Мастера. Новеллы о художниках

И. В. Долгополов

  Мастера. Новеллы о художниках  И. В. Долгополов  Воениздат.   Новеллы о замечательных художниках, классиках мировой и русской живописи: Леонардо да Винчи, Микеланджело, Рембрандте, Гойе, Делакруа, Домье, Милле, Матейко, Мункачи, Швабинском, Брюллове, Айвазовском, Федотове, Саврасове, репине, Сурикове, Викторе Васнецове, Серове, Рябушкине, а также о мастерах советского изобразительного искусства: Грекове, Шадре, Грабаре, Кончаловском, Томском, Дейнеке, Пименове, Вучетиче, Кукрыниксах, Нисском, Ромадине, Пластове, Зверькове, Цигале. Книга богато иллюстрирована цветными репродукциями картин художников.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Воениздат. Новеллы о замечательных художниках, классиках мировой и русской живописи: Леонардо да Винчи, Микеланджело, Рембрандте, Гойе, Делакруа, Домье, Милле, Матейко, Мункачи, Швабинском, Брюллове, Айвазовском, Федотове, Саврасове, репине, Сурикове, Викторе Васнецове, Серове, Рябушкине, а также о мастерах советского изобразительного искусства: Грекове, Шадре, Грабаре, Кончаловском, Томском, Дейнеке, Пименове, Вучетиче, Кукрыниксах, Нисском, Ромадине, Пластове, Зверькове, Цигале. Книга богато иллюстрирована цветными репродукциями картин художников....

Чехов в воспоминаниях современников


  Чехов в воспоминаниях современников  Захаров  Захаров.   Биографии и мемуары.   Классическое - и наиболее полное - собрание самых важных и интересных воспоминаний современников о Чехове охватывает всю его жизнь. Среди авторов: М.П.Чехов, В.А.Гиляровский, К.А.Коровин, В.Г.Короленко, И.Л.Леонтьев-Щеглов, А.С.Лазарев-Грузинский, Л.А.Авилова, В.Н.Ладыженский, М.Е.Плотов, Т.Л.Щепкина-Куперник, В.А.Фаусек, С.Т.Семенов, Вл.И.Немирович-Данченко, И.Н.Потапенко, М.М.Читау, А.И.Яковлев, М.М.Ковалевский, А.А.Хотяинцева, К.С.Станиславский, С.Н.Щукин, Л.Н.Шаповалов, М.Горький, Н.Д.Телешов, И.А.Бунин, А.И.Куприн, И.Н.Альтшуллер, М.К.Первухин, А.Серебров-Тихонов, В.Л.Книппер-Нардов, О.Л.Книппер-Чехова.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Захаров. Биографии и мемуары. Классическое - и наиболее полное - собрание самых важных и интересных воспоминаний современников о Чехове охватывает всю его жизнь. Среди авторов: М.П.Чехов, В.А.Гиляровский, К.А.Коровин, В.Г.Короленко, И.Л.Леонтьев-Щеглов, А.С.Лазарев-Грузинский, Л.А.Авилова, В.Н.Ладыженский, М.Е.Плотов, Т.Л.Щепкина-Куперник, В.А.Фаусек, С.Т.Семенов, Вл.И.Немирович-Данченко, И.Н.Потапенко, М.М.Читау, А.И.Яковлев, М.М.Ковалевский, А.А.Хотяинцева, К.С.Станиславский, С.Н.Щукин, Л.Н.Шаповалов, М.Горький, Н.Д.Телешов, И.А.Бунин, А.И.Куприн, И.Н.Альтшуллер, М.К.Первухин, А.Серебров-Тихонов, В.Л.Книппер-Нардов, О.Л.Книппер-Чехова....

