's the drummer who sets the pace and keeps the song on track. Picture Yourself Drumming is an easy-to-follow, visual guide that will help you tackle the basic skills you need to someday control that crowd with your own driving beat. If you have some natural rhythm, a set of sticks, and a desire to become a drummer, then this book was written for you. The accompanying DVD includes tips for a variety of drumming techniques as well as coaching sessions and step-by-step instructions for setting up each piece of your new drum kit....

Decision Making in the Manufacturing Environment: Using Graph Theory and Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Methods (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing)

R. Venkata Rao

  Decision Making in the Manufacturing Environment: Using Graph Theory and Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Methods (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing)  R. Venkata Rao  Manufacturing is the backbone of any industrialized nation. Recent worldwide advances in manufacturing technologies have brought about a metamorphism in the industry. Fast-changing technologies on the product front have created a need for an equally fast response from manufacturing industries. To meet these challenges, manufacturing industries have to select appropriate manufacturing strategies, product designs, manufacturing processes, work piece and tool materials, and machinery and equipment. The selection decisions are complex as decision making is more challenging today. Decision makers in the manufacturing sector frequently face the problem of assessing a wide range of options and selecting one based on a set of conflicting criteria. Decision Making in the Manufacturing Environment demonstrates how graph theory and matrix approach, and fuzzy multiple attribute decision making methods can be effectively used for decision making in various situations of the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Manufacturing is the backbone of any industrialized nation. Recent worldwide advances in manufacturing technologies have brought about a metamorphism in the industry. Fast-changing technologies on the product front have created a need for an equally fast response from manufacturing industries. To meet these challenges, manufacturing industries have to select appropriate manufacturing strategies, product designs, manufacturing processes, work piece and tool materials, and machinery and equipment. The selection decisions are complex as decision making is more challenging today. Decision makers in the manufacturing sector frequently face the problem of assessing a wide range of options and selecting one based on a set of conflicting criteria. Decision Making in the Manufacturing Environment demonstrates how graph theory and matrix approach, and fuzzy multiple attribute decision making methods can be effectively used for decision making in various situations of the......

E-commerce in Regional Small to Medium Enterprises

  E-commerce in Regional Small to Medium Enterprises  Robert C. Macgregor, Lejla Vrazalic  Robert C. Macgregor, Lejla Vrazalic  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Robert C. Macgregor, Lejla Vrazalic...

<<<  Труды МИАН. Динамические системы и оптимизация. ...             Серая Звездочка. Борис Заходер >>>

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Главные правила для воспитанных малышей. . Книги.

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