Зарубежная фантастика. Выпуск 13/2. Валентайн Понтифик

Р. Силверберг

  Зарубежная фантастика. Выпуск 13/2. Валентайн Понтифик  Р. Силверберг  ЭЯ.   Зарубежная фантастика.   Зарубежная фантастика. Выпуск 13/2. Валентайн Понтифик.   Издание 1993 года. Сохранность хорошая. Роман ЭЯ. Зарубежная фантастика. Зарубежная фантастика. Выпуск 13/2. Валентайн Понтифик. Издание 1993 года. Сохранность хорошая. Роман "Замок лорда Валентайна" - это удивительная история о невероятных приключениях Коронованного Маджипуры Валентайна, в результате которых он потерял не только трон, но и свое тело и память. А чем закончились его злоключения и скитания, вы узнаете, прочитав роман....

Hawkers and Walkers in Early America

Richardson Wright

  Hawkers and Walkers in Early America  Richardson Wright  1927. This volume tells the tale of strolling peddlers, preachers, lawyers, doctors, players and others, from the beginning to the Civil War. Contents: Yankee peddler; rise of the Yankee peddler; Yankee notions; peddlers in little things; peddlers and big business; decline of Yankee peddling; workmen of the road; healing and justice take to the highway; artist as an itinerant; peddlers of the word; terpsichore perambulant; Puritan beings to smile; circus and theater start on tour; queer customers; local vendors and street cries; commercial wanderers of waterways; carriers of good and the mail. Illustrated throughout.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин 1927. This volume tells the tale of strolling peddlers, preachers, lawyers, doctors, players and others, from the beginning to the Civil War. Contents: Yankee peddler; rise of the Yankee peddler; Yankee notions; peddlers in little things; peddlers and big business; decline of Yankee peddling; workmen of the road; healing and justice take to the highway; artist as an itinerant; peddlers of the word; terpsichore perambulant; Puritan beings to smile; circus and theater start on tour; queer customers; local vendors and street cries; commercial wanderers of waterways; carriers of good and the mail. Illustrated throughout....

The Spirit of Regeneration: Andean Culture Confronting Western Notions of Development (Spirit Regeneration)

Frederique Apfeel-Marglin

  The Spirit of Regeneration: Andean Culture Confronting Western Notions of Development (Spirit Regeneration)  Frederique Apfeel-Marglin  This volume assembles for the first time in English a selection of the work which a group of Peruvian development specialists of peasant background have initiated since 1987. Their starting point is that development itself is the problem because itsepistemologies and practices are alien to the indigenous peasantry. Instead, they believe that the native cultural and agricultural systems in the Andes are very much alive, environmentally respectful, and embody a viable, even if totally different, modeof being and understanding from the industrial West. The contributors to this volume, all of them Peruvians, present different facets of this Andean worldview which, while able to absorb elements from other cultures, exists on its own terms and within its own ongoing cosmology.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume assembles for the first time in English a selection of the work which a group of Peruvian development specialists of peasant background have initiated since 1987. Their starting point is that development itself is the problem because itsepistemologies and practices are alien to the indigenous peasantry. Instead, they believe that the native cultural and agricultural systems in the Andes are very much alive, environmentally respectful, and embody a viable, even if totally different, modeof being and understanding from the industrial West. The contributors to this volume, all of them Peruvians, present different facets of this Andean worldview which, while able to absorb elements from other cultures, exists on its own terms and within its own ongoing cosmology....

Nonparametric Econometrics

Adrian Pagan, Aman Ullah

  Nonparametric Econometrics  Adrian Pagan, Aman Ullah  This book systematically and thoroughly covers a vast literature on the nonparametric and semiparametric statistics and econometrics that has evolved over the past five decades. Within this framework, this is the first book to discuss the principles of the nonparametric approach to the topics covered in a first year graduate course in econometrics, e.g., regression function, heteroskedasticity, simultaneous equations models, logit-probit and censored models. Professors Pagan and Ullah provide intuitive explanations of difficult concepts, heuristic developments of theory, and empirical examples emphasizing the usefulness of modern nonparametric approach. The book should provide a new perspective on teaching and research in applied subjects in general and econometrics and statistics in particular.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book systematically and thoroughly covers a vast literature on the nonparametric and semiparametric statistics and econometrics that has evolved over the past five decades. Within this framework, this is the first book to discuss the principles of the nonparametric approach to the topics covered in a first year graduate course in econometrics, e.g., regression function, heteroskedasticity, simultaneous equations models, logit-probit and censored models. Professors Pagan and Ullah provide intuitive explanations of difficult concepts, heuristic developments of theory, and empirical examples emphasizing the usefulness of modern nonparametric approach. The book should provide a new perspective on teaching and research in applied subjects in general and econometrics and statistics in particular....

The Secret Sins of Economics

Deirdre N. McCloskey

  The Secret Sins of Economics  Deirdre N. McCloskey  Deirdre McCloskey's work in economics always calls into question its reputation as Deirdre McCloskey's work in economics always calls into question its reputation as "the dismal science." She writes with passion and an unusually wide scope, drawing on literature and intellectual history in exciting, if unorthodox, ways. In this pamphlet, McCloskey reveals what she sees as the secret sins of economics that no one will discuss--two sins that "cripple" economics as a "scientific enterprise."...

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Зарубежная фантастика. Выпуск 13/2. Валентайн Понтифик. Р. Силверберг . Книги.

Набережные Челны, Кисловодск, Орёл, Новотроицк, Владикавказ, Новороссийск, Москва , Дзержинск, Пенза, СергиевПосад, Ярославль, Ярославль, НижнийНовгород, Москва, Йошкар-Ола, Москва, СергиевПосад, Петрозаводск, Нальчик, Грозный, Шахты, Нальчик, Миасс, Томск, Назрань, Муром, Чебоксары, Липецк, Калуга, Новый Уренгой,
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