Who Do I Look Like?

Mary Schulte

  Who Do I Look Like?  Mary Schulte  Children's Press.   A Rookie Reader.   All Rookie Readers actively engage young readers, encouraging language development, building fluency, and promoting independent reading. By targeting a skill, like learning about repetitive text, young readers are building fundamental reading skills with the help of fun, lively, colorfully illustrated stories. Формат издания: 16 см х 18,5 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Children's Press. A Rookie Reader. All Rookie Readers actively engage young readers, encouraging language development, building fluency, and promoting independent reading. By targeting a skill, like learning about repetitive text, young readers are building fundamental reading skills with the help of fun, lively, colorfully illustrated stories. Формат издания: 16 см х 18,5 см....

Ее маленькая тайна

Татьяна Полякова

  Ее маленькая тайна  Татьяна Полякова  Эксмо.   Авантюрный детектив.   Способна ли молодая женщина, бывшая учительница литературы, объявить войну мафии? Варя Салтыкова случайно становится жертвой бандитской разборки. Чудом избежав гибели, после нескольких сложнейших операций Варвара обнаруживает в себе таинственный дар... Уехав из родного города и заработав кругленькую сумму Эксмо. Авантюрный детектив. Способна ли молодая женщина, бывшая учительница литературы, объявить войну мафии? Варя Салтыкова случайно становится жертвой бандитской разборки. Чудом избежав гибели, после нескольких сложнейших операций Варвара обнаруживает в себе таинственный дар... Уехав из родного города и заработав кругленькую сумму "предательством", Варя делает пластическую операцию и возвращается домой. И вот тут-то бандиты города начинают получать сюрприз за сюрпризом. Да такие, что среди них возникает настоящая паника......

4 закона переговоров. Аудиосеминар (аудиокнига MP3)

Игорь Альтшулер

  4 закона переговоров. Аудиосеминар (аудиокнига MP3)  Игорь Альтшулер  Аудио-Консалт.   3-4-5.   Как подготовиться к переговорам - информационно, психологически и тактически? Какие стадии выделяются в переговорном процессе? Что скрывается за четырьмя словами - люди, интересы, варианты, критерии? Как выбрать свой подход и свой переговорный стиль? Легко ли научиться слушать? Нужно ли бояться возражений? Как освоить искусство управления вопросами? Конфликты и манипуляции - это угроза или возможность? Зачем нужны записи на переговорах и Аудио-Консалт. 3-4-5. Как подготовиться к переговорам - информационно, психологически и тактически? Какие стадии выделяются в переговорном процессе? Что скрывается за четырьмя словами - люди, интересы, варианты, критерии? Как выбрать свой подход и свой переговорный стиль? Легко ли научиться слушать? Нужно ли бояться возражений? Как освоить искусство управления вопросами? Конфликты и манипуляции - это угроза или возможность? Зачем нужны записи на переговорах и "туз в рукаве"? В каких случаях следует привлекать посредников или модераторов? Как использовать эмоциональный багаж - свой и оппонента? На эти и многие другие вопросы отвечает известный бизнес-консультант Игорь Альтшулер в краткой версии своего семинара "4 закона переговоров"....

Pots and Pans or Studies in Still-Life Painting

Arthur Edwin Bye

  Pots and Pans or Studies in Still-Life Painting  Arthur Edwin Bye  POTS AND PANS OR STUDIES IN STILL-LIFE PAINTING BY ARTHUR EDWIN BYE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON LONDON HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS t KMIL CAHLttKN, MAN A1UN BKAIXS TO PREFACE Still-life painting is a field of artistic activity which has been neglected by writers. Countless volumes have been published dealing with art epochs, or the great na tional schools of painting, religious painting, figure painting, illuminated manuscripts, book illustrations, engraving, etc. There are few books, however, dealing with special problems in painting such as that of land scape. No volume discussing the particular problem of still-life painting, either historically or aesthetically, has, to my knowledge, ever appeared. It has been my aim to remedy this apparent lack. Still-life painting is a modest art. The pots and pans, or the fruit and flowers, the humble elements composing a still-life picture, perforce make the painter and his art as modest as themselves. And so, in keeping...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин POTS AND PANS OR STUDIES IN STILL-LIFE PAINTING BY ARTHUR EDWIN BYE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON LONDON HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS t KMIL CAHLttKN, MAN A1UN BKAIXS TO PREFACE Still-life painting is a field of artistic activity which has been neglected by writers. Countless volumes have been published dealing with art epochs, or the great na tional schools of painting, religious painting, figure painting, illuminated manuscripts, book illustrations, engraving, etc. There are few books, however, dealing with special problems in painting such as that of land scape. No volume discussing the particular problem of still-life painting, either historically or aesthetically, has, to my knowledge, ever appeared. It has been my aim to remedy this apparent lack. Still-life painting is a modest art. The pots and pans, or the fruit and flowers, the humble elements composing a still-life picture, perforce make the painter and his art as modest as themselves. And so, in keeping......

Khomeini: Life of the Ayatollah

Baqer Moin

  Khomeini: Life of the Ayatollah  Baqer Moin  When the Ayatollah Khomeini burst onto the international scene in the late 1970s, radical Islam became a factor of political life that would change the world. And with the Iranian Revolution that Khomeini led in 1978/79, religion once more moved center stage in world politics. Who was this frail octogenarian who became the inspiration for a new militant Islam? Khomeini was the most radical Muslim leader of this age. He launched an Islamic revival movement which quickly turned him into a hero for his supporters and a villain for his enemies. In the process, Khomeini became one of the seminal figures of the modern age. Still an enigma in the West, Khomeini transformed the Middle East and the world. But where did the man come from? What was his childhood and family background? How did the turbulent events in Iran during his youth shape Khomeini's politics? What changed him from an obscure traditional theologian into a competitive and vengeful radical set to reshape the Middle East? With...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин When the Ayatollah Khomeini burst onto the international scene in the late 1970s, radical Islam became a factor of political life that would change the world. And with the Iranian Revolution that Khomeini led in 1978/79, religion once more moved center stage in world politics. Who was this frail octogenarian who became the inspiration for a new militant Islam? Khomeini was the most radical Muslim leader of this age. He launched an Islamic revival movement which quickly turned him into a hero for his supporters and a villain for his enemies. In the process, Khomeini became one of the seminal figures of the modern age. Still an enigma in the West, Khomeini transformed the Middle East and the world. But where did the man come from? What was his childhood and family background? How did the turbulent events in Iran during his youth shape Khomeini's politics? What changed him from an obscure traditional theologian into a competitive and vengeful radical set to reshape the Middle East? With......

<<<  Рисуем с Хрюшей. Самоучитель рисования.              Spring for Strawberry Shortcake. Monique ... >>>

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Who Do I Look Like?. Mary Schulte . Книги.

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