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Building: 3000 Years of Design, Engineering and Construction Bill Addis
Phaidon Press. "Building: 3000 Years of Design, Engineering, and Construction" traces the history of modern building engineering in the Western world from ancient times to the present, bringing to life the key people, buildings, and concepts that have influenced engineering and architecture over the millennia. This comprehensive and heavily illustrated volume documents the classic texts, instruments, materials, and theories that have propelled modern engineering, and the famous and not-so-famous buildings that have resulted through the ages, from the Parthenon to Chartres Cathedral and the dome of St Peter's, from eighteenth-century silk and cotton mills in England to the Crystal Palace, and from the first Chicago high-rises to the Sydney Opera House and the "green" skyscrapers of today. Формат: 21,5 см х 25 см....
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Deutsch: Lehrbuch: 6 klasse / Немецкий язык. 6 класс И. Л. Бим, Л. В. Садомова, Л. М. Санникова
Просвещение. Академический школьный учебник. Учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений....
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Darkside: Lifeblood Tom Becker
Scholastic. Darkside's mean streets are getting meaner. There's a vicious killer abroad, and Jonathan and Carnegie aren't even close to catching him. But when Jonathan discovers his mother was investigating a similar crime the day she disappeared, the trail leads uncomfortably close to home. Soon he finds himself embroiled in the borough's most dangerous secret - and its most dangerous family… Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см....
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Business Games Jenny Mawer
Language Teaching Publications. "Business Games" is a resource book for teachers of business English. The activities are photocopiable and are designed as a source of motivating supplementary material. "Business Games" contains Problems, Issues and Ethics, which promote lively class discussion with the minimum of fuss and preparation for teacher and students. Immediately usable. 19 Problems at different levels. 24 Issues to stimulate debate. 28 contemporary Ethical Dilemmas. Full notes on how to use the material. "Business Games" is versatile and motivating material - providing ready-made the kind of activities all teachers wish they had the time to write. For a wide range of levels. Easy to set up. "Business Games" will save you hours of preparation....
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Сон на миллион. Как разбогатеть, выйти замуж, найти престижную работу, используя свои сны М. и А. Краснощековы
Эксмо. Магический ключ. Дорогие читатели! Эта книга, как одеяло, кровать и подушка, нужна в каждой спальне! Без нее вы без пользы и толку проспите треть своей жизни! С помощью этой книги вы овладеете уникальной системой записи снов и сможете выиграть в лотерею, успешно сдать экзамены, найти любовь и выгодную работу. Вы думали, спальня место для сна?! Так было до появления этой книги! Теперь вы будете ночь за ночью ковать здесь деньги, славу, удачу, карьеру, семейное счастье! Долой домино, телевизор и пиво! Марш немедленно в кровать! Смотреть золотые сны…...
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На главную
Building: 3000 Years of Design, Engineering and Construction. Bill Addis . Книги.
Рубцовск, Саратов, Нефтеюганск, Красноярск, Кызыл, Северск, Шахты,
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