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Czech Republic Mineral & Mining Sector Investment and Business Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library) Ibp Usa
Czech Republic Mineral & Mining Sector Investment and Business Guide...
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Doing Business and Investing in Equatorial Guinea Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library) Ibp Usa
Doing Business and Investing in Equatorial Guinea Guide...
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Entrepreneurship, Economic Growth and Economic Development in American Counties: Determinants, Consequences, and Implications Erick P.C. Chang
America is a nation where a strong entrepreneurial culture establishes favorable conditions for subsequent entrepreneurship activity. I develop and test a model that comprises the determinants and consequences of new venture creation in American counties. The empirical results using a sample of 2,300 counties support direct and mediation effects between determinants of new venture creation and economic development and growthThis study contributes to knowledge by empirically testing an existing framework of entrepreneurship as well as assessing how new venture creation improves the economic development and growth in American counties. Particularly, the study finds environmental determinants to foster new venture creation and confirms the contention that new venture creation contributes to improve the economic conditions of a region.Recommendations for future theoretical and empirical research as well as practical implications for entrepreneurs and policymakers are also discussed....
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F# for Scientists Jon Harrop
If you’re a computationally-oriented researcher, scientist, or developer who needs to learn the basics of functional programming, .NET and scientific computing, F# for Scientists will bring you up to speed with basic syntax and programming language concepts. Written in a clear and concise style with practical and enlightening examples, this book is accessible and easy to understand. By reviewing the Visual Studio screen shots that illustrate compilation, debugging and interactive use, you will understand both the functional aspects of F# and the object-oriented task-based features that make F# so useful in practice....
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Джек Лондон. Собрание сочинений. Том 5. Белый Клык. Путешествие на "Ослепительном" Джек Лондон
Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Белгород, Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Харьков. Джек Лондон. Собрание сочинений ("Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Белгород", "Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Харьков"). Белый Клык, Любовь к жизни, Любовь к жизни, Бурый Волк, История Киша, Путь ложных солнц, Трус Негор, Путешествие на "Ослепительном". В очередной том собрания сочинений Джека Лондона вошли повести и рассказы. "Белый Клык" - одно из лучших в мировой литературе произведений о братьях наших меньших. Повесть "Путешествие на "Ослепительном" имеет автобиографическую основу и дает представление об истоках формирования американского национального характера, так же как и цикл рассказов "Любовь к жизни"....
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Czech Republic Mineral & Mining Sector Investment and Business Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.
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