Geni@l: Deutsch als Fremdsprache fur Jugendliche: Intensivtrainer A2

Lutz Rohmann

  Geni@l: Deutsch als Fremdsprache fur Jugendliche: Intensivtrainer A2  Lutz Rohmann  Langenscheidt.   Der Intensivtrainer A2: Enthalt zu jeder Einheit des Kursbuchs zusatzliche Ubungen, Ermbglicht selbststandiges Wiederholen und Vertiefen von Wortschatz und Grammatik, Fasst die wichtigsten Worter und Satze am Ende jeder Einheit zusammen; Erlaubt die eigenstandige Uberprufung der Arbeitsergebnisse durch einen Losungsschlussel zu allen Aufgaben. Формат: 19,5 см х 26,5 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Langenscheidt. Der Intensivtrainer A2: Enthalt zu jeder Einheit des Kursbuchs zusatzliche Ubungen, Ermbglicht selbststandiges Wiederholen und Vertiefen von Wortschatz und Grammatik, Fasst die wichtigsten Worter und Satze am Ende jeder Einheit zusammen; Erlaubt die eigenstandige Uberprufung der Arbeitsergebnisse durch einen Losungsschlussel zu allen Aufgaben. Формат: 19,5 см х 26,5 см....

American English: Wild America Stage 3 (Longman Readers)

T Cox

  American English: Wild America Stage 3 (Longman Readers)  T Cox  A reading book designed to give students at elementary to lower intermediate level a feeling for the USA, its people and its culture. In this book the wide open spaces of America are featured, such as national parks like Yellowstone, as well as deserts, mountains and swamps.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A reading book designed to give students at elementary to lower intermediate level a feeling for the USA, its people and its culture. In this book the wide open spaces of America are featured, such as national parks like Yellowstone, as well as deserts, mountains and swamps....

Classical Circuit Theory (Lecture Notes in Chemistry)

Omar Wing

  Classical Circuit Theory (Lecture Notes in Chemistry)  Omar Wing  This book begins with the basic principles of circuits, derives their analytic properties in both the time and frequency domains, and states and proves the two important theorems. It then develops an algorithmic method to design common and uncommon types of circuits, such as prototype filters, lumped delay lines, constant phase difference circuits, and delay equalizers. The material also discusses the relation between gain and phase, linear and minimum phase functions, group delay, sensitivity functions, scattering matrix, synthesis of transfer functions, approximation of filter functions, all-pass circuits, and circuit design by optimization. This book fills a need for a modern text on the mathematical foundations of passive circuits in general and passive filter design in particular. The mathematical foundations are what classical circuit theory, which is the subject of this book, is all about. It is old, but it has survived the test of time and it is still relevant today because...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book begins with the basic principles of circuits, derives their analytic properties in both the time and frequency domains, and states and proves the two important theorems. It then develops an algorithmic method to design common and uncommon types of circuits, such as prototype filters, lumped delay lines, constant phase difference circuits, and delay equalizers. The material also discusses the relation between gain and phase, linear and minimum phase functions, group delay, sensitivity functions, scattering matrix, synthesis of transfer functions, approximation of filter functions, all-pass circuits, and circuit design by optimization. This book fills a need for a modern text on the mathematical foundations of passive circuits in general and passive filter design in particular. The mathematical foundations are what classical circuit theory, which is the subject of this book, is all about. It is old, but it has survived the test of time and it is still relevant today because......

The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Illustrated Dictionary of Orchid Genera (Comstock Book)

Peggy Alrich, Wesley Higgins

  The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Illustrated Dictionary of Orchid Genera (Comstock Book)  Peggy Alrich, Wesley Higgins  "The hundreds of orchid genera and thousands of species can seem unbelievably complex, but they are beautiful, mysterious, and alluring. Therefore we want reliable ways in which to refer to them--ways that will be understood by those who hear us or read our written communications about these plants. The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Illustrated Dictionary of Orchid Genera will become a convenient reference for those many people who are fascinated by orchids. By referring to this guide, one can find a secure mooring for any species of orchid, one that makes it possible to understand its relatives and its place in the galaxy of orchid variation."--from the Foreword by Peter H. Raven The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Illustrated Dictionary of Orchid Genera is the most comprehensive and extensively illustrated account of orchid genera to date. Its concise entries provide details of nomenclature, classification, original publication, etymology, and geographic range, along with a brief......

Графиня де Монсальви

Жюльетта Бенцони

  Графиня де Монсальви  Жюльетта Бенцони  Дрофа.   Семейный роман.   Столетняя война французского народа против английских захватчиков, взятие Парижа, восстание в Брюгге, чума в Оверни, осада и защита замка Монсальви, трагедия, постигшая Катрин, и мужество, с которым она и ее друзья преодолевают многочисленные невзгоды грозной судьбы, - вот увлекательный фон, на котором разыгрываются события книг Жюльетты Бенцони.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Дрофа. Семейный роман. Столетняя война французского народа против английских захватчиков, взятие Парижа, восстание в Брюгге, чума в Оверни, осада и защита замка Монсальви, трагедия, постигшая Катрин, и мужество, с которым она и ее друзья преодолевают многочисленные невзгоды грозной судьбы, - вот увлекательный фон, на котором разыгрываются события книг Жюльетты Бенцони....

<<<  French Architectural Ornament: From Versailles, Fontainebleau and ...             Розенкрейцеры в Советской России. Документы 1922-1937 гг..  >>>

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Geni@l: Deutsch als Fremdsprache fur Jugendliche: Intensivtrainer A2. Lutz Rohmann . Книги.

Воронеж, Камышин, Великие Луки, Улан-Удэ, Сургут, Глазов, Волгодонск, Москва, Каменск-Уральский, Хабаровск, Йошкар-Ола, Прокопьевск, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Междуреченск, Москва, Дербент, Невинномысск, Курган, Глазов, Владимир, Хабаровск, Ростов-на-Дону, Миасс, Кемерово, Киров, Красноярск, Кызыл, Миасс, Глазов, Невинномысск,
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