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Shutting Down the Cold War : The Politics of Military Base Closure David S. Sorenson
In a process described by its critics as "brutal" and "heartless," a group of faceless commissioners closed down almost 100 military bases between 1989 and 1995. The process was hailed as a means to "take politics out of base closure," and it succeeded as surplus bases closed after a ten-year hiatus. But, as this book indicates, the politics of base protection continued. In Shutting Down the Cold War , David Sorenson finds that the most powerful congressional representatives protected bases intheir states and districts, and as a consequence the military never got as many bases closed as they desired. In this volume Sorenson unveils the political factors behind the process of military base closure, using three analytical models to examine the different levels of response to the procedure. He also reveals the ways in which base closure is a classic example of governmental reduction, to be studied for lessons about both the benefits and the hazards of government contraction. ......
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Trade Warriors: States, Firms, and Strategic Policy in High Technology Competition Marc L. Busch
In such areas as civil aircraft, semiconductors, high definition television, robotics, and superconductors, states are subsidizing their national champions and competing for market share in the "industries of tomorrow." This book explains why states intervene and (or) retaliate in some high technology industries, but not in others, and how these commercial rivalries are likely to unfold. Dr. Busch argues that states subsidize national champions in industries promising externalities for domestic industries, spend more on subsidies where these benefits do not escape national borders, and are more likely to bring these commercial rivalries back from the brink of a trade war where these subsidies leave both states worse off....
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American Environmentalism: Readings In Conservation History Roderick F Nash
This collection of readings contains comprehensive primary and secondary works in the field of conservation, emphasizes the history of ideas and attitudes about conservation, and gives a chronology of important conservation events in U.S. history from the beginning to the present. Edited by a national leader in the fields of conservation, environmental management, and education, this well-organized anthology is appropriate for courses dealing with American environmental studies and ecology....
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Game Theory: A Non-Technical Introduction to the Analysis of Strategy Roger A., Ph.D. McCain
The objective of this text is to teach game theoretic principles by example in order to convey the concepts in a non-technical way. Game theoretic principles are the same across a wide field of applications, yet students typically find examples in theirown fields easier to relate to. This book focuses on providing a true interdisciplinary perspective that draws upon applications from many different areas of study such as management, strategic planning, competitive intelligence, military operations, economics, political science, finance, etc....
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Triumph of the Optimists: 101 Years of Global Investment Returns Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh, Mike Staunton
Princeton University Press. Investors have too often extrapolated from recent experience. In the 1950s, who but the most rampant optimist would have dreamt that over the next fifty years the real return on equities would be 9% per year? Yet this is what happened in the U.S. stock market. The optimists triumphed. However, as Don Marquis observed, an optimist is someone who never had much experience. The authors of this book extend our experience across regions and across time. They present a comprehensive and consistent analysis of investment returns for equities, bonds, bills, currencies and inflation, spanning sixteen countries, from the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twenty-first. This is achieved in a clear and simple way, with over 130 color diagrams that make comparison easy. Crucially, the authors analyze total returns, including reinvested income. They show that some historical indexes overstate long-term performance because they are contaminated by survivorship bias and......
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Shutting Down the Cold War : The Politics of Military Base Closure. David S. Sorenson . Книги.
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