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Automorphic Forms and L-Functions for the Group GL(n,R) Dorian Goldfeld
Cambridge University Press. -...
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Collegiate Solutions Troy A. Hatcher
Subjects covered: * Financial Aid Defined * Student Loans for College * Education Tax Incentives * Tax Capacity * Grandparents and Relatives Resources * Controlling the Cost of College * Cash Flow for College and Retirement * Parent Loans for College * College and Retirement Investments * 13 Step to Solving the College and Retirement Dilemma...
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How You Do... What You Do: Create Service Excellence That Wins Clients For Life Bob Livingston
Between the challenges of escalating competition, well-informed clients, and dismal customer service, today's marketplace is becoming more and more crowded. The result is that your clients have more influence and choices than ever before. If you or your organization do not consistently satisfy and surpass their expectations, your clients will take their buying power elsewhere. It's that simple. But by establishing service excellence as your top strategic and cultural priority, you will foster the strong relationships needed to win--and retain--loyal clients. In this breakthrough book, customer service expert Bob Livingston gives you practical tools for transforming your approach to serving clients by strengthening “how you do what you do.” Whether you're a business leader, a client service executive, a sales manager, or an individual, you can differentiate yourself from competition by adopting Livingston's simple yet proven roadmap for achieving Service Excellence. In How......
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Equatorial Guinea Business Intelligence Report (World Foreign Policy and Government Library) (World Foreign Policy and Government Library) Ibp Usa
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Automorphic Forms and L-Functions for the Group GL(n,R). Dorian Goldfeld . Книги.
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