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Real Estate Appraisal Exam (Real Estate Exam Prep. and Career Guides) LearningExpress Editors
Real Estate Appraisal Exam offers complete preparation for the national real estate appraisal exams. The book features six, full-length practice tests — two tests each for the three major exams (real estate appraiser license exam, general certification exam, and residential certification exam) — and free access to online practice tests with instant scoring and individualized feedback. The book also includes a comprehensive refresher course that incorporates all the new AQB requirements, invaluable study tips, a personalized study plan, a handy term glossary, and questions just like those found on the official test — it’s like having the test in advance!...
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История религиозных и рыцарских орденов и обществ И. Е. Гусев
Харвест. Настоящее издание познакомит вас с историей возникновения и становления основных религиозных и военно-религиозных организаций Римско-Католической Церкви. Бенедиктинцы и картезианцы, францисканцы и доминиканцы, госпитальеры, или иоанниты, тамплиеры и тевтонцы проходят по страницам этой книги таинственной чередой подвижников, сделавших служение Богу главной задачей жизни. Важным этапом эволюции орденов стали крестовые походы, в ходе которых и возникли духовно-рыцарские ордена. История орденов очень увлекательна, а судьба - трудна и трагична. Их значение в событиях XII-XVI вв. велико, а религиозный конфликт между различными конфессиями не исчерпан и по сей день. В данной книге содержится множество иллюстраций, которые сопровождаются подробными подрисуночными подписями....
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Kingdom Hearts: Volume 1 Shiro Amano
TokyoPop. When a strange storm hits his island home, 14-year-old Sora is separated from his friends and swept into a mysterious new land. There he meets Court Wizard Donald and Captain Goofy, who are on a mission to find their king, Mickey, and return him to his throne at Disney Castle. When the three learn of the Heartless, ominous creatures who feed off the darkness in the hearts of others, they join forces to recover Sora's friends, return the king to his rightful position and save the universe from the Heartless!Based on the super-popular world of Kingdom Hearts from Disney, here is one boy's epic journey of courage, trust, and unlocking the key to ones destiny!...
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Tolkien and the Invention of Myth: A Reader
Unlike many of his contemporaries, J.R.R. Tolkien strongly believed that mythology is neither allegory nor historical fact but was instead "a true secondary world born out of language, to be experienced, not excavated." In Tolkien and the Invention of Myth, a collection of eighteen new and classic essays, Jane Chance and established and emerging Tolkien scholars explore the profound influence of late classical and medieval mythologies?ancient Greek, classical and medieval Latin, Old Norse, Old English, and Finnish. Tolkien used writings such as these as he shaped his own mythology in The Silmarillion and the literary masterpiece The Lord of the Rings. Exploring the origins of Tolkien's mythological influences, these essays illuminate the crucial episodes, characters, style, language, and concepts central to Tolkien's complex worlds. The authors probe how such transformations of language and mythology take place in thematic and symbolic form in the novels. They then relate......
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Treason's River
Edwin Thomas...
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Real Estate Appraisal Exam (Real Estate Exam Prep. and Career Guides). LearningExpress Editors . Книги.
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