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Десятая муза А. Медведев, А.Чернышев
Детская литература. В мире прекрасного. Книга рассказывает о творческих работниках кино — сценаристах, режиссерах, художниках, актерах. Об этапах работы над фильмом. О воспитании художественного вкуса юного зрителя....
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Synthetic Socialism: Plastics and Dictatorship in the German Democratic Republic Eli Rubin
Eli Rubin takes an innovative approach to consumer culture to explore questions of political consensus and consent and the impact of ideology on everyday life in the former East Germany. Synthetic Socialism explores the history of East Germany through the production and use of a deceptively simple material: plastic. Rubin investigates the connections between the communist government, its Bauhaus-influenced designers, its retooled postwar chemical industry, and its general consumer population. He argues that East Germany was neither a totalitarian state nor a niche society but rather a society shaped by the confluence of unique economic and political circumstances interacting with the concerns of ordinary citizens.To East Germans, Rubin says, plastic was a high-technology material, a symbol of socialism's scientific and economic superiority over capitalism. Most of all, the state and its designers argued, plastic goods were of a particularly special quality, not to be thrown away like......
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The Lincolns: Portrait of a Marriage Daniel Mark Epstein
Although the private lives of political couples have in our era become front-page news, the true story of this extraordinary and tragic first family has never been fully told. The Lincolns eclipses earlier accounts with riveting new information that makes husband and wife, president and first lady, come alive in all their proud accomplishments and earthy humanity. Award-winning biographer and poet Daniel Mark Epstein gives a fresh close-up view of the couple’s life in Springfield, Illinois (of their twenty-two years of marriage, all but six were spent there), and dramatizes with stunning immediacy how the Lincolns’ ascent to the White House brought both dazzling power and the slow, secret unraveling of the couple’s unique bond. The first full-length portrait of the marriage of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln in more than fifty years, The Lincolns is written with enormous sweep and striking imagery. Daniel Mark Epstein makes two immortal American figures seem as real and human as the......
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Муха-Цокотуха Корней Чуковский
Проф-Пресс. Лучшие стихи и сказки малышам. Муха-Цокотуха, Краденое солнце, Бармалей. В этой прекрасно иллюстрированной книжке для детей дошкольного возраста собраны сказки в стихах замечательного детского писателя Корнея Чуковского. Для чтения родителями детям....
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Missing Karin Alvtegen
Felony & Mayhem's Foreign category mystery...
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Десятая муза. А. Медведев, А.Чернышев . Книги.
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