Taming the Sharks: Towards a Cure for the High-Cost Credit Market (Series on Law, Politics, and Society)

Christopher L. Peterson

  Taming the Sharks: Towards a Cure for the High-Cost Credit Market (Series on Law, Politics, and Society)  Christopher L. Peterson  Book DescriptionHigh-cost consumer credit is best seen as a persistent low grade infection, sometimes more and sometimes less noticed by elites, but always burning the vulnerable. Americans in all demographic categories are borrowing more relative totheir disposable income than ever before. In fact, for the first time in American history, our collective debts have exceeded our collective disposable income.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHigh-cost consumer credit is best seen as a persistent low grade infection, sometimes more and sometimes less noticed by elites, but always burning the vulnerable. Americans in all demographic categories are borrowing more relative totheir disposable income than ever before. In fact, for the first time in American history, our collective debts have exceeded our collective disposable income....

Competition and Efficiency in a Unified European Banking Market

Jacob A. Bikker

  Competition and Efficiency in a Unified European Banking Market  Jacob A. Bikker  Book DescriptionThis book presents the results of several years of research on competition, concentration, efficiency and performance in the European banking market. The author seeks to explain and interrelate the numerous characteristics of the banking industry, and provide a detailed comparative analysis of various banking sectors throughout Europe. The book begins with a survey on intermediation, integration and internationalization in the European banking market, which helps to explain the increased competitive pressures banks are now operating under. The author then examines indicators of concentration and competition, and attempts to measure these using a variety of approaches in both EU and non-EU countries. Significantly, he also presents a unique comparison of efficiency throughout the EU by estimating X-inefficiency and cost level differences. The book concludes with an investigation into cyclical patterns of profits, provisions and lending in order to assess the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book presents the results of several years of research on competition, concentration, efficiency and performance in the European banking market. The author seeks to explain and interrelate the numerous characteristics of the banking industry, and provide a detailed comparative analysis of various banking sectors throughout Europe. The book begins with a survey on intermediation, integration and internationalization in the European banking market, which helps to explain the increased competitive pressures banks are now operating under. The author then examines indicators of concentration and competition, and attempts to measure these using a variety of approaches in both EU and non-EU countries. Significantly, he also presents a unique comparison of efficiency throughout the EU by estimating X-inefficiency and cost level differences. The book concludes with an investigation into cyclical patterns of profits, provisions and lending in order to assess the......

E-Selling (Sales)

B. Cotton

  E-Selling (Sales)  B. Cotton  Download DescriptionThe sales function is the front-line of any business. Keeping up with the latest sales techniques is essential, as well as ensuring you have a motivated, incentivised and focused sales team well-versed in the basics of selling, from identifying new prospects and getting repeat business to closing the deal. This module gives essential insight into all the key sales drivers such as account management, handling complex sales, selling services, FMCG selling, customer relationships and self-development for sales people.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Download DescriptionThe sales function is the front-line of any business. Keeping up with the latest sales techniques is essential, as well as ensuring you have a motivated, incentivised and focused sales team well-versed in the basics of selling, from identifying new prospects and getting repeat business to closing the deal. This module gives essential insight into all the key sales drivers such as account management, handling complex sales, selling services, FMCG selling, customer relationships and self-development for sales people....

Money . . . Cool

Judith Fabris

  Money . . . Cool  Judith Fabris  Book DescriptionFollow the daily life of Kevin and Julie Carlson as they learn financial literacy. Each chapter is a lesson itself. The book covers the stock market, growing a business and saving for college plus other cool topics.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFollow the daily life of Kevin and Julie Carlson as they learn financial literacy. Each chapter is a lesson itself. The book covers the stock market, growing a business and saving for college plus other cool topics....

Human Rights and the Moral Responsibilities of Corporate and Public Sector Organisations (Issues in Business Ethics)

  Human Rights and the Moral Responsibilities of Corporate and Public Sector Organisations (Issues in Business Ethics)  Book DescriptionAll students and advocates of human rights will be interested in this concerted exploration of the human rights moral obligations that fall, not directly on states, but on private and public organisations. Such an approach to human rightsopens up the possibility of holding corporations and bureaucracies to account for human rights violations even when they have acted in accordance with the law. This interdisciplinary and international project brings together eminent philosophers, lawyers, social scientists and practitioners to articulate theoretically and develop in practical contexts the moral implications of human rights for non-state actors. What emerges from the book as a whole is a distinctive contemporary vision of the emerging moral impact of human rights and its significance for organisational behaviour and performance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAll students and advocates of human rights will be interested in this concerted exploration of the human rights moral obligations that fall, not directly on states, but on private and public organisations. Such an approach to human rightsopens up the possibility of holding corporations and bureaucracies to account for human rights violations even when they have acted in accordance with the law. This interdisciplinary and international project brings together eminent philosophers, lawyers, social scientists and practitioners to articulate theoretically and develop in practical contexts the moral implications of human rights for non-state actors. What emerges from the book as a whole is a distinctive contemporary vision of the emerging moral impact of human rights and its significance for organisational behaviour and performance....

<<<  Успенский собор Московского Кремля. Т. В. Толстая             Секреты хакеров. Безопасность сетей - готовые решения. Джоел ... >>>

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Taming the Sharks: Towards a Cure for the High-Cost Credit Market (Series on Law, Politics, and Society). Christopher L. Peterson . Книги.

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