William Wallace

Graeme Morton

  William Wallace  Graeme Morton  Book DescriptionThis book is the first to fully examine Wallace's life both the contemporary sources that are available and the way the many strands of the myth have been constructed.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book is the first to fully examine Wallace's life both the contemporary sources that are available and the way the many strands of the myth have been constructed....

Breast Cancer : Nursing Care and Management

Victoria Harmer

  Breast Cancer : Nursing Care and Management  Victoria Harmer  Book DescriptionThis comprehensive book is for all nurses and other health professionals involved in the care of people with breast cancer and covers all aspects of the subject. It gives sound evidence-based information and advice on the nursing care foreach stage of the patient's journey. Each chapter is written by an expert in the field and topics include the anatomy of the breast, all available treatments, complementary therapies, the psychological care of both patients and their families, and the role of the specialist nurse. With breast cancer increading as the population ages, this book provides a well-balanced approach to all aspects of managing malignancy. The importance of writing from a nursing perspective is underlined so that the essence of support and bedside care is not missed.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis comprehensive book is for all nurses and other health professionals involved in the care of people with breast cancer and covers all aspects of the subject. It gives sound evidence-based information and advice on the nursing care foreach stage of the patient's journey. Each chapter is written by an expert in the field and topics include the anatomy of the breast, all available treatments, complementary therapies, the psychological care of both patients and their families, and the role of the specialist nurse. With breast cancer increading as the population ages, this book provides a well-balanced approach to all aspects of managing malignancy. The importance of writing from a nursing perspective is underlined so that the essence of support and bedside care is not missed....

Pioneers of Microbiology and the Nobel Prize

Ulf Lagerkvist

  Pioneers of Microbiology and the Nobel Prize  Ulf Lagerkvist  Book DescriptionWe are swamped with information and each day seems to bring new discoveries that must be considered. Never before in the history of science have so many scientists been as active as today. It has become a major problem for the expert justto keep up with the literature in his or her own field of research. Why, then, should experts and their poor students worry about the pioneers of microbiology, those half-forgotten scientists who a century ago devoted their lives to a new science that was on its way to revolutionizing medicine? With so many new facts and problems screaming for our attention, it is easy to lose sight of the long road that we have travelled in order to get to the point where we are now. Tracing the path of those who have gone before us will help us to see our own scientific goals and efforts in a more revealing perspective. The great figures who are at the center of interest in this book ? Robert Koch, Emil von Behring, Paul Ehrlich and Elie...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWe are swamped with information and each day seems to bring new discoveries that must be considered. Never before in the history of science have so many scientists been as active as today. It has become a major problem for the expert justto keep up with the literature in his or her own field of research. Why, then, should experts and their poor students worry about the pioneers of microbiology, those half-forgotten scientists who a century ago devoted their lives to a new science that was on its way to revolutionizing medicine? With so many new facts and problems screaming for our attention, it is easy to lose sight of the long road that we have travelled in order to get to the point where we are now. Tracing the path of those who have gone before us will help us to see our own scientific goals and efforts in a more revealing perspective. The great figures who are at the center of interest in this book ? Robert Koch, Emil von Behring, Paul Ehrlich and Elie......

Банковское дело. Экспресс-курс

  Банковское дело. Экспресс-курс  КноРус.   Всесторонне освещаются вопросы банковской теории и практики. Подробно рассматривается процесс деятельности банка как элемента банковской системы. Материал базируется на богатом отечественном и зарубежном опыте. Приводятся многочисленные примеры. Отражены изменения, произошедшие за последнее время в нормативной базе, регламентирующей работу банков, и в банковской практике. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей вузов, слушателей системы послевузовского образования, экономистов, работников банков.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин КноРус. Всесторонне освещаются вопросы банковской теории и практики. Подробно рассматривается процесс деятельности банка как элемента банковской системы. Материал базируется на богатом отечественном и зарубежном опыте. Приводятся многочисленные примеры. Отражены изменения, произошедшие за последнее время в нормативной базе, регламентирующей работу банков, и в банковской практике. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей вузов, слушателей системы послевузовского образования, экономистов, работников банков....

Трансерфинг реальности. Ступень II. Шелест утренних звезд

Вадим Зеланд

  Трансерфинг реальности. Ступень II. Шелест утренних звезд  Вадим Зеланд  ИГ ИГ "Весь". Трансерфинг реальности. "Шелест утренних звезд" - это вторая книга трилогии Вадима Зеланда "Трансерфинг реальности". Читателям предстоит убедиться, что любые возможности ограничены только их собственным намерением. Для широкого круга читателей....

<<<  Вязаные комплекты на любой сезон. Е. Г. Жадько             Секреты хакеров. Безопасность сетей - готовые решения. Джоел ... >>>

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William Wallace. Graeme Morton . Книги.

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