The Lost Language of Cranes: A Novel

David Leavitt

  The Lost Language of Cranes: A Novel  David Leavitt  David Leavitt's extraordinary first novel, now reissued in paperback, is a seminal work about family, sexual identity, home, and loss. Set in the 1980s against the backdrop of a swiftly gentrifying Manhattan, The Lost Language of Cranes tells the story of twenty-five-year-old Philip, who realizes he must come out to his parents after falling in love for the first time with a man. Philip's parents are facing their own crisis: pressure from developers and the loss of their longtime home. But the real threat to this family is Philip's father's own struggle with his latent homosexuality, realized only in his Sunday afternoon visits to gay porn theaters. Philip's admission to his parents and his father's hidden life provoke changes that forever alter the landscape of their worlds.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин David Leavitt's extraordinary first novel, now reissued in paperback, is a seminal work about family, sexual identity, home, and loss. Set in the 1980s against the backdrop of a swiftly gentrifying Manhattan, The Lost Language of Cranes tells the story of twenty-five-year-old Philip, who realizes he must come out to his parents after falling in love for the first time with a man. Philip's parents are facing their own crisis: pressure from developers and the loss of their longtime home. But the real threat to this family is Philip's father's own struggle with his latent homosexuality, realized only in his Sunday afternoon visits to gay porn theaters. Philip's admission to his parents and his father's hidden life provoke changes that forever alter the landscape of their worlds....

Let the Words

  Let the Words  Yona Wallach  Yona Wallach  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Yona Wallach...

Upgrading Visual Basic 6.0 Applications to Visual Basic .NET and Visual Basic 2005 (Patterns & Practices)

  Upgrading Visual Basic 6.0 Applications to Visual Basic .NET and Visual Basic 2005 (Patterns & Practices)  Ed Robinson, Michael Bond  Ed Robinson, Michael Bond  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ed Robinson, Michael Bond...

Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Patterns for Resource Management

Michael Kircher, Prashant Jain

  Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Patterns for Resource Management  Michael Kircher, Prashant Jain  Wiley.   The first volume of the POSA pattern series introduced a broad-spectrum of general-purpose patterns in software design and architecture. The secondA narrowed the focus to fundamental patterns for building sophisticated concurrent and networked software systems and applications. This volume uses design patterns to present techniques for implementing effective resource management in a system. The patterns are covered in detail making use of several examplesA providing directions to the readers on how to implement the presented patterns. Additionally, the volume presents a thorough introduction into resource management and a case study where the patterns are applied to the domain of mobile radio networks. The patterns are grouped by different areas of resource management and hence address the complete lifecycle of resources: resource acquisition, coordination and release.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wiley. The first volume of the POSA pattern series introduced a broad-spectrum of general-purpose patterns in software design and architecture. The secondA narrowed the focus to fundamental patterns for building sophisticated concurrent and networked software systems and applications. This volume uses design patterns to present techniques for implementing effective resource management in a system. The patterns are covered in detail making use of several examplesA providing directions to the readers on how to implement the presented patterns. Additionally, the volume presents a thorough introduction into resource management and a case study where the patterns are applied to the domain of mobile radio networks. The patterns are grouped by different areas of resource management and hence address the complete lifecycle of resources: resource acquisition, coordination and release....

Thomson Advantage Books: This is PR: The Realities of Public Relations (with InfoTrac) (Thomson Advantage Books)

Doug Newsom, Judy Turk, Dean Kruckeberg

  Thomson Advantage Books: This is PR: The Realities of Public Relations (with InfoTrac) (Thomson Advantage Books)  Doug Newsom, Judy Turk, Dean Kruckeberg  THIS IS PR: THE REALITIES OF PUBLIC RELATIONS provides information and guidance that will be useful to the experienced public relations practitioner as well as to the beginning student. Students are introduced to the world of public relations through a strong emphasis on the fundamentals, such as history and research, as well as emerging issues, such as technology, ethics, and the international aspects of public relations. With numerous examples, strategies, tactics and case studies, students are sure to be engaged and prepared!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин THIS IS PR: THE REALITIES OF PUBLIC RELATIONS provides information and guidance that will be useful to the experienced public relations practitioner as well as to the beginning student. Students are introduced to the world of public relations through a strong emphasis on the fundamentals, such as history and research, as well as emerging issues, such as technology, ethics, and the international aspects of public relations. With numerous examples, strategies, tactics and case studies, students are sure to be engaged and prepared!...

<<<  Астрологический прогноз на 2008 год. Стрелец. ...             Spring for Strawberry Shortcake. Monique ... >>>

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The Lost Language of Cranes: A Novel. David Leavitt . Книги.

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