Telephone Techniques

Lin Walker

  Telephone Techniques  Lin Walker  Success at work isn't just about working harder. It means thinking and working smarter. The Self-Development for Success series helps you quickly improve basic but crucial professional skills--and ensure your ongoing career success. These brief, visually attractive, interactive books let you assess your current strengths, target weak areas, and build your knowledge and skills. You get an entire skills-training workshop--complete with charts, checklists, exercises, and questionnaires. With Telephone Techniques, you'll learn how to: * Get your message through to people the first time around * Deal with aggression and handle complaints * Practice the art of influencing people via the telephone * Tame the telephone--you CAN control it! * Improve yourtelephone techniques and boost your business. Other titles in the series: Effective Communication Effective Delegation Effective Interviews Perfect Presentations Selection Interviewing Stress Management Time Management  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Success at work isn't just about working harder. It means thinking and working smarter. The Self-Development for Success series helps you quickly improve basic but crucial professional skills--and ensure your ongoing career success. These brief, visually attractive, interactive books let you assess your current strengths, target weak areas, and build your knowledge and skills. You get an entire skills-training workshop--complete with charts, checklists, exercises, and questionnaires. With Telephone Techniques, you'll learn how to: * Get your message through to people the first time around * Deal with aggression and handle complaints * Practice the art of influencing people via the telephone * Tame the telephone--you CAN control it! * Improve yourtelephone techniques and boost your business. Other titles in the series: Effective Communication Effective Delegation Effective Interviews Perfect Presentations Selection Interviewing Stress Management Time Management...

Balancing Job Satisfaction and Performance : A Guide for Human Resource Professionals

Willa M. Bruce, J. Walton Blackburn

  Balancing Job Satisfaction and Performance : A Guide for Human Resource Professionals  Willa M. Bruce, J. Walton Blackburn  The philosophy of this book is that organizations should provide The philosophy of this book is that organizations should provide "good work" in which people utilize their unique talents in a working environment conducive to mental and physical health. The book provides practical advice on managing work force diversity, the interface of family with the work place, and the impact of technology on workers. It explains the positive effects of training and participative planning. Appendices contain training outlines, guidelines for preventing and addressing sexual harassment complaints, and forms to utilize in organizing a participative planning process....

Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages

Carlota Perez

  Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages  Carlota Perez  Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital presents a novel interpretation of the good and bad times in the economy, taking a long-term perspective and linking technology and finance in an original and convincing way. Carlota Perez draws upon Schumpeter?s theories of the clustering of innovations to explain why each technological revolution gives rise to a paradigm shift and a ?New Economy? and how these ?opportunity explosions?, focused on specific industries, also leadto the recurrence of financial bubbles and crises. These findings are illustrated with examples from the past two centuries: the industrial revolution, the age of steam and railways, the age of steel and electricity, the emergence of mass production and automobiles, and the current information revolution/knowledge society. By analyzing the changing relationship between finance capital and production capital during the emergence, diffusion and assimilation of new technologies...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital presents a novel interpretation of the good and bad times in the economy, taking a long-term perspective and linking technology and finance in an original and convincing way. Carlota Perez draws upon Schumpeter?s theories of the clustering of innovations to explain why each technological revolution gives rise to a paradigm shift and a ?New Economy? and how these ?opportunity explosions?, focused on specific industries, also leadto the recurrence of financial bubbles and crises. These findings are illustrated with examples from the past two centuries: the industrial revolution, the age of steam and railways, the age of steel and electricity, the emergence of mass production and automobiles, and the current information revolution/knowledge society. By analyzing the changing relationship between finance capital and production capital during the emergence, diffusion and assimilation of new technologies......

Multinational Strategic Alliances

Robert J. Mockler

  Multinational Strategic Alliances  Robert J. Mockler  Strategic alliances are one of the most significant tools used today in business, especially by multinational firms. It is seen by business managers as the way to grow their organizations, especially when faced by downsizing and cutbacks. Such alliances have certainly been around for a long time, and surveys show that today the majority of large organizations use them. Almost all multinational firms have considered them. However, what has changed in todays working climate is their breadth and frequency of use, and their complexity. This highlights the need for a comprehensive guide such as this. Indeed, research shows that over 700f strategic alliances fail to deliver the results that were intended from the outset. What makes this book so useful is that it covers a broader range of alliances and has more current case studies than other books currently available. In addition, this comprehensive introduction to the subject provides a base of practical ?how-to-do-it material and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Strategic alliances are one of the most significant tools used today in business, especially by multinational firms. It is seen by business managers as the way to grow their organizations, especially when faced by downsizing and cutbacks. Such alliances have certainly been around for a long time, and surveys show that today the majority of large organizations use them. Almost all multinational firms have considered them. However, what has changed in todays working climate is their breadth and frequency of use, and their complexity. This highlights the need for a comprehensive guide such as this. Indeed, research shows that over 700f strategic alliances fail to deliver the results that were intended from the outset. What makes this book so useful is that it covers a broader range of alliances and has more current case studies than other books currently available. In addition, this comprehensive introduction to the subject provides a base of practical ?how-to-do-it material and......

Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution (The Roundtable Series in Behavioral Economics)

Samuel Bowles

  Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution (The Roundtable Series in Behavioral Economics)  Samuel Bowles  In this novel introduction to modern microeconomic theory, Samuel Bowles returns to the classical economists' interest in the wealth and poverty of nations and people, the workings of the institutions of capitalist economies, and the coevolution of individual preferences and the structures of markets, firms, and other institutions. Using recent advances in evolutionary game theory, contract theory, behavioral experiments, and the modeling of dynamic processes, he develops a theory of how economic institutions shape individual behavior, and how institutions evolve due to individual actions, technological change, and chance events. Topics addressed include institutional innovation, social preferences, nonmarket social interactions, social capital, equilibrium unemployment, credit constraints, economic power, generalized increasing returns, disequilibrium outcomes, and path dependency. Each chapter is introduced by empirical puzzles or historical episodes illuminated by the modeling...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this novel introduction to modern microeconomic theory, Samuel Bowles returns to the classical economists' interest in the wealth and poverty of nations and people, the workings of the institutions of capitalist economies, and the coevolution of individual preferences and the structures of markets, firms, and other institutions. Using recent advances in evolutionary game theory, contract theory, behavioral experiments, and the modeling of dynamic processes, he develops a theory of how economic institutions shape individual behavior, and how institutions evolve due to individual actions, technological change, and chance events. Topics addressed include institutional innovation, social preferences, nonmarket social interactions, social capital, equilibrium unemployment, credit constraints, economic power, generalized increasing returns, disequilibrium outcomes, and path dependency. Each chapter is introduced by empirical puzzles or historical episodes illuminated by the modeling......

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Telephone Techniques. Lin Walker . Книги.

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