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Фигура вашей мечты Сабина Летувник, Юрген Фрайвальд
Попурри. Здоровье в любом возрасте. В книге приводится комплекс упражнений, позволяющих довольно долго сохранять красивую фигуру и отменное здоровье....
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Rediscovering China: Dynamics and Dilemmas of Reform Cheng Li
Li shows readers-- from the grassroots-- a country full of energy, irony, and paradox....
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Dynamic Agroindustrial Clusters: The Political Economy of Competitive Sectors in Argentina and Chile (International Political Economy Series) Gabriel G. Casaburi
The recent economic liberalization in developing countries is making many sectors succumb to new competitive pressures. Governments face the dilemma of how to help firms compete without falling back into failed dirigiste policies. Based on recent findings of importance of the inter-firm cooperation, public-private collaboration and local policies in boosting competitiveness, this book analyzes how these elements explain the new dynamism of two agroindustrial sectors in Argentina and Chile, dairy and fresh fruit respectively....
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50 Years A Keynesian and Other Essays G. C. Harcourt
In the title essay of this classic collection, the author reviews retrospectively his developing ideas on theory and policy since he first encountered Keynes' writings in 1950. The essays in Section One are concerned with Keynes now, specifically the coming back into favor of his most fundamental ideas. Sections Two and Three contain intellectual biographies and shorter tributes to economists, most of whom were friends and colleagues of the author. Section Four covers three review articles of the Feiwell volumes on Joan Robinson, 50 years of NBE, and Nicholas Kaldor's last book. Section Five is a survey of Post-Keynesian thought; Section Six, General Essays, starts with a paper written in 1980 as a passionate reaction to the world-wide rise of monetarism and new classical macroeconomics theories and policies and closes with an essay on the Cambridge contribution to economics....
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Creativity Games for Trainers: A Handbook of Group Activities for Jumpstarting Workplace Creativity (McGraw-Hill Training Series) Robert Epstein
Games to Jumpstart workplace creativity. Dr. Robert Epstein's Creativity Games for Trainers arms you with 30 innovative, entertaining games guaranteed to enhance creativity in any organizational setting. Use them to develop creativity workshops or to breathe life into any training sessions. Each ready-to-use activity comes complete with lists of required and optional materials, time recommendations, reproducible handouts, follow-up discussion questions, and other essential information. You'll also find simple instructions for customizing exercises to different settings. . .data collection forms to help measure and track success. . .special ``challenge exercises'' that help participants develop their own games. . .and unique ``application exercises'' to assist users in promoting creativity on their own....
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Фигура вашей мечты. Сабина Летувник, Юрген Фрайвальд . Книги.
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