The Long Walk: The Forced Navajo Exile (Landmark Events in Native American History)

  The Long Walk: The Forced Navajo Exile (Landmark Events in Native American History)  Jennifer Denetdale  Jennifer Denetdale  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Jennifer Denetdale...

Best Practices: Achieving Goals: Define and Surpass Your High Performance Goals (Best Practices)

  Best Practices: Achieving Goals: Define and Surpass Your High Performance Goals (Best Practices)  Kathleen Schienle  Kathleen Schienle  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kathleen Schienle...

The Global Family Planning Revolution: Three Decades of Population Policies and Programs

Warren C. Robinson, John A. Ross

  The Global Family Planning Revolution: Three Decades of Population Policies and Programs  Warren C. Robinson, John A. Ross  World Bank Publications.   The striking upsurge in population growth rates in developing countries at the close of World War II gained force during the next decade. From the 1950s to the 1970s, scholars and advocacy groups publicized the trend and drew troubling conclusions about its economic and ecological implications. Private educational and philanthropic organizations, government, and international organizations joined in the struggle to reduce fertility. Three decades later this movement has seen changes beyond anyone's most optimistic dreams, and global demographic stabilization is expected in this century. The Global Family Planning Revolution preserves the remarkable record of this success. Its editors and authors offer more than a historical record. They disccuss important lessons for current and future initiatives of the international community. Some programs succeeded while others initially failed, and the analyses provide valuable guidance for emerging health-related policy objectives and responses...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин World Bank Publications. The striking upsurge in population growth rates in developing countries at the close of World War II gained force during the next decade. From the 1950s to the 1970s, scholars and advocacy groups publicized the trend and drew troubling conclusions about its economic and ecological implications. Private educational and philanthropic organizations, government, and international organizations joined in the struggle to reduce fertility. Three decades later this movement has seen changes beyond anyone's most optimistic dreams, and global demographic stabilization is expected in this century. The Global Family Planning Revolution preserves the remarkable record of this success. Its editors and authors offer more than a historical record. They disccuss important lessons for current and future initiatives of the international community. Some programs succeeded while others initially failed, and the analyses provide valuable guidance for emerging health-related policy objectives and responses......

The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God

  The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God  Carl Sagan  Carl Sagan  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Carl Sagan...

101 Cups of Water: Relief and Refreshment for the Tired, Thirsty Soul

  101 Cups of Water: Relief and Refreshment for the Tired, Thirsty Soul  C.D. Baker  C.D. Baker  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин C.D. Baker...

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The Long Walk: The Forced Navajo Exile (Landmark Events in Native American History). Jennifer Denetdale . Книги.

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