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Supply Chain Structures: Coordination, Information and Optimization (International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, Volume 42) Jing-Sheng Song, David D. Yao
In the foreword to Supply Chain Structures, Professor Paul Zipkin notes three global changes that have enabled the recent vast developments in the field of supply chains. Moreover, these changes may be only the beginning and more change is likely in the fast-moving field of supply chain management. These global changes are: the explosive growth of the Internet; the growth in free-market economies with the corresponding political interest in global economic stability; and the emergence of a global managerial culture focused on performance, quality, and service. Professor Zipkin goes on to say "In Supply Chain Structures, the editors Jeannette Song and David Yao have collected a spectrum of approaches to these challenges from some of the leading scholars of supply chains, from both the academic and commercial worlds. Each of the articles offers an interesting and illuminating way to think about the key issues in supply chain management. Some also offer practical......
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The Nature and Prospects of Bioethics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Franklin G. Miller, James M. Humber, John C. Fletcher
Prominent bioethicists whose work is rooted in philosophy, religion, medicine, nursing, literature, history, and policy analysis join together to discuss their methods and professional insights, as well as to better define the field and its future development. Writing from the perspective of their own specialties, the authors: review just how their personal disciplines have contributed to bioethics, debate the current and future bioethical issues they face, and identify the most significant strengths andweaknesses in the current practice of bioethics. Seeking a sound foundation for the discipline, they also consider what basic knowledge and skills are necessary to be competent in bioethics, what methods and theoretical approaches are most promising for its future development, and what issues or perspectives have been neglected....
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Coaching and Counseling: A Practical Guide for Managers and Team Leaders (50 Minute Books) Marianne Minor
Fine-tune your skills as a motivating manager, supervisor, or adviser with this proven self-study primer. Learn the differences between counseling and coaching--and when to apply each technique for the best results. Reader-involving chapters help you identify your weaker coaching and counseling skills and build upon your stronger ones. Learning Objectives: To explain how to coach employees to develop job skills. To explain how counseling can help employees remove barriers to performance. To describe criteria on whether to coach or counsel. To provide a model for giving effective feedback....
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Electricity: Fundamental Concepts and Applications Timothy J. Maloney
ALSO AVAILABLE Laboratory Manual, ISBN: 0-8273-5040-6 INSTRUCTOR SUPPLEMENTS CALL CUSTOMER SUPPORT TO ORDER Computerized Test Bank, ISBN: 0-8273-4678-6 Printed Test Bank, ISBN: 0-8273-4658-1 Instructor's Guide, ISBN: 0-8273-4677-8...
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How to Turn Generation Me into Active Members of Your Association Cynthia D'Amour
"This book should be required reading for anyone involved in or concerned about volunteer member organizations - leaders, committee chairs, paid staff or interested members" according to David R. West, CAE, Executive Vice President of the Tennessee Association of Life Underwriters. D'Amour's book is jam-packed with simple, how-to solutions such as: How to hit your members' hot buttons, 7 tips to better business eetings, 15 tips for easier delegation, 100+ ways to spin a project and much more!...
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На главную
Supply Chain Structures: Coordination, Information and Optimization (International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, Volume 42). Jing-Sheng Song, David D. Yao . Книги.
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