Basic Practice of Statistics (Paper), Student CD & Online Study Center

  Basic Practice of Statistics (Paper), Student CD & Online Study Center  David S. Moore  David S. Moore  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин David S. Moore...

Grand Hotels of the Jazz Age: The Architecture of Schultze & Weaver

  Grand Hotels of the Jazz Age: The Architecture of Schultze & Weaver  The Breakers, the Waldorf, the Biltmore, the Sherry, the Pierre—these landmark hotels are synonymous with grand luxury and style. When they were built, in the 1920s, their refined elegance and grandeur set the bar for hotels and resorts the world over. Responsible for creating these and countless other hotels throughout the United States, were the partners of a single architectural firm: Schultze & Weaver. Together, this duo—an architect and an engineer—virtually invented the glamorous lifestyle made famous in films like Grand Hotel . Catering to the social elite of which they were themselves a part, Schultze & Weaver synthesized the Old World style of Renaissance Italy, Moorish Spain, and Georgian England with all of the modern amenities that made hotel living luxurious. This book presents portfolios of fifteen of the firm’s most spectacular hotels, culminating in the Art Moderne masterpiece of the Waldorf-Astoria. Over two hundred period photographs...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Breakers, the Waldorf, the Biltmore, the Sherry, the Pierre—these landmark hotels are synonymous with grand luxury and style. When they were built, in the 1920s, their refined elegance and grandeur set the bar for hotels and resorts the world over. Responsible for creating these and countless other hotels throughout the United States, were the partners of a single architectural firm: Schultze & Weaver. Together, this duo—an architect and an engineer—virtually invented the glamorous lifestyle made famous in films like Grand Hotel . Catering to the social elite of which they were themselves a part, Schultze & Weaver synthesized the Old World style of Renaissance Italy, Moorish Spain, and Georgian England with all of the modern amenities that made hotel living luxurious. This book presents portfolios of fifteen of the firm’s most spectacular hotels, culminating in the Art Moderne masterpiece of the Waldorf-Astoria. Over two hundred period photographs......

Antiquity and Photography: Early Views of Ancient Mediterranean Sites

Claire L. Lyons, John K. Papadopoulos, Lindsey S. Stewart, Andrew Szegedy-Maszak

  Antiquity and Photography: Early Views of Ancient Mediterranean Sites  Claire L. Lyons, John K. Papadopoulos, Lindsey S. Stewart, Andrew Szegedy-Maszak  Following the invention of the daguerreotype and calotype processes in 1839, views of ruins, classical statuary, and the antiquities of the Mediterranean and the Orient were among the first images produced by pioneer photographers. The unique accuracy and immediacy of photographs fundamentally changed aesthetic and scholarly approaches to the artifacts of the past. This groundbreaking book explores the intellectual underpinnings of the relationship between antiquity and photography in the period 1840-1880. Drawing on the extensive collections of the Getty Museum and the Getty Research Institute, this richly illustrated volume presents an introduction to the subject, followed by a detailed discussion of the influence of photography on archaeology, an analysis of the ways antiquity is depicted, and biographical studies of two major photographers, Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey and William James Stillman. Portfolios of works by Maxime Du Camp, John B. Greene, Francis...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Following the invention of the daguerreotype and calotype processes in 1839, views of ruins, classical statuary, and the antiquities of the Mediterranean and the Orient were among the first images produced by pioneer photographers. The unique accuracy and immediacy of photographs fundamentally changed aesthetic and scholarly approaches to the artifacts of the past. This groundbreaking book explores the intellectual underpinnings of the relationship between antiquity and photography in the period 1840-1880. Drawing on the extensive collections of the Getty Museum and the Getty Research Institute, this richly illustrated volume presents an introduction to the subject, followed by a detailed discussion of the influence of photography on archaeology, an analysis of the ways antiquity is depicted, and biographical studies of two major photographers, Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey and William James Stillman. Portfolios of works by Maxime Du Camp, John B. Greene, Francis......

Волки сильнее собак

Мартин Круз Смит

  Волки сильнее собак  Мартин Круз Смит  АСТ, АСТ Москва, ВКТ.   The International Bestseller.   Герой мировых бестселлеров Мартина Круза Смита АСТ, АСТ Москва, ВКТ. The International Bestseller. Герой мировых бестселлеров Мартина Круза Смита "Парк Горького" и "Красная площадь" Аркадий Ренко возвращается! На этот раз ему предстоит расследовать дело о загадочной гибели московского олигарха, выпавшего из окна собственной роскошной квартиры. Самоубийство? На это указывает все. Но Ренко начинает задавать вопросы - и вскоре понимает, что ответы могут стоить жизни не только ему, но и десяткам других людей......


Хейз Дэниел

  Слезовыжималка  Хейз Дэниел  АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель.   Альтернатива.   Оскорбленный писатель готов на все! Похищение отказавшего ему в публикации издателя? Да запросто! Цель — убить злодея? Заставить его страдать? Нет. Понять издательскую психологию, заставляющую отвергать самые талантливые произведения — и «радовать» читателей откровенной бездарностью! Но похитить — это одно... А вот как вытянуть из заартачившегося пленника нужную информацию? Шантаж? Угрозы? Чары «роковой женщины»? Похититель — в растерянности. Зато похищенный лелеет весьма хитрые планы...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель. Альтернатива. Оскорбленный писатель готов на все! Похищение отказавшего ему в публикации издателя? Да запросто! Цель — убить злодея? Заставить его страдать? Нет. Понять издательскую психологию, заставляющую отвергать самые талантливые произведения — и «радовать» читателей откровенной бездарностью! Но похитить — это одно... А вот как вытянуть из заартачившегося пленника нужную информацию? Шантаж? Угрозы? Чары «роковой женщины»? Похититель — в растерянности. Зато похищенный лелеет весьма хитрые планы......

<<<  Finite Element Methods:: Parallel-Sparse Statics and Eigen-Solutions. Duc ...             Spring for Strawberry Shortcake. Monique ... >>>

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Basic Practice of Statistics (Paper), Student CD & Online Study Center. David S. Moore . Книги.

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