The WetFeet Insider Guide to Industries and Careers for MBAs

Wetfeet Staff

  The WetFeet Insider Guide to Industries and Careers for MBAs  Wetfeet Staff  Book DescriptionWetFeet brings to you this brand new guide -- a compilation of industry and career profiles geared toward the MBA jobseeker. The purpose of this guide is to provide you with a broad range of information about careers and industries, so that you can consider the full range of career options when thinking about what you want to do when you move back into the working world. Some of the things you'll find in this hefty guide are: 20 industry profiles from biotechnology to venture capital. Ten career profiles including asset management, information technology, and marketing. Job descriptions geared toward the MBA graduate. Rankings of the top players in each category. Information on recent industry and career trends. More! Download DescriptionWetFeet brings to you this brand new guide -- a compilation of industry and career profiles geared toward the MBA jobseeker. The purpose of this guide is to provide you...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWetFeet brings to you this brand new guide -- a compilation of industry and career profiles geared toward the MBA jobseeker. The purpose of this guide is to provide you with a broad range of information about careers and industries, so that you can consider the full range of career options when thinking about what you want to do when you move back into the working world. Some of the things you'll find in this hefty guide are: 20 industry profiles from biotechnology to venture capital. Ten career profiles including asset management, information technology, and marketing. Job descriptions geared toward the MBA graduate. Rankings of the top players in each category. Information on recent industry and career trends. More! Download DescriptionWetFeet brings to you this brand new guide -- a compilation of industry and career profiles geared toward the MBA jobseeker. The purpose of this guide is to provide you......

The Software Industry in Emerging Markets: Origins And Dynamics

  The Software Industry in Emerging Markets: Origins And Dynamics  Book DescriptionThis book promotes an understanding of the origins and dynamics of the software industry in a number of key emerging markets - Brazil, China, India and Israel, and to establish what experiences, if any, are potentially replicable in otherprevailing markets. In-depth interviews with leading players in the industry are combined with other new data to provide a comparative study of the dynamics of the sector in emerging markets, to emphasize the public policy implications of these developments, and place them in a wider international context. The last 25 years have seen an explosive growth in the software industry, which is still overwhelmingly dominated by firms from North America and Europe. The authors argue that a number of companies from emerging markets have made significant headway and have even consolidated their positions on account of major cost advantages. They go on to explain the factors behind these developments, and conclude that the software industry,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book promotes an understanding of the origins and dynamics of the software industry in a number of key emerging markets - Brazil, China, India and Israel, and to establish what experiences, if any, are potentially replicable in otherprevailing markets. In-depth interviews with leading players in the industry are combined with other new data to provide a comparative study of the dynamics of the sector in emerging markets, to emphasize the public policy implications of these developments, and place them in a wider international context. The last 25 years have seen an explosive growth in the software industry, which is still overwhelmingly dominated by firms from North America and Europe. The authors argue that a number of companies from emerging markets have made significant headway and have even consolidated their positions on account of major cost advantages. They go on to explain the factors behind these developments, and conclude that the software industry,......

The Fleet: Total War

  The Fleet: Total War  Book DescriptionNational bestselling authors in the breakthrough military science fiction series. The Fleet must destroy a human foe capable of infiltrating the Fleet itself. Includes stories by: Anne McCaffrey * Katherine Kurtz and Scott McMillan * David Drake * Christopher Stasheff * Janny Wurts * Diane Duane and Peter Norwood * N. Lee Wood * Bill Fawcett * Jody Lynn Nye  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionNational bestselling authors in the breakthrough military science fiction series. The Fleet must destroy a human foe capable of infiltrating the Fleet itself. Includes stories by: Anne McCaffrey * Katherine Kurtz and Scott McMillan * David Drake * Christopher Stasheff * Janny Wurts * Diane Duane and Peter Norwood * N. Lee Wood * Bill Fawcett * Jody Lynn Nye...

<<<  Computer Shorthand: Real-Time Theory (3rd Edition). ...             Серая Звездочка. Борис Заходер >>>

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Мастера. Новеллы о художниках. И. В. Долгополов . Книги.

Самара, Рязань, Таганрог, Невинномысск, Новочеркасск, Муром, Батайск, Норильск, Хасавюрт, Волжский, Киров, Уссурийск, Новороссийск, Улан-Удэ, Братск, Рубцовск, Москва, Оренбург, Йошкар-Ола, Канск, Кызыл, Новотроицк, Шахты, Ижевск, Ачинск, Хасавюрт,
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