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Buying a Property: Retiring Abroad Ben West
Book Description An invaluable guide that gives readers all the information they need to buy a property abroad and retire out there. Every step of the process from organizing visas to drawing up contracts is covered, and there is essential backgroundon different economies, climates, and facilities. Peppered with anecdotes and case studies, this guide also gives a unique, personal insight into moving abroad....
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Politics and Economics of Africa (Politics and Economics of Africe, Volume 4) Ishrat Husain
Book DescriptionThis frontier series examines issues of signifigance in Africa's developmet....
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Cultural Landscapes and Land Use : The Nature Conservation-Society Interface
Book DescriptionCultural landscapes are created by people, and used by people, but still decidedly rich in biodiversity, and in harmony with nature. The landscapes of fairy tales, without dragons. Socio-economic complexity on top of biological diversity is the challenge nature conservation faces in the context of cultural landscape. This book is an attempt to approach this complexity and provide a theoretical background as well as guidelines and examples for hands-on solutions. It draws on inputsfrom scientists, administrators, independent consultants and politicians from Europe and the United States. With a particular emphasis on agriculture it attempts to merge disciplines such as philosophy, law, planning, economics and conservation biology toward a common goal: nature conservation and the preservation of biological diversity in landscapes under the pressure of human usage....
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Encyclopedia of Stage Lighting Jody Briggs
Book DescriptionIf one does not know who a snuff-boy was or how his job related to stage lighting, or needs to understand the difference between motivated light and motivating light, the answers can be found in the more than 1500 detailed entries of this encyclopedia, which is ideal for students, teachers, lighting technicians, lighting designers and all others who have an interest in stage lighting. Some of the numerous topics covered are equipment, methods, concepts, design process, electricity, characteristics of light, and lightboard operations. Where applicable, entries present both the historical and current day significance of the apparatus or concept being introduced. In addition, the many areas of stage lighting that elicit debate are viewed from all angles and the various options presented. This approach will allow the reader to make a personal evaluation of the most appropriate method. Entries are extensively cross-referenced. Computer-generated......
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Robert Adams: Commercial/Residential: Landscapes Along the Colorado Front Range 1968-1972 Robert Adams
Book Description"To what extent can we love the developing American West? We know the urgency of that question because bitterness has sometimes made us exiles.~My first attempt to describe the region in a book ( The New West , 1974) omitted pictures that might have helped. I am grateful now to be able to reproduce them. They record a geography that is still in some respects characteristic, one where we could do better but where the rest is faultless.~At about the time I took the pictures I read an interview with Raoul Coutard, Jean-Luc Godard's cameraman. In it Coutard noted with gratitude that 'daylight has an inhuman faculty for always being perfect.' It is one of the mercies, I believe, by which each of us is allowed to live." -- Robert Adams, from Commercial/Residential Hardcover, 9 x 8 in./43 pgs / 0 color 0 BW0 duotone 40 Tritone~ Item D20170...
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Buying a Property: Retiring Abroad. Ben West . Книги.
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История России XVII - начала ХХ вв.| Кинофильмы для детей| Люди шоу-бизнеса| Английский| Видеопрограммы о космосе и НЛО| Административное право| Социальные драмы| Статистика| 3D MAX, Maya, Bryce... Трехмерная графика, анимация и дизайн| Танец. Хореография| Фондовый рынок| Экономический роман| Организация торговли. Продажи| Новейшая история (с 1917 года)| Экономический анализ, оценка и планирование| Рыбалка и охота|
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