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Основы фэн-шуй и медитации
АСТ, Астрель. Фэн-шуй, ставший в последнее время весьма популярным на Западе, воспринимается большинством людей лишь как учение о благоустройстве помещений. На самом деле фэн-шуй - древнекитайское учение, указывающее пути к достижению гармонии с окружающей человека средой. Узнаете о пяти элементах фэн-шуй, о значении в его учении древних символов Инь и ЯН, конечно, научитесь использовать его в жизни....
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Knowledge, Technological Catch-Up and Economic Growth Mark Rogers
Book DescriptionKnowledge, Technological Catch-up and Economic Growth investigates the relationship between knowledge diffusion and economic growth. Using a broad definition of knowledge - encompassing technology, production skills, know-how and firm capabilities - the central argument of the book is that the extent of knowledge diffusion is an important determinant of economic growth. Mark Rogers uses both neoclassical and endogenous growth models to construct testable hypotheses in order to gauge whether countries that are good at acquiring and diffusing new knowledge actually do achieve faster economic growth. His empirical analysis uses new data on communications, international business links, and study abroad in order to proxy absorptive capability and to test these hypotheses. Arguing that existing research on the role of knowledge is underdeveloped, the book aims to convince mainstream economists who perceive knowledge as conceptually vague and too difficult to measure,......
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Europe and the Politics of Capabilities
Book DescriptionThe social agenda of the European Union is shifting towards broad social initiatives that align social and economic objectives with the promotion of employment. This calls for an action framework that allows social dialogue and political deliberation to inform and complement legislative action at all levels. The debate however has been dominated by advocates of market-based solutions and their opponents, the supporters of traditional welfare states. This book, to break with this sterile stalemate, demonstrates how an employment-oriented social policy in Europe can develop from a new, different set of policy principles, specifically 'a capability approach'. Taking inspiration from the work of Amartya Sen, this book focuses on the effectivefreedom people need to achieve their goals in life and work. The result of ongoing collaboration between researchers and social actors, it will appeal to social scientists, students, policy makers and all those concerned with the......
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Business Ethics : A Global and Managerial Perspective David J Fritzsche
Book DescriptionFritzsche's: Business Ethics: A Global and Managerial Perspective 2e, integrates sociological theories and codes of morale that a manager might face in the modern business world. This paperback combines research and theory with real world examples and cases, discussion questions, and interactive "what would you do" situations....
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Marketing Across Cultures (4th Edition) Jean-Claude Usunier
Book Description Marketing Across Cultures offers a different approach to global marketing, based on the recognition of diversity in world markets and on local consumer knowledge and marketing practices. The text adopts a cultural approach to international marketing, which has two main dimensions: · A cross-cultural approach compares national marketing systems and local commercial customs in various countries. · An intercultural approach, which is centred on the study of interaction between business people from different cultures. The book is invaluable for senior undergraduate students who have studied a marketing management course and Postgraduate students (MBA in particular) for an international marketing course. For those who wish to improve their cultural awareness, this is essential reading....
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Основы фэн-шуй и медитации. . Книги.
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