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The Ecological Economics of Biodiversity: Methods and Policy Applications Paulo A. L. D. Nunes, Jeroen C. J. M. Van Den Bergh, Peter Nijkamp, Jeroen C. J. M. Van Den Bergh
The loss of biodiversity has put increasing pressure on the stability and continuity of ecosystems, and their ability to provide goods and services to people. This valuable new book addresses this issue and presents an integrated ecological-economic perspective on the analysis of biodiversity loss and conservation. It adopts a multidisciplinary approach and attempts both to provide a definition of biodiversity benefits as well as investigate alternative perspectives on biodiversity. The book also presents a classification of biodiversity values and effectively illustrates which economic valuation methods can best measure which type of biodiversity value. The distinguished authors move on to discuss the utility of the application of the economics-ecology interface and integrated modeling for the assessment of biodiversity values. In doing so, they consider the use of multi-criteria evaluation and meta-analytical methods to deal with the aggregation of information from multiple......
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The 25-Day Financial Makeover: A Practical Guide for Women Francine L. Huff, Baker Books House Co Fleming H Revell Co
Do your finances need a complete makeover? When you think of organizing and cleaning up your finances, you probably don't get giddy with excitement. More likely than not, you groan at the thought of the financial issues you've been trying to ignore, like your big credit card bills or your tiny savings account. Written by a Wall Street Journal editor, The 25-Day Financial Makeover is a clear, practical guide to get your financial house in order. The 25-day plan just for women will rejuvenate yourfinances like a good makeover can revitalize your look. This accessible book includes advice on: -paying down debt -saving money for retirement -cutting expenses -sticking to a budget -tithing and giving -shopping smarter -andmuch more! God wants much more for you than a life of debt and money problems. With the help of The 25-Day Financial Makeover, you can learn how to make your money work for you. Endorsements: "Written by a woman who knows the......
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Principles of Management (Cliffs Quick Review) Ellen A. Benowitz
When it comes to pinpointing the stuff you really need to know, nobody does it better than CliffsNotes. This fast, effective tutorial helps you master core management concepts – from the systems approach and decision making to organizational design and human resource planning – and get the best possible grade. At CliffsNotes, we're dedicated to helping you do your best, no matter how challenging the subject. Our authors are veteran teachers and talented writers whoknow how to cut to the chase – and zero in on the essential information you need to succeed....
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How to Teach Adults in a Fun and Exciting Way Doug Malouf
This lighthearted trainer's manual is full of theory and practical skill-building activities to assist trainers in teaching adults. Described are how to design well-structured sessions, pace presentations, use visual aids effectively, design appropriate handouts, and engage the audience in active and enjoyable participation. Techniques such as using icebreakers for maximum effect and evaluating the sessions are provided to present a complete picture of the training process. A variety of exercises and activities ensures that trainers will be well equipped to teach their adult learners....
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Create the Perfect Sales Piece : How to Produce Brochures, Catalogs, Fliers, and Pamphlets Robert W. Bly
A self-instructional guide to producing brochures, catalogs, fliers and pamphlets. From initial concept development through final publication, this step-by-step handbook covers all phases of literature production including marketing strategy, copywriting, photography, illustration, design, mechanicals, printing, folding, and binding. Also discusses the ten basic types of visuals and how to use them, how to find and work with outside vendors, freelancers, and agencies, how to estimate the cost of a job, how to estimate printing costs, and much more. Includes many samples outlines for annual reports, product brochures, service brochures, and catalogs....
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На главную
The Ecological Economics of Biodiversity: Methods and Policy Applications. Paulo A. L. D. Nunes, Jeroen C. J. M. Van Den Bergh, Peter Nijkamp, Jeroen C. J. M. Van Den Bergh . Книги.
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