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Дом с видом на убийство Владимир Цыбульский
АСТ, Астрель, Русь-Олимп. Детектив. Он, она и соперник. Любовный треугольник в тихом дачном поселке. Все меняется после убийства ее сестры и попыток раскрыть преступление. Дачная пастораль оборачивается форменным кошмаром с преследованиями, обманом, ложными следами, взрывами, новыми смертями и почти безуспешными попытками понять - кто, за кем и почему ведет охоту. Путь к раскрытию тайны опасен и тернист. Открывается он вдруг. И совсем не так, как ожидалось....
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The Nature of Woman Deborah Lee Davis
Book DescriptionThis beautiful hardcover book of photography gives visual and poetic tribute to the spirit and earthiness of womankind. The author's choice of the deep and stirring subject matter, her keen eye for the subtleties of spirit revealing itself in every day moments, conveys her profound love and appreciation of humankind. Her selection of photos emerging from this appreciation of human beings and their plight is informed as well by the author's great respect for nature, animals, the mountains and the elements. This book celebrates woman, and womankind in general, in its beautiful choice of faces, stories, poetry and images. These photographs will speak for themselves, as they touch the reader in long forgotten places....
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Living Jewels: The Natural Design of Beetles (Minis) Poul Beckmann
Book DescriptionAttractive, affordable, and adorable, these miniature versions of popular Prestel titles are the perfect gifts. They?re packed with color, yet small enough to fit into a pocket or purse. They?re as inviting to the eye as they are to the wallet. And there are titles to suit every occasion, taste, and interest. Like all of Prestel?s products, these "Minis" feature amazing artwork of all kinds, elegantly designed and packaged. Whether it?s a birthday, anniversary, holiday, or just time for a pick-me-up, these miniature treasures prove that little things mean a lot....
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The Book of Wizards: Stories of Enchantment From Near and Far Ronald G. Witt
Thunder's Mouth Press. The Book of Wizards combines the works of contemporary authors such as Jane Yolen, Philip Pullman, Diane Duane, Garth Nix, William Nicholson, and Aoin Colfer with classic stories from writers such as E. Nesbit, George Macdonald, Frank L. Baum, and Edward Eager. The result is another magical collection of stories that capture the imagination and mesmerize the reader-a surefire bet for Harry Potter fans, both young and old. Young children and teenagers who pine for the next Potter book willbe thrilled to discover that the world of wonderful magic stories extends well beyond today's most familiar authors. Moreover, parents will enjoy sharing these stories of imagination and enchantment with their younger children-and will want to sneak the stories back into their own beds for further reading after the kids are asleep....
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Hadji Murad (Modern Library Classics) Leo Tolstoy
Book DescriptionIn 1851 Leo Tolstoy enlisted in the Russian army and was sent to the Caucasus to help defeat the Chechens. During this war a great Avar chieftain, Hadji Murad, broke with the Chechen leader Shamil and fled to the Russians for safety.Months later, while attempting to rescue his family from Shamil’s prison, Hadji Murad was pursued by those he had betrayed and, after fighting the most heroic battle of his life, was killed. Tolstoy, witness to many of the events leading to Hadji Murad’s death, set down this story with painstaking accuracy to preserve for future generations the horror, nobility, and destruction inherent in war.Download DescriptionThis Hadji Murad was Shamil's naib, famous for his exploits, who used never to ride out without his banner and some dozens of murids, who caracoled and showed off before him. Now wrapped in a hood and burka, from under which protruded a rifle, he rode, a fugitive with one murid only, trying to......
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Дом с видом на убийство. Владимир Цыбульский . Книги.
Сургут, Воронеж, Волгодонск, Рубцовск, Новороссийск, Новороссийск, Новочебоксарск, Ногинск, Орехово-Зуево, Копейск, Сыктывкар, Артём, Батайск, Москва , Улан-Удэ, Махачкала, Камышин, Березники, Саратов, Таганрог, Коломна, Королёв, Назрань, Сыктывкар, Прокопьевск, Южно-Сахалинск, Ачинск, Калининград, Орск, Чебоксары, Новосибирск,
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