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Information Communication Technologies And Emerging Business Strategies
In the information communication technologies (ICT) field, there is a vacuum among disciplines, as well as between business research and academic studies, due to the rapid development of new technologies. Information Communication Technologies and Emerging Business Strategies fills this void by following an interdisciplinary approach to emerging markets, information and communication technologies. Information Communication Technologies and Emerging Business Strategies creates awareness of changes in cultures of lifestyle consumption, which is both theoretically and empirically explored across multiple nations. This yields insight into the relationships between emerging businesses utilizing cutting-edge technologies and cultural perspectives, from the viewpoint of consumers....
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How to Read People Like a Book Murray Oxman
Spotting personality quirks upfront can often make any interaction go much more smoothly. How to Read People Like a Book gives readers a leg up in any social situation by pointing out, and explaining, the 50 most common personality types they'll confront--and how to handle them successfully. Includes advice on how to handle people categorized the following ways: 8. Actors 18. Cupid 31. Power 42. Attachments 46. Good Through unique personality traits, eye contact, word choice and exposed feelings, How to Read People Like a Book teaches readers how to spot trouble immediately....
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The African Food Crisis: Lessons from the Asian Green Revolution (Cabi Publishing)
This book is the outcome of a three-year project coordinated by a group of Swedish researchers and with collaborating scholars from Africa and Asia. It provides a comparative study between Asian agricultural development during the Green Revolution in food production and the current problematic agricultural situation in sub-Saharan Africa. Case studies of eight African and eight Asian countries (focusing on the early part of the Green Revolution) were carried out. Based on these studies the book presents a causal and explanatory model of Asian green revolutions and discusses why it has occurred in Asia, but not in Africa....
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Complexity, Learning and Organizations W. Baets
In this innovative and thought-provoking book, the author takes an original look at some of the new ways of understanding how organizations work including complexity, chaos theory and quantum structures. In a readable and accessible style, Walter Baet's argues that we need a new way of looking at the world and at human systems, in organizations and in society as a whole. He proposes a holistic management approach which is in direct opposition to the short-term shareholder value driven approach which dominates much management practice. The aim is to encourage the emergence of a new type of learning within organizations. To illustrate this, he discusses self-organizing systems, the complexity paradigm, the nature and use of knowledge; management learning at both the organizational and individual level and personal development. Finally, he argues in favor of considering business and economics as a network of agents that operate based on synchronicity - the quantum structure of......
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Воспалительные заболевания придатков матки Д. Ф. Курбанова
Медицина. Монография посвящена актуальной проблеме гинекологии - воспалительным заболеваниям придатков матки. Особое внимание уделено вопросам патогенеза данной патологии: изучены уровни экспрессии генов цитокинов мононуклеарными клетками крови и клеточными элементами, присутствующими в тканях воспаленных участков маточных труб. Предложен дифференцированный подход к лечению в зависимости от возраста женщины, состояния ее репродуктивной функции и тяжести поражения в очаге воспаления. Для акушеров-гинекологов....
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Information Communication Technologies And Emerging Business Strategies. . Книги.
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