
Олег Дивов

  Выбраковка  Олег Дивов  Эксмо.   Легенды.   ...В этой стране больше нет преступности и нищеты. Ее столица - самый безопасный город мира. Здесь не бросают окурки мимо урны, моют тротуары с мылом, а пьяных развозит по домам Служба Доставки. Московский воздух безупречно чист, у каждого есть работа, доллар стоит шестьдесят копеек. За каких- то пять-семь лет Славянский Союз построил Эксмо. Легенды. ...В этой стране больше нет преступности и нищеты. Ее столица - самый безопасный город мира. Здесь не бросают окурки мимо урны, моют тротуары с мылом, а пьяных развозит по домам Служба Доставки. Московский воздух безупречно чист, у каждого есть работа, доллар стоит шестьдесят копеек. За каких- то пять-семь лет Славянский Союз построил "экономическое чудо", добившись настоящего процветания. Спросите любого здесь, счастлив ли он, и вам ответят "да!". Ответят честно. А всего-то и нужно было для счастья - разобраться, кто именно мешает нам жить по-людски. Кто истинный враг народа......

Unity Village (Images of America (Arcadia Publishing))

Tom Taylor

  Unity Village (Images of America (Arcadia Publishing))  Tom Taylor  In 1919, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, founders of the spiritual organization Unity, bought 58 acres of land about 20 miles from downtown Kansas City. With the ideas, faith, and passion of dozens of coworkers, the area grew from a weekend retreat of tents and ponds into Unity Farm, with a national reputation for its orchards and apple products. In 1953, the farm was incorporated as a Missouri municipality?Unity Village. Those original few acres have now grown to more than 1,400 acres. Today Unity Village is the location of a worldwide ministry of publishing, prayer, and education. It is best known as the home of Daily Word magazine, with millions of readers in more than 180 countries, and Silent Unity, which receives more than two million requests for prayer support annually. Unity Village is on the National Register of Historic Places, and its English Cotswold and Italian architecture draw visitors from around the world.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In 1919, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, founders of the spiritual organization Unity, bought 58 acres of land about 20 miles from downtown Kansas City. With the ideas, faith, and passion of dozens of coworkers, the area grew from a weekend retreat of tents and ponds into Unity Farm, with a national reputation for its orchards and apple products. In 1953, the farm was incorporated as a Missouri municipality?Unity Village. Those original few acres have now grown to more than 1,400 acres. Today Unity Village is the location of a worldwide ministry of publishing, prayer, and education. It is best known as the home of Daily Word magazine, with millions of readers in more than 180 countries, and Silent Unity, which receives more than two million requests for prayer support annually. Unity Village is on the National Register of Historic Places, and its English Cotswold and Italian architecture draw visitors from around the world....

Словарь арго французской учащейся молодежи

Т. И. Ретинская

  Словарь арго французской учащейся молодежи  Т. И. Ретинская  Либроком.   В настоящем словаре предпринята первая в нашей стране попытка представить в солидном объеме и с переводом на русский язык специфическую ненормативную лексику, которая в ходу у французской учащейся молодежи. При составлении словаря использованы разные, в том числе и труднодоступные источники. Указание на соответствующий источник (или источники) приводится после каждой словарной единицы. Словарь предназначен переводчикам, специалистам по романской филологии, преподавателям, студентам и аспирантам филологических факультетов и всем, кто изучает французский язык.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Либроком. В настоящем словаре предпринята первая в нашей стране попытка представить в солидном объеме и с переводом на русский язык специфическую ненормативную лексику, которая в ходу у французской учащейся молодежи. При составлении словаря использованы разные, в том числе и труднодоступные источники. Указание на соответствующий источник (или источники) приводится после каждой словарной единицы. Словарь предназначен переводчикам, специалистам по романской филологии, преподавателям, студентам и аспирантам филологических факультетов и всем, кто изучает французский язык....

The Timing of Income Recognition in Tax Law: A comparative study

Moshe Shekel

  The Timing of Income Recognition in Tax Law: A comparative study  Moshe Shekel  Time creates by itself advantages and disadvantages in the field of taxation. The perpetual confrontation between tax authorities and taxpayers creates opposing motivations: taxpayers strive to maximize tax advantages whereas tax authorities endeavour to cancel such advantages. The time component (or timing) has become a weapon in such a confrontation. It is thus natural that taxpayers will seek, in a given fiscal year, to present a minimalistic picture of the 'profit' that should be taxable in that year, and this may be done, inter alia, by 'deferring' the recognition of income or 'advancing' the recognition of deductions. It is natural, by the same token, that tax authorities adopt the opposite strategy: maximizing taxable 'profit' in any given year.Consequently, tax authorities will be inclined to advance the timing at which the income is recognized for calculating the 'taxable profit', or to defer the timing at which the deductions, reducing the 'profit' for tax purposes, may be...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Time creates by itself advantages and disadvantages in the field of taxation. The perpetual confrontation between tax authorities and taxpayers creates opposing motivations: taxpayers strive to maximize tax advantages whereas tax authorities endeavour to cancel such advantages. The time component (or timing) has become a weapon in such a confrontation. It is thus natural that taxpayers will seek, in a given fiscal year, to present a minimalistic picture of the 'profit' that should be taxable in that year, and this may be done, inter alia, by 'deferring' the recognition of income or 'advancing' the recognition of deductions. It is natural, by the same token, that tax authorities adopt the opposite strategy: maximizing taxable 'profit' in any given year.Consequently, tax authorities will be inclined to advance the timing at which the income is recognized for calculating the 'taxable profit', or to defer the timing at which the deductions, reducing the 'profit' for tax purposes, may be......

Trashfiend: Disposable Horror Culture of the 1960s & 1970s

Scott Stine

  Trashfiend: Disposable Horror Culture of the 1960s & 1970s  Scott Stine  Two glorious decades of low-budget monster movies, horror comicbooks, glow-in-the-dark model kits, sci-fi trading cards, television horror show hosts, 8mm film reels and more! From low-budget horror films to grisly comic art, from lurid movie magazines to late-night creature features, from campy monster toys to exploitive poster art, Trashfiend takes a loving look at Two glorious decades of low-budget monster movies, horror comicbooks, glow-in-the-dark model kits, sci-fi trading cards, television horror show hosts, 8mm film reels and more! From low-budget horror films to grisly comic art, from lurid movie magazines to late-night creature features, from campy monster toys to exploitive poster art, Trashfiend takes a loving look at "disposable" horror culture from the 1960s and 1970s. Packed with reviews, trivia, rare illustrations, exhaustive technical information, and written with a humorous but insightful flair that is sure to engage both hardcore fans and the curious alike, author Scott Stine picks up where his self-published Trashfiend magazine left off for a fun, albeit critical look at an often overlooked genre that is considered trash! Includes over a hundred reproductions of rare ad art, as well as vintage books, toys and magazines from the era, with eight pages of glorious, garish color....

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Выбраковка. Олег Дивов . Книги.

Чита, Новокузнецк, Майкоп, Первоуральск, Нефтеюганск, Оренбург, Глазов, Артём, Томск, Новотроицк, Барнаул, Глазов, Казань, Ковров,
